Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.3.3 (Unofficial Expansion)

I need help with a trouble I am having with Restoration Project 2.3.3 with sfall 4.1.7.
I tried to install newer version of sfall after I installed Restoration Project 2.3.3 in order to use the highlight object function.
IDK what is was but I installed something that allowed to highlight basically every interactive objects, like purple color for entrances, yellow for containers and corpses with
With the sfall 4.1.7 going, "Revert your ddraw.ini before it's too late" in red, I am fed up with updating sfall.
So is there any mod with highlighting objects instead of sfall?
IDK what is was but I installed something that allowed to highlight basically every interactive objects, like purple color for entrances, yellow for containers and corpses with items.
I think it's fo2tweak.
With the sfall 4.1.7 going, "Revert your ddraw.ini before it's too late" in red, I am fed up with updating sfall.
You should only overwrite ddraw.dll and keep the original ddraw.ini by the instruction in sfall readme.
I think we need someone to step up and just take over from Killap, and continue working on the project. " (the one you see through dialogues) "...i think that is the mod with the armored talking heads. Many cool features can be added to the mod, including the red head chick, just make it an option in the installer.

If no programmer/scriptor is willing to do it, then the mod will just remain as is, bugs and all, and we might as well lock this thread.
If no programmer/scriptor is willing to do it, then the mod will just remain as is, bugs and all, and we might as well lock this thread.

Hope dies last...don't lock it please. I feel that Bear Dude is there somewhere, lurking in the shadows ;-)
We should not divert from Killap's path, because of that I would already be glad if the remaining bugs could be fixed instead of adding stuff that was never meant to be part of this mod.
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Hope dies last...don't lock it please. I feel that Bear Dude is there somewhere, lurking in the shadows ;-)
I hope that's a metaphor, because Killap is in his right of dropping the ball. He gave us a lot, it's time for someone else to pick up his work. Or don't, the mod is pretty great as it is anyway.
If several (at least two) months from now nobody else decides to resume the effort, I *might* give it a shot. I have no experience at all, tho.

On locking the thread, I think it can later be unlocked if somebody decides to work on this, it's mostly the means to avoid unnecessary noise.
Ah, whatever. Here you go. You can submit bugs, but only personally tested. No copy-paste from wiki.
(Even better is to submit pull requests with corrections, of course.)
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@Sduibek @killap

Hello. I am having trouble with Fallout 2's initial window size.

About me. I never played any of the Fallout games before and I never watched them being played. So I really don't know anything about them. I downloaded Fallout 1 and 2 just now.

When I first installed Fallout 1, even though I set the resolution to 1600x900, the game window still opened up to what was probably around 640x480. I used a macro to resize the window to my liking. But after I installed the 0.81a Fixt from this 'No Mutants Allowed' website, Fallout 1 now opens up to the desired window size so I no longer need to use the macro to resize the window.

Then I installed Fallout 2. I installed the Restoration Project on top of it. I have the game resolution set to 1600x900. But for some reason, the game always opens up to what is probably around 640x480. So I'm being forced to use the aforementioned macro to resize the window. I know that I could probably use DxWnd to make the window open up a certain size, but if Fallout 1 always opens up to the right window size I just feel that Fallout 2 should too.

I have not yet even watched the intros or created a new character or game. I'm just trying to figure out this window size business for now. I could just play Fallout 1 and worry about the Fallout 2 window size later on. But I'd like to get to get this out of the way as soon as possible? Could you guys help and come up with a fix for this? Thanks in advance.

How Fallout 1 appears as soon as I start it up:

How Fallout 2 appears as soon as I start it up:

Note: I purposely brought up the Screen Settings to show that the resolution is already set to 1600x900. Also, that is a white notepad document behind the game because I didn't want to share my cluttery desktop screen.

And this is probably REALLY important, so I will give this additional information:
My desired window size and position is 1600x894, at x=0 and y=-24. Even though I have Fallout 1 set to 1600x900, it still opens up the window to my desired size of 1600x894 and even at y=-24. So that lets me know that Fallout 1 is remembering "last window size and position", probably due to something in Fixt 0.81a. So what I am thinking is that Fixt 0.81a has some mod or code that makes the game remember "last window size and position". I'd like to know what this mod might be so I can install it for Fallout 2 in addition to the Restoration Project, or maybe the Restoration Project can be modified to behave like Fixt 0.81a when it comes to remembering "last window size and position".
Concerning the above post, I saw a user named NovaRain report the same issue on Fandom back in 2015-2016:

"Fallout 2 US, Restoration Project 2.3.3, Hi-Res 4.1.8, Win2000 Pro/Server/Advanced Server SP4 with official updates and hotfixes. When using the windowed mode and changing the window size/position, the data gets saved in WIN_DATA. But every time the game is launched it still stays in the default 640x480 windows, I have to adjust the size/position again. It seems the WIN_DATA string doesn't get loaded by Hi-Res for unknown reason. --NovaRain (talk) 14:03, April 29, 2015 (UTC) (BTW, the OSes are tested on a real old machine.)"

