First time out of the vault

Not as bad as I expected it to be. The video is a response to another video which gives him some leeway. IMO the big issues of dumbing down are related to the removal of challenge, quest branches, failure and consequences. His first point is the only one that even comes close to covering the worst offenses. But it's true that all of the issues he addresses come up regularly.Just for amusement I'll play the contrarian. If you have high blood pressure and strong opinions that relate to Morrowind being better than Skyrim.... maybe not the video for you.
Also, the author pointed out that he partially agrees with the dumbing down claims that he's arguing against.
1. Important Characters Can't Die
- Says BGS had to do this because of Radiant AI.
+ Untrue. Trivial to have a flag to only prevent death by other NPCs. Apparently doesn't understand how the games work. Also unware that many people mod the game to remove essentials. And finally, he doesn't know that many players complained about quests getting broken before Oblivion and Radiant AI, and that BGS implemented (or rather, greatly increased the number of essentials) as a response to feedback. People threw fits over slaughtering entire towns and then not being able to complete quests as a result. And thus the modern BGS philosophy was born.
2. Morrowind factions didn't react to you, just the NPCs in the factions. But they did actually react to you. But it doesn't count because you could bribe them.
+ Seriously? Whole section not worth comment. A few fair points in a heaping mound of derp.
3. Quest Markers & Bad NPC Directions:
- Author can't follow directions, doesn't like to explore sandbox open-worlds, so quest markers are good
- Also, maybe a complaint that NPC isn't a good ATM quest dispenser.
- Frustrating = Dumb
- Removal of Frustration = Smart
- NPC Quest Dispenser + Quest Arrow = Smart
+ There's some truth to what he says about bad NPC directions, but he's really just not getting the point.
- Making games more convenient is good, thus smarter. Because reasons.
- Author is hardcore because he's played a few TES games.
- Profit??
4. Dialogue - Less is More
- Less dialogue with more characterization is better. Claims that all Morrowind NPCs had the same dialogue, which is untrue, but he's right that there was a lot of shared encyclopediac text.
+ Can't argue against this one. I'd have to see the amount of unique text in each game. I suspect that Morrowind has more, possibly significantly more, but his general point is fair enough.