Fallout 4 Bible: Bethesda will never make a good Fallout game

I have no idea why or how anyone could possibly think a voiced protagonist with a basic dialogue wheel would be a suitable replacement to Fallout's previous dialogue system.

At this rate they might as well cut all of that and replace dialogue with cutscenes, with the player being able to press the right or left trigger on the controller (Because who plays on PC? Nerds? We don't care about those.)to make their character good or evil, like the Paragon and Renegade in Mass Effect. People liked Mass Effect right?

Wait... they don't have that?
I have no idea why or how anyone could possibly think a voiced protagonist with a basic dialogue wheel would be a suitable replacement to Fallout's previous dialogue system.

At this rate they might as well cut all of that and replace dialogue with cutscenes, with the player being able to press the right or left trigger on the controller (Because who plays on PC? Nerds? We don't care about those.)to make their character good or evil, like the Paragon and Renegade in Mass Effect. People liked Mass Effect right?

I remember getting renegade for the most ridiculous shit in Mass Effect. One time I decided to be really blunt to some guy on my ship and got "evil" points.

Top writing right there.
In ME1 it was also the Racist Option. They didn't give you much choice to just be an asshole, you also had to be violently racist against aliens.... while also not letting you deny entry to the crew to Aliens. The game was on a fight with itself.
I'm probably gonna write a post later on in the general discussions to demonstrate why voiced protagonists fail in RPG's.

Also, just a reminder: The video in the OP is not mine. Just thought I'd clear up some confusion I've been seeing.
Well, I'm not even sure Beth incorporated passing of time while you fast travel. IIRC you could use a Stealth Boy/Chem, travel to the other side of the map and still have the full effects.

In fact they did. IIRC it takes the PC about three hours to walk to Rivet City from Vault 101 using the so called 'Fast Travel'; you can see this by checking the time.
(A shame they don't actually enforce anything time sensitive in the game. Makes this moot. :mad: )

Map travel was a broken exploit in Oblivion, and then in FO3, for those very reasons; drug & spell effects don't expire on the world map... And also that there is zero chance of interruption or ambush along the way.

And even if they do it, fast travel is always faster than your normal means of travel.

In both FNV and Skyrim it is faster in game time to not use fast travel -- sometimes as much as a couple of hours.
Maybe if you have a direct approach. I always thought fast travel is simply a linear line from your starting point to the destination, which would end up as beeing faster since you have tons of hills, buildings and other obstalces that you have to get around somehow. But I could be wrong.

I mean it's called fast travel for a reason :P
Most cases it actually does take less game time even if it's not a direct path, as long as you don't get sidetracked.
Yup, and it's from JIP the guy who also made the awesome Companion Command and Control, Selective fire and Realistic Weapon overheat mods.
Speaking of the overheat mod,
I've been avoiding it for a while because it looks like it takes a big load out of performance. Is it stable enough for someone running a few other gameplay mods?
Ehhh I have to say Fallout 3's plot doesn't explain much of a lot of things. Like how Jet got to the Capital Wasteland and why the Enclave is on the East Coast to begin with and what gains do they have being in D.C. Why does D.C look too fresh after the Great War? The war looks like it happened 20 years ago. Why is the GECK needed for Project Purity when they don't realize that radiation is filtered out through Earth and Sand and even after 50 years the water would've been safe to drink? Why are the Super Mutants even a threat? They don't have leadership in the Wasteland and anyone especially the White Knight BOS would've came in and destroyed Vault 87. Along with that the Mutants were running out of Airborne FEV so they would've been wiped out anyway. Why would idiots build a town around a live FUCKING NUCLEAR BOMB?! Why is karma so imbalanced? Why can't you join Talon Company? Why are Raiders one force and not separate tribes or gangs? Too many damn questions. All that Fallout 3 has not answered.
But, as much as I hate the direction the Fallout series has taken. I'll still get Fallout 4 just to be supportive of the series in hopes that Obsidian makes a tie in. And in some ways I still find myself liking Fallout 3, as much as I think it's mediocre maybe it's just nostalgia or the beauty of the D.C wasteland.