Fallout 4 coming out on November 10, free mobile spin-off out now

I know what your point is and it's nothing compared to F3, yes, but blowing up the Divide is a huge thing, even if Courier did it unwittingly.
They did it indirectly and without any stablished intent. Hell you can even tell Ulysses that you are glad it happened, tell him you are sorry or just insist you didn't do anything. They didn't tell you "You went there and destroyed the Divide becaue you were evil!"it was more along the lines of "Five years ago you completed a fetch quest, and it had an Ending on the Divide.
You then just role play him as him needing money and courier work being the easiest one. They don't even make you into an ambassador or an agent of the NCR, you were just a Courier, whatever reason you want to have for anythign is up to you. You could even just be a Tribal of New Vegas turned Courier after the Campaign started. Hell you can even choose wether or not you know what New Reno is.
The same goes for that chick in F3 - I find her annoying, so why am I friends with her? The reasons are purely my own.
To clarify, I'm not saying that this past event somehow ruined the experience and freedom for me, I just pointed out that I don't like it as much as in F1.
Good point that you have an option to say that you didn't do it, frankly I didn't remember it. Well, it is written on the wiki that this is canon, so I took it for granted. But in general, I like how you can form your past in NV in conversations.

e: I didn't see your post before I posted, but you mentioned the same thing - choosing whether Courier has been to New Reno and things like that. And your explanations are all good, but my imagination is still limited a little, isn't it. But hell, I'm too used to pen n paper rpgs.
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Not really, in the case of the Divide you aren't given any forced outlook on anything, you can even roleplay as being completely oblivious of your impact on the place. Meanwhile with Amata you are continuously told she is your best friend even if you join on picking on her with Butch, Butch will always be your bully and such. They don't even let you kill her until that sidequest where you go back to the Vault.
If I remember correctly, you can be mean to her all the time, even shoot her in the face and she will act as your friend, anyway. So maybe she's just randomly crazy about you for some reason and it's not your fault. In NV you can hate the NCR and shoot their troopers on sight, but you still have delivered a package for them. Pretty much the same thing (except in F3 it has much more impact on the story. And in NV you can come up with an explanation for it, just like you did. And it's just worse in F3, just like everything else)
Yeah man! I am shooting my grilfriends in the face all the time as well! Makes them totally crazy for me, damn! Weapons are awesome.

What if I want my Courier to hate NCR? Why would they work for them?

For the same reason you're working for your current employe?

To destroy them from the inside! Obviously.
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I hate people and I worked on a call center for three months, for the same reason, I needed the money.
Would you work for nazis if you needed money?

Yeah man! I am shooting my grilfriends in the face all the time as well! Makes them totally crazy for me, damn! Weapons are awesome.
Good for you. Just don't shoot your dad, or he will scold you.
Well, Nazis don't have any big companies here in Colombia and the kind of work they would give would probably be considered illegal anyways so that's kinf od a weird comparison. I mean if I wanted illegal money I could've worked as a drug mule, but I wasn't interested in gettin arrested on another country.
It's not a weird comparison. What I meant was, would you work for some organisation that you heavily disagree with, or even hate, just for money (I hope you don't agree with nazis)
Well I worked for Comcast and Claro on that Call center and I hate them to no end. As long as it isn't illegal and the yare paying well enough (and it doesn't cause me any nervous breakdowns, that was why I left the call center) I would work for them.

Also, how could I agree with Nazis? I am Colombian dude, I am as far away from an Aryan as it could get. Not interested in self genocide or any other kind of genocide really.
I would work for them.
And I wouldn't.

Also, how could I agree with Nazis? I am Colombian dude, I am as far away from an Aryan as it could get.
Neo-nazism exists among people who are not a bit aryan, it's popular, for instance, in Thailand. And even in Germany some of those so called nazis are far from being aryan. I'm not even sure if this aryan-cult is a part of neo-nazism.
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Yeah. I can understand why some people are pessimistic about it. But I can only say wait till November 10th and give it a try and see if you'd like it or hate it. I personally think I'm going to love it. I might even like the story, one thing I hope for from Fallout 4 is they do something completely new with the story and they not make it a rehash of Fallout 1 and 2 like how Fallout 3 was. Hell make the Synthetics that appeared in Fallout 3 appear as an organized fighting force hell bent on destroying humanity, mutants, and ghouls and more so make a machine empire because they feel lesser than humans and used as slaves.
I'm definitely willing to give it a chance. As it stands, I'm cautiously optimistic actually. I think the settlement-building looks cool, the world will be fun, and the story will be better (even if it's not amazing). It's just the mechanics I'm worried about, but I'll see what happens

I don't know about the story. From what I saw of the dialogue at E3, I'm not too optimistic. Hopefully it will at lest be dumb fun. Although it looks like modding will be limited, at lest with quest mods due to the voiced protagonist. :wall:
I think the most we can hope for is that Bethesda took some notes from Obsidian and learned how to actually make a good story for a Fallout game. If they did then congratulations even if it goes down the robot revolution path and ends similar to the Matrix they tried something new and made it work and at least made sense of it along with add that sense of understanding and sympathy to the machines a bit because they were slaves. If they didn't then we might not ever see a Fallout 5 because it'd really just end there because Bethesda might as well be doomed from shitty plots in video games.

They did not learn anything from FNV as most of them did not play it. They started work on F4 after F3 by a year, if Todd is honest.
And people don't have time to play a video game after work? It seems kind of ridiculous to assume they didn't play it. That doesn't mean they learned anything, and I'd blame the press for underrating New Vegas and giving them a reason not to take notes.

I dunno, I still highly doubt it. I mean, FO 3 staff got free copies of FO 1 and 2 and most of them only played 1. Few didn't play either, fewer played both.