So is this really what Skyrim's graphics look like?

He's a Daedric Prince.
That means a wizard did it.
Well that is a console screenshot, I guess it would look betteron a good pc.
Crni Vuk said:sea said:As I said: Oblivion has a great underlying framework and huge potential for being a great RPG
Just that we can not play a game on "potential" alone. What does that "Potential" help if it is not used correctly or if the framework has no meaning. People can finish the game on level 1 or 2 just as well like on level 50 (more or less). There is also no oportunity to role play any charcter in the game. I recomed reading again the review on the codex about Oblivion
I mean its like saying that that some person has awesome skills in doing art and drawing. Well what does it help if he never is doing art ?
I got the same impression when I read a let's play of F3.sea said:Somehow I don't think Bethesda give a flying fuck about canon anymore.
The Fallout games can be finished on level 1 or 2 as well.
Somehow I don't think Bethesda give a flying fuck about canon anymore. If they want to change something, they will, continuity be damned. They've already used "a wizard did it" as an excuse to alter the geography of entire continents before, I think saying "Sheogorath decided to come back" is a step down from that if anything.
Guiltyofbeingtrite said:Ordered it for the girlfriend, I'm fully expecting Fallout 3 with spells. Oh wait, you can "dual wield" spells.