Fallout 4 DLC revealed

Bending minds in the name of commerce or politics, either way it's manipulation. Marketing isn't a particularly ethical industry either and is quite willing to use any technique at its disposal to sell product, so don't champion it too much.
I also found this on the "Official" Fallout 4 forum which sort of infuriated me:
View attachment 2879
The fuck is this guy going on about?

"The map is 1 million times better than FNV's vanilla map"

"The map is 1 million times better than FNV's vanilla map"

View attachment 2880
To be fair, FNV's map apart from NCR and Legion hit squads didn't have any random encounters. The world in terms of what NPC's roams it feels very static. Walk down a road and you've pretty much seen everything that road has to offer for any subsequent playthroughs. FNV's map is also quite desolate of 'stuff'. Which makes sense, since it is a desert, but even so I can understand that criticism. FNV's strengths lies in its quests, characters, RPG mechanics and writing. Everything else is either 'meh' or flat out bad. (and a lot of it was inherited from Fallout 3 (which would make those critics hypocrites if they don't condemn Fallout 3 for the same things))

FNV's vanilla map is boring because its supposed to be boring. It's a fucking desert after all. So they're right. But at the same time they're wrong. Because like I said, it's a desert, what were they expecting out of it?
yes,technically you're right,but use money and skill to sell yout products it's the essence of commerce. propaganda is used by governments to bend minds. markething tries to manipulate the way you think about a product (or make you an idea,maybe a fake one,of product you didn't know). propaganda tries to manipulate the way you think about your life and the state of society you live in.
In an ideal world the product would speak for itself, sadly it doesn't. I agree that many advertisers will lose their moral compass when planning an advertisement. However, propoganda only works when the populace believes what they are being told. They might say "Diet Coke with Lemon is the best drink you'll ever buy", I'll still buy my local supermarkets own brand because it's cheaper and I think it tastes better
It's funny how a thread about DLC ends up discussing the finer points of advertising and corporate/government propoganda
And the devs knew the vanilla map was a bit lacking of visible, shootable, touchable stuff gamers nowadays are bored to death if they don't have, so they compensated with map density and variety at the DLC.
To be fair, FNV's map apart from NCR and Legion hit squads didn't have any random encounters. The world in terms of what NPC's roams it feels very static. Walk down a road and you've pretty much seen everything that road has to offer for any subsequent playthroughs. FNV's map is also quite desolate of 'stuff'. Which makes sense, since it is a desert, but even so I can understand that criticism. FNV's strengths lies in its quests, characters, RPG mechanics and writing. Everything else is either 'meh' or flat out bad. (and a lot of it was inherited from Fallout 3 (which would make those critics hypocrites if they don't condemn Fallout 3 for the same things))

FNV's vanilla map is boring because its supposed to be boring. It's a fucking desert after all. So they're right. But at the same time they're wrong. Because like I said, it's a desert, what were they expecting out of it?
Invisible walls in FNV were annoying too. I like the game a lot but it was not without flaws. However Fallout 4's random encounters are shit and present no kind of argument for the game. I ran into that stupid bugged Art vs Art garbage no fewer than two dozen times. I lost track of the number of times I killed all of those named ghouls from Sanctuary. What, do ghouls rise from the dead like zombies too?
It's funny how a thread about DLC ends up discussing the finer points of advertising and corporate/government propoganda

We are intellectuals like that :P
Even when we discuss pointless and stupid topics subconsciously or minds direct us to more interesting topics for debate. :D

What, do ghouls rise from the dead like zombies too?

Quite a lot I encountered in or near Boston all hung out near graveyards. For what reason I absolutely don't understand as in general there is neither food nor water there, and there are much better places for shelter.
From a person who isn't fluent with the importance of certain gaming awards, do DICE awards matter?
So MMO's and RPG's are the same category, well then FO4 is hands down the best MMO I played all year. I also saw they gave Star Wars Battlefront action game of the year so the DICE awards looks more like the publishers with money pity awards rather than a legit awards show.
Reading through the list how the fuck did FO4 beat Witcher 3, Undertale and, PoE for RPG of the year? All of those games are good, real RPG's.
From a person who isn't fluent with the importance of certain gaming awards, do DICE awards matter?
They're run by the Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences, which sure sounds impressive, doesn't it?

Check out all the gloating Fallout 4 fans in that thread, you would think their kid had won first prize in a spelling bee. Amazing how invested people can get in a product they paid money for.
Reading through the list how the fuck did FO4 beat Witcher 3, Undertale and, PoE for RPG of the year? All of those games are good, real RPG's.

First thing that came to my mind was that old song "Dirty Money" (money talks)
But perhaps the judges were really impressed by the game, it could happen.
Still in my opinion if that is the case it is time to recruit people who are a bit more critical when it comes to game advances.