Still Mildly Glowing

From what's leaked (real spoiler):
There is a super mutant who breeds dogs IIRC, I think he's friendly/neutral.
Me read no spoilers. Me want to be disappointed the old fashioned way!
From what's leaked (real spoiler):
There is a super mutant who breeds dogs IIRC, I think he's friendly/neutral.
Better then anything else they've done. Apart from Morrowind.Read the big endings from the leak a few days ago. It sounds pretty tame. And pretty similar to 4's "nuke ___ or save ____" ending.
Jeez, is that really all they can come up with?
Fixed.Phil Nelson said:Everyone has asympathetic sidenew legendary weapon, and aside that’s not-so-sympatheticpipe gun, and you have to decidewhere you’re going to landwhich you're going to loot. We wanted toinclude a ton of different optionsbackpedal and ripoff as much of New Vegas as is possible. Is it possible to go through with no one dying? Yes actually it is, all the named characters are essential. Can you just decide to destroy everyone? Yes, you can nuke the island for no explicit reason. Can youbring certain people to justiceput all the raiders to death and drag outcertain truthspoorly written dialogue? Is it worthexposing this personkilling this raider if it means allthese other people are going to be hurtyou'll get is another legendary weapon? We give you a lot oftoolslegendary weapons and information (HATE NEWSPAPERS) that affects allgroupsNew Settlements that need your help!, and then youhave the ability to decide what you’re going to do with itcan do what the map marker tells you to do.
Read the big endings from the leak a few days ago. It sounds pretty tame. And pretty similar to 4's "nuke ___ or save ____" ending.
Jeez, is that really all they can come up with?
Alright, I'm going to give you a challenge. Come up with endings for Fallout 4 that was better than the actual ones. It has to meet the requirements of:
I say that for those requirements, whichever writer had to salvage Emil's concepts did a pretty fantastic job, like salvaging a whole train car from a devastating trainwreck. See if you can come up with a better one that meets all of those requirements. Don't bring up the "but that's not what a Fallout game should be" argument, there's already a thread for that, take it there.
- Must not offend anyone. At all. Ever. No matter what. Just in case, that means no themes explored that could possibly leave any player unsatisfied.
- Must immediately result in some form of instant gratification, because game endings need to be a reward when the whole game was about a journey.
- Must not have lasting consequences, as that would complicate post-ending gameplay, and designing the DLC that takes place afterwards.
- Must not cost the player anything in-game, as that would complicate post-ending gameplay, and an inconvenience could be mistaken for a bug.
Uh, who you chose to win the Commonwealth ties back into Far Harbor.
Alright, I'm going to give you a challenge. Come up with endings for Fallout 4 that was better than the actual ones. It has to meet the requirements of:
I say that for those requirements, whichever writer had to salvage Emil's concepts did a pretty fantastic job, like salvaging a whole train car from a devastating trainwreck. See if you can come up with a better one that meets all of those requirements. Don't bring up the "but that's not what a Fallout game should be" argument, there's already a thread for that, take it there.
- Must not offend anyone. At all. Ever. No matter what. Just in case, that means no themes explored that could possibly leave any player unsatisfied.
- Must immediately result in some form of instant gratification, because game endings need to be a reward when the whole game was about a journey.
- Must not have lasting consequences, as that would complicate post-ending gameplay, and designing the DLC that takes place afterwards.
- Must not cost the player anything in-game, as that would complicate post-ending gameplay, and an inconvenience could be mistaken for a bug.
So basically, what you're suggesting, is they come up for an ending that has no consequences, in a Fallout game?, A game that, in it's original form, pretty much ever Dev ever said that an important part was "Actions having consequences"
- Must not have lasting consequences, as that would complicate post-ending gameplay, and designing the DLC that takes place afterwards.
- Must not cost the player anything in-game, as that would complicate post-ending gameplay, and an inconvenience could be mistaken for a bug.
So basically, what you're suggesting, is they come up for an ending that has no consequences, in a Fallout game?, A game that, in it's original form, pretty much ever Dev ever said that an important part was "Actions having consequences"
New Vegas did it. They sold more copies than FO3.
Even Mass Effect had better endings.
Are you in apologist mode again Zigzag?
Pure speculation I think.New Vegas endings were full of complex themes, didn't allow for post-ending gameplay, and there was no well-defined "good ending" that could give overall satisfaction, just a grim and realistic vision of consequences. Good, but Bethesda isn't going to allow things like that to possibly turn off some of their sales in numbered games like Fallout 4.
Pure speculation I think.
I mean what you're saying is, that Bethesda fans are to dumb to get it and to lazy, so they have to be spoon feeded the content, like the narrative to them. Pretty offensive when you think about it - not saying that this is your intention, I get what you're trying to say.
It just seems to me, that Beth has pushed themself in this corner. They have dumbed down their games for more than a decade now. No surprise that their fans are not used with anything else but tropes, and simplified plots and action oriented storylines. Even the ones that seem to be deep, still follow the same Bethesdian design of solve-it-this-way or the highway. Like with the Brotherhood quests, that everyone seems to love so much ... I get it, I get it, you assasinate everyone, yaaay! But it's still playing heavily on rails, with no choices. And the characters are a bit more nuanced, but not really by that much. So, Todd, Emil and Pete might be under the impression, that the only way to sell even MORE copies, they have to simplify everything even MORE. Because, CoD sold 30 milion units. And, mine craft is also very popular. And Borderlands was awesome super popular! So, their new game, of course needs all that they have. I think, they let trends guide them to much - if that is the case. You can fall in a trap with it. Todd said in some interview, that each new game for them, is treated like a completely new and white canvas. Nothing that was before it matters. That can have advantages, but it also comes with huge disadvantages.
I think, with all the time they spend on marketing, they could sell very complex plots to the gamers. Mass Effect, even with its flaws, has shown that it is possible. Same with Obsidian and Fallout NV.
I don't really think so. All those things matter when it comes to sales. Fallout 5 is not going to allow complex themes for fear of offending gamers. It's not going to allow inconvenience for fear of turning gamers off. The only time Betheda Softworks would ever allow inclusion of these things is when other popular AAA games are doing in, and it's working. New Vegas was fairly low-profile when compared to the kind of profit Bethesda aims for.