Fallout 4 gameplay videos leaked, Bethesda starts taking them down

Gothic 1 developers just said - "fuck it", and made a whole game based on invisible walls (well ok, they were kind of visible but in an invisible way). Problem solved. :grin:

Even then it was not just a simple wall, it didn't just stop you dead in your tracks, it dealt damage to until you decided to head back. :)
So they put more effort into this than Bethesda did 14 years later. xD
And in Gothic 2 there were no obvious invisible walls either. If you tried to swim off of Khorinis, you would get a warning about a sea monster and then get a cutscene of said monster approaching you and eating you. :)
My first admission - the power armor gameplay angle is okay. It gives you something to strive for, and the idea of an incomplete suit still being worn is not unthinkable

I bet we're gonna get REAL USED to seeing that Red Rocket tho :V
Ok so then it's confirmed that the Power Armor needs recharging. At least that I kinda like, at least from a balance stand point.

What is a Power Armor gang anyway? Are Power Armors that common in the Commonwealht? Wouldn't it make more sense if they were just mechanics or something? Why the stupid greaser look again?

Because Fallout literally takes place in the 50's, and Power Armors are now post-apocalyptic Hot Rods. Get with the times, man!
Well, we know that raiders have access to Power Armor now too.





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Ok so then it's confirmed that the Power Armor needs recharging. At least that I kinda like, at least from a balance stand point.

What is a Power Armor gang anyway? Are Power Armors that common in the Commonwealht? Wouldn't it make more sense if they were just mechanics or something? Why the stupid greaser look again?

Because Fallout literally takes place in the 50's, and Power Armors are now post-apocalyptic Hot Rods. Get with the times, man!
Yeah daddio! Don't be such an L7, now let's go down to the cafe and snap our fingers at some hip poetry!
The way that is phrased, I am led to believe that there exists more than one nonsensical power armor gang in "the commonwealth".

Because one stupid crew of greasers was not enough. Who are the other ones? The Jets? The Nuka Sharks?
As much as I hate the idea, two rival power armor gangs agressively dancing at each other would be entertaining for all the wrong reasons.
The way that is phrased, I am led to believe that there exists more than one nonsensical power armor gang in "the commonwealth".

Because one stupid crew of greasers was not enough. Who are the other ones? The Jets? The Nuka Sharks?
As much as I hate the idea, two rival power armor gangs agressively dancing at each other would be entertaining for all the wrong reasons.

If you mean literally dancing then yea, that actually sounds fun. :P
Is the power armor now really that common in the game? Like an every day object. Or just what people here assume.

When you are putting boundaries on things the trick is actually to obfuscate them, when you just make it a message that says "You can't go further" yet the path ahead is as open as everything else, you just failed. For all the talk about "Immurshuns" they fail on something so simple, it's pretty obvious the map just ends where they ran out of time or ideas instead of it being a well thought out location. "It's a game is not comparable to real life" is about as stupid an argument as you can make when the game is supposedly all about "immersion".

Pretty much every open world game has invisible walls. This complaint is so forced it hurts because you're acting like FO4 is somehow unique or something. I can understand not liking it but when the offered alternative is just "make shit up" it sounds silly at best.


And? I say this again. Why should that have any merrit. It doesn't make the criticsm dissapear just because everyones doing it. By the way I havn't played all open world games, maybe some do a better job here? Anyway. It doesn't matter. Fo4 might not be unique. But we are talking mainly about Fallout 4 here. So we will criticizse Fallout 4.
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Pretty much every open world game has invisible walls. This complaint is so forced it hurts because you're acting like FO4 is somehow unique or something. I can understand not liking it but when the offered alternative is just "make shit up" it sounds silly at best.


I dont really care about the invisible walls but that video is from the limited tutorial zone that you can either skip in 40 minutes with one quest or spend 2 hours doing other quests, but you eventually will have to leave it. Other areas of the game either had natural barriers(like mountains, large rivers or just a huge ocean) or would just teleport you back.

Only reaosn the invisible wall on that F4 map video annoyed me is that you can clearly see they blocked almost half of the map vertically with a invisible wall. Im really convinced it will open up with a dlc though.
Bethesda keeps making factions whose entire reason for living makes no sense. No surprises there.
Eh, I'm the same way when it comes to making my pen and paper games for my group. Overactive imagination, still, I keep notes and make sure that my ideas don't conflict. Somethinng I doubt Bethesda does anymore.
Yeah, but would it have been really THAT much work to just have a colapsed bridge there?

It wouldnt make sense story-wise but I agree that they could have put a broken down cart or some soldiers blocking your passage to prevent it being an invisible wall.
Well it's obviously difficult to argue about something I have no clue about - just like you say, I have no reason why it doesn't make sense story whise. But that's not important anyway. I am pretty sure that you could have found SOME way to avoid that invisible wall without contradicting the story if they spend more time thinking about it when they made the bridge and the story part. Could have been writen in a way where it actually doesn't contradict the story that the bridge is broken. No clue. I mean again, as game designer you have all the creative freedom to work around it.