Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

"Some people only want my opinion if it reinforces their own. Those can sod off elsewhere."
- TB
That must be my personal favourite, really. It tells a lot about fan-boys in general. Not just Bethesdian ones. Some say, this is NMA, full of people that are opiniated and not open to Bethesdas Fallout. But I think NMA would be the absolute last place to complain about a really good Fallout game. Even if it was in First Person and Real Time, if it had AT LEAST a good story, interesting quests, quality writing and NPCs with depth, and no game breaking bugs of course. May I say, an quality RPG? Can't say if TB is the best critic out there, but at least this time, he is definetly spot on - and I have to say that I agree with him most of the time.
So, will you buy F4?