Maybe to you, but it's pretty important to me. Left handed weapons annoy me to no end. And wonky animations really irritate me. The bolty has both.
It's just like my peeves with the Combat Rifle/Shotgun being obvious copies of each other, as well as the .44 Magnum/Pipe Revolver firing and reloading...ugh. For a combat veteran, he certainly sucks ass at firing a revolver, and reloads it in such a sloppy way, I'm surprised the pipe revolvers don't shatter apart by such a stupid way of placing the cylinder back in place.
As for Far Harbor, besides the Radium Rifle being amazing against humans no matter what their level is, the rest of the weapons are pretty shit, or boring. Harpoon Gun is a terrible, weaker version of the Broadsider, which has more accurate VATS shots, damage, an AoE effect, ranks in Demolition Expert and Heavy Weapons perks, and with a small sacrifice to accuracy (which I refuse to do so, because those hilarious shots where you basically shoot across the world and nail a headshot with a cannonball is one of the few joyful moments in the game) to increase your magazine capacity. Honestly, the only reason you'd go for the Harpoon Gun is if you were doing Survival Mode and was that fucking desperate to kill people and save ammo.
Creature-wise, the Fog Crawler, though unique honestly, is sadly incredibly weak. Angler seems pretty unique, thought it would have the Yao Guai animations moveset, but it seems to be a hybrid of Mirelurk King and it's own animations. Gulper so far is literally reskinned Deathclaw, I didn't see any unique animations of it during the beginning of the DLC, and I only encountered them in the beginning, no where else. Shame, really. Finding the Ghoul eating shit was humorous, at the least.
EDIT: Forgot to mention, the Harpoon Gun is great for one thing: It can be changed into a big ass Heavy Weapon Shotgun, with the use of the Flechette ammo, dealing more damage per hit compared to even the double barrel shotgun and the combat shotgun. DPS? Not even close to the others.