First round of Fallout 4 Reviews

It's true that you can solve everything with Charisma.

I had a 7 charisma from the start and was able go use charsima all the time.
No idea how I can use Charisma on the "Kill all raiders in X building" quests other than asking for slightly more money after being forced to kill all of them.
No idea how I can use Charisma on the "Kill all raiders in X building" quests other than asking for slightly more money after being forced to kill all of them.

You have to imagine that you convinced them raiders/ghouls/insert-generic-enemy-here to kill themself. It is a Bethesda game! You're supposed to LARP! Your way trough it.
Also, I tried openning fire on Gravy and his group, every single one of them is immortal... even the 2 that are just generic NPCs that walk around Sancturay endlessly and don't even have quests.

I was skipping through Danse's dialogue after I accidentally pressed F9 and quickloaded a file isntead of record video, I ended up punching him even tho I was trying to click on a dialogue option and he turned hostile. So there are also bugs on the Dialogue cross thing.

I haven't been able to open the console, wanted to take some screens with TFC but the usual key doesn't pull it up and it's not listed in the control section.....
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Man, Metacritic is just useless. Hilarious, but useless :D
4.8 right now, btw.
I'd certainly like to see a score aggregate of actually honest reviews, and not just hyped fanboys and bitter trolls.
Oh my god, this is hilarious, check it:
4 point fucking 9 in user reviews. 4.9.

The house of cards is about to fall. More and more people are complaining about the bugs and piss poor UI more then anything else in the game right now. This is Arkham Knight all over again but at lest Rock Steady admitted that their PC port was a unplayable mess while Bethesda and Petey boy are in absolute denial mode right now.
Playstation is at 5.7 and Xbox is at 5.6.
I'm honestly surprised by this. I figured it'd be at the very least hovering around 7-8 but it is dropping to 5 on even the console versions.
Though I wonder if this is just the anti-hype and hype crowd waging a war with one another and if when they calm down the actual user reviews will bring the score back up.
If not, and it stays at this score or gets worse then clearly there is something iffy with the reviewers.
A game with a high critic score should not have a really low user score. Cause one group can be paid off, the other; Can't.
So, yeah. I wonder if Gamergate will pick this up. That'd be icing on the cake for me.
Oh my god, this is hilarious, check it:
4 point fucking 9 in user reviews. 4.9.

The house of cards is about to fall. More and more people are complaining about the bugs and piss poor UI more then anything else in the game right now. This is Arkham Knight all over again but at lest Rock Steady admitted that their PC port was a unplayable mess while Bethesda and Petey boy are in absolute denial mode right now.
Ah is this the right moment to say pass me the popcorn?


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On Steam, it is rated Very Positive and it has 5,412 positive reviews along with 1,250 negative reviews.
Then again, Steam has a binary system with zero middle-ground, so it's up to the rest of you to make what you will out of the Very Positive reception.


Oh and the PC user reviews dropped from 4.8 to 4.7 now. The xbox and Playstation also had a 0.1 drop.


Scratch that, it went up to 4.8 again. Whatever, I guess I'll just wait until tomorrow to see if there is a staggering change in either direction.
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Well, at least now we know why Bethesda didn't want any hands on demo leaked, why they didn't want anyone to record anything at QuakeCon, why they put up a review embargo and why they tried their hardest to shut down leaks the past couple of days.

They're terrified.

You are sounding more and more like some conspiracy theorist to me rather than someone with legitmate greviances who is critical of the direction Bethesda is taking the series in.