Far Harbor Official Discussion

"It looks better" (even though it doesn't). A lot of games make guns left handed so that you see the spend casing flying out in front of you. I, personally, just find it annoying. It looks like shit, and is really obvious even to people who don't know anything about guns. That bold action animation makes me want to vomit. It is the stupidest fucking animation I've ever seen. You wouldn't even work the bolt like that if you were using a left, handed bolt right handed.

Also, apparently the animations have trouble with the gun leaving the right hand.
The most obvious problem, of course, would be the fact that if a right handed user would fire weapons with cartridge case ejection on the right, that the casings would eventually hit your face. This is a common problem for left handed users when using certain weapons. The M16, I think, even had a small piece of metal at the side or top of the ejection, to exactly prevent that. And having shell casings flying in your face, is not a very pleasant thing.
Obviously, none of that maters to the dear Bethesda, that spends so much time on meticulously crafting tree stumps with ants crawling on top of it ... for some reason ...
Seirously, I still ask my self sometimes, if they have really worked for 5-7 years on Fallout 4, what have they done in all that time? What? Even todays Bethesda, should have more to show after 6 or 7 years of development. Fallout 4 contains from what some people say, even less content and value than Skyrim. And don't get me even started on the amount of quests you could do in Morrowind ... Wtf? I can only imagine, that they had some serious issues halfway trough the development, something they could not fix and forced them to start from scratch or at least throwing them heavily back in development.
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That may be one of the most dramatic things I have ever read, about something so incredibly inconsequential

Im with you zyax. Sure, factual inaccuracies are irritating and all but, I like to keep my bitching geared more towards lore fuck ups and bad game design.
Im with you zyax. Sure, factual inaccuracies are irritating and all but, I like to keep my bitching geared more towards lore fuck ups and bad game design.
It's a bit of a pet peeve especially for gun owners, and does break immersion quite a bit. It IS bad game design to some degree. Their whole array of weapons just reeks of laziness and missed deadlines.
It's a bit of a pet peeve

Their whole array of weapons just reeks of laziness and missed deadlines.
No argument here.

It IS bad game design to some degree.

Yes but fallout 4 has much much worse game design to offer. Look at how it handled radiant quests. Or what its done to the lore. How little it adds to the universe while destroying so much. There are better things to be angry about is all I'm saying.
Yeah, no doubts about that. But you're kinda looking at your damn shitty weapons all the fucking time :/. Hard to miss that ...

No argument here.

Yes but fallout 4 has much much worse game design to offer. Look at how it handled radiant quests. Or what its done to the lore. How little it adds to the universe while destroying so much. There are better things to be angry about is all I'm saying.

You make it sound like NMA has limited reserves of anger, and that we'd have to ration it.
We don't. The Glittering Gems of Hatred know no end to their rage. Details like this further fuel our fires, ignite anew the sparks of anger and disgust, and feed the hounds of bitter hate.
That may be one of the most dramatic things I have ever read, about something so incredibly inconsequential
Maybe to you, but it's pretty important to me. Left handed weapons annoy me to no end. And wonky animations really irritate me. The bolty has both.
Maybe to you, but it's pretty important to me. Left handed weapons annoy me to no end. And wonky animations really irritate me. The bolty has both.

It's just like my peeves with the Combat Rifle/Shotgun being obvious copies of each other, as well as the .44 Magnum/Pipe Revolver firing and reloading...ugh. For a combat veteran, he certainly sucks ass at firing a revolver, and reloads it in such a sloppy way, I'm surprised the pipe revolvers don't shatter apart by such a stupid way of placing the cylinder back in place.

As for Far Harbor, besides the Radium Rifle being amazing against humans no matter what their level is, the rest of the weapons are pretty shit, or boring. Harpoon Gun is a terrible, weaker version of the Broadsider, which has more accurate VATS shots, damage, an AoE effect, ranks in Demolition Expert and Heavy Weapons perks, and with a small sacrifice to accuracy (which I refuse to do so, because those hilarious shots where you basically shoot across the world and nail a headshot with a cannonball is one of the few joyful moments in the game) to increase your magazine capacity. Honestly, the only reason you'd go for the Harpoon Gun is if you were doing Survival Mode and was that fucking desperate to kill people and save ammo.

Creature-wise, the Fog Crawler, though unique honestly, is sadly incredibly weak. Angler seems pretty unique, thought it would have the Yao Guai animations moveset, but it seems to be a hybrid of Mirelurk King and it's own animations. Gulper so far is literally reskinned Deathclaw, I didn't see any unique animations of it during the beginning of the DLC, and I only encountered them in the beginning, no where else. Shame, really. Finding the Ghoul eating shit was humorous, at the least.