"Fallout 2 US, Restoration Project 2.3.3, Hi-Res 4.1.8, Win10 Pro x64. Status update: the windowed mode issue above also happened in Win10. --NovaRain (talk) 04:49, February 3, 2016 (UTC)"

EDIT: By the way, it doesn't matter which exe I use. FALLOUT2 or fallout2HR. Both won't remember last window size and position. The guy NovaRain might have been under the impression that this only affected fallout2HR, I think, so I wanted to point out that it affects both exes.
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@Sduibek @killap

Hello. I am having trouble with Fallout 2's initial window size.

About me. I never played any of the Fallout games before and I never watched them being played. So I really don't know anything about them. I downloaded Fallout 1 and 2 just now.

When I first installed Fallout 1, even though I set the resolution to 1600x900, the game window still opened up to what was probably around 640x480. I used a macro to resize the window to my liking. But after I installed the 0.81a Fixt from this 'No Mutants Allowed' website, Fallout 1 now opens up to the desired window size so I no longer need to use the macro to resize the window.

Then I installed Fallout 2. I installed the Restoration Project on top of it. I have the game resolution set to 1600x900. But for some reason, the game always opens up to what is probably around 640x480. So I'm being forced to use the aforementioned macro to resize the window. I know that I could probably use DxWnd to make the window open up a certain size, but if Fallout 1 always opens up to the right window size I just feel that Fallout 2 should too.

I have not yet even watched the intros or created a new character or game. I'm just trying to figure out this window size business for now. I could just play Fallout 1 and worry about the Fallout 2 window size later on. But I'd like to get to get this out of the way as soon as possible? Could you guys help and come up with a fix for this? Thanks in advance.

How Fallout 1 appears as soon as I start it up:

How Fallout 2 appears as soon as I start it up:

Note: I purposely brought up the Screen Settings to show that the resolution is already set to 1600x900. Also, that is a white notepad document behind the game because I didn't want to share my cluttery desktop screen.

And this is probably REALLY important, so I will give this additional information:
My desired window size and position is 1600x894, at x=0 and y=-24. Even though I have Fallout 1 set to 1600x900, it still opens up the window to my desired size of 1600x894 and even at y=-24. So that lets me know that Fallout 1 is remembering "last window size and position", probably due to something in Fixt 0.81a. So what I am thinking is that Fixt 0.81a has some mod or code that makes the game remember "last window size and position". I'd like to know what this mod might be so I can install it for Fallout 2 in addition to the Restoration Project, or maybe the Restoration Project can be modified to behave like Fixt 0.81a when it comes to remembering "last window size and position".
Implemented via sFall. Open ddraw.ini

;Set to 0 for 8 bit fullscreen
;Set to 4 for DX9 fullscreen
;Set to 5 for DX9 windowed
;A DX9 mode is required for any graphics related script extender functions to work (i.e. fullscreen shaders)
;Modes 1, 2 and 3 are no longer supported

;If using a DX9 mode, this changes the resolution
;The graphics are simply stretched to fit the new window; this does _not_ let you see more of the map
;If set to 0, use Fallout's native resolution

Thanks @Foxx

I had tried that earlier, with my own experimenting around. I tried it again just now for good measure. It doesn't work. The reason it doesn't work is because what I want is for the game window to remember the last window size and position. Fallout 1 does that. Fallout 2 should and would do that, but there is a minor error somewhere. According to one guy, the minor error is that the "win_data" string is not getting read. Also, this method that you provided causes the window to be borderless. I want the window to be bordered. NovaRain, the guy that I mentioned, has complained about this problem in 2014, 2015, and 2016 but he must have complained on the wrong channels (i.e. Fandom), and so the problem has escaped attention. See: http://www.nma-fallout.com/threads/...fficial-expansion.202265/page-63#post-4331668 I found the "win_data" string in f2_res.ini so maybe this file is the culprit and not the ddraw.ini. I skimmed through some text earlier and I think that for the Restoration Project, you don't want to use sfall (ddraw.ini), but I could be wrong. But I really do feel that the Restoration Project is supposed to be reading f2_res.ini and it isn't and that is why the game is not remembering the last window size and position. Sorry, I just got out of the shower so I typed this in a hurry.


Okay, I might have made some progress. Before, I had installed a fresh copy of Fallout 2 and Restoration Project 2.3.3 on top of that. It would not remember my window size and position. Then, just now, I installed Sfall 4.17 on top of that and it now remembers my desired window size and position. But now I have no idea if the Restoration Project is still working. It doesn't say Restoration Project on the title screen. How can I confirm that I still have Restoration Project and that it is still working? Please let me know. Thanks.
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