Far Harbor Official Discussion

That is stupid. Me and the guys here were talking about what the plot could have been like if it has had some more focus on the synths, and one of the ideas we were playing with was the question of what if the player himself/herself was revealed to be a synth.
But you mention quite some points why that would not work such as the disease and radiation angle. What? The player is a special synth that is designed to be susceptible to these, a purposely build 'inferior' Generation 3 synth.

And how the hell would Shaun play into this.
We witness at the beginning of the game Shaun being kidnapped as a baby by Mr Cereal and the Institute, with the player's spouse being killed in front of the player's eyes.
If the player is a synth does that mean that both parents died? If so, how did Shaun get a copy of one his parents in the Vault to wake up there. And why would he do that? And if the player's memories are fake and non of the pre war history happened and he or she is not one of Shaun's real parents, why would Shaun have a synth made that believes that its one of his parents, have the synth brought to the Vault to wake up there, and then go on a search for Shaun? This would basically classify as retarded as one of Bethesda's Vault Experiments, but even more so.

What? Shaun likes to fuck around with the minds of synths for the lulz? I think that would probably make the rest of the Institute wonder who the hell they have as their leader if they weren't incompetent on their own.
Bethesda, you dug a hole, and now you are digging a deeper hole to get out.
However, I am curious about something. How does Nick and all that work out, once you chose for the BoS? Don't they hate all Synths or something?

Nick is at 3:16 but he makes the same comment as long as you side with anyone other than the Institute.
Another thing New Vegas did better I guess ...
At least Codsworth makes the best comment ever:
If the Institute was interested in helping inprove the Commonwealth. Why none of these powerful groups want to actually help the people of the world we live in is beyond me.
Not just you Cod, not just you.

Because if a machine, a Mr. Handy can learn the value of human life, maybe we can too ...
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... I think mr gutsys got themselves brains up in them spheres like robobrains. Would explain their personalities and capacity to feel emotions.
Has anyone else noticed that Fallout 4 apparently can't handle tube magazines in guns? When you fire a single shot out of the lever action rifle and reload, it will reload the whole magazine instead of just a single cartridge.
10/10 GOTY.
Has anyone else noticed that Fallout 4 apparently can't handle tube magazines in guns? When you fire a single shot out of the lever action rifle and reload, it will reload the whole magazine instead of just a single cartridge.
10/10 GOTY.
And here I thought that the animations of a left hand actioned firearm being fired right handed was ludicrous!?

But, you know, "It just works", right? amirite? :D Todd rulz, Pete kewlz. Buhthesduh FTW!!1

[OT: I'm already not buying TESVI on release, gonna give it at least 6 months before purchase, but if it turns out to be just "Fallout 4 with Magic", heads will roll.]
I still don't understand why every weapon is left handed ... is it easier to animate or something? I mean even the bolt rifles in F4.
Maybe it's a left hand fetish, like they like to use their left hands for everything so now you have to do that with bolt action crap in game.
re I thought that the animations of a left hand actioned firearm being fired right handed was ludicrous!?

But, you know, "It just works", right? amirite? :D Todd rulz, Pete kewlz. Buhthesduh FTW!!1
I still don't understand why every weapon is left handed ... is it easier to animate or something? I mean even the bolt rifles in F4.
"It looks better" (even though it doesn't). A lot of games make guns left handed so that you see the spend casing flying out in front of you. I, personally, just find it annoying. It looks like shit, and is really obvious even to people who don't know anything about guns. That bold action animation makes me want to vomit. It is the stupidest fucking animation I've ever seen. You wouldn't even work the bolt like that if you were using a left, handed bolt right handed.

Also, apparently the animations have trouble with the gun leaving the right hand.
Yeah, I dunno... Fallout 3 had right hand actions on the hunting rifle and its unique versions... I don't think the FO4 animations look any better than FO3 to be honest.

I don't know about anyone else but I'm not looking at the spent brass flying out of the gun after I shoot it, I'm checking to see if what I fired at is still alive or not.