EDIT: Forgot to mention, the Harpoon Gun is great for one thing: It can be changed into a big ass Heavy Weapon Shotgun, with the use of the Flechette ammo, dealing more damage per hit compared to even the double barrel shotgun and the combat shotgun. DPS? Not even close to the others.
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Can we talk about why it only takes 30 minutes to sail 250 miles from Boston, Massachusetts to Far (Bar) Harbor, Maine?

Or why Dozens of mindless super mutant orcs somehow found multiple functional boats and refined gasoline, and blindly took the risk of sailing 250 miles out to Far Harbor for no apparent reason?

I think this DLC contains the worst retcon that Bethesda has ever made. Contrary to one of the most important parts of Fallout lore, earth's oil is actually not depleted as seen from the Far Harbor boats, as well as the oil leak on fire from the crashed boat.
I think this DLC contains the worst retcon that Bethesda has ever made. Contrary to one of the most important parts of Fallout lore, earth's oil is actually not depleted as seen from the Far Harbor boats, as well as the oil leak on fire from the crashed boat.

I could actually buy that some businesses might have stockpiling as much oil as they could during the Resource Wars because they expected its price to continue rising. If there had been a terminal entry or something confirming this, I'd go so far as to call it a nice little nod to continuity. Unfortunately, I doubt that the thought of how this even fit in with Fallout lore so much as crossed anyone's mind at Bethesda.
Or you know, boats that run on biofuel, just like how the Boomers made biofuel for their bomber?

That's hardly credible considering the boomers have a small warehouse full of maize, barrels, and tanks for refining the biodiesel.

It's also a nice reminder that Obsidian spent their time paying close attention to detail in creating a believable world, as opposed to the psychopaths at Bethesda's studio who add detail to mutilated bodies around raider camps and weird garden gnomes with random objects attached to them.
So I finally got around to playing Far Harbor and I have to say I found it a marked improvement over the base game. The combat and graphics and general bugginess of it all still leaves a lot to be desired, and most of the enemies are still bullet sponges who can block a critical hit from a mini-nuke with their eyeballs. But the concept with the synths, children of atom and a good old fishing village stuck on one side of it all isn't all bad. Like everyone else I found the raiders (oh, sorry.. "trappers") and super mutants kind of misplaced and immersion breaking. But I did mostly enjoy my conversations with the faction leaders and some of the NPC's.

The story isn't exactly ground-breaking for a hardened fallout and rpg veteran like myself, but it's a nice little story and it offers enough "grayness" to prove entertaining. I found myself exploring all the options before picking a side. And there are some nice options for the end of the story, you can side with pretty much any faction(s) you want and the story will support it. And I believe you can wipe them all out too if you really want to. And I did appreciate that there was non-violent pacifist option, you don't have to pick it but having it there is nice.

Although thinking long-term the true pacifist option is probably to convince the children of atom to nuke themselves. If they spread to the mainland I'm pretty sure they'd be fanatical zealots setting off bombs all over the place.

Not saying Far Harbor blew my socks off but compared to vanilla Fallout 4 it's definitely a step in the right direction. We still need a new engine, and we still need to get rid of some of the lazy idiot writers/designers who just place super-mutants and raiders all over the place. And the un-modded dialogue wheel is horrible etc etc.
Wasnt the pitt and point lookout also "steps in the right direction"? Cause that still led to fo4.
Wasnt the pitt and point lookout also "steps in the right direction"? Cause that still led to fo4.
It's part of cash grab strategy, sell a better game piece trapped inside a DLC, some of them to appeal old-school crowd. They ditched it in Fallout 4 anyway.
Yeah, The Pitt and Point Lookout were probably the highlights of Fallout 3 when I look back at it but Bethesda did nothing to get even close to those again.
Well perhaps with Far Harbor they tried to much to repeat Point Lookout again (a distant misty land, strange things going on in remote parts of it, the sense of something mysterious lurking).

What I like to think is that a lot of us Fallout gamers don't want more of the same necessarily, we want the old being build on and expanded, and have new material added that feels as good as the old material.
So not yet another heavily Lovecraft inspired place but perhaps something inspired by the works of another writer or artist who also has had an impact on popular culture.

Nuka Cola World is in that regards something new setting wise but content wise it is yet still the same: more raiders.
Well seeing as the base game is already full of raiders I don't see the point of adding more. Yeah we can talk and interact with them now but that should have been in the base game to begin with.

Some of the resources spend on filling the map with all kinds of craps like gnomes and teddy bears in funny poses could instead have been put into the gameplay.
And instead of having loads of raiders all over the place why not three or four well developed gangs with their own mentality/way of operating.

Far Harbor might be in some ways better than the base game but all I see is more of the same and I already did not care about the original stuff to begin with.

I find Fallout 4's DLCs a big waste of time, money, and the Fallout setting.