First round of Fallout 4 Reviews

"Some people only want my opinion if it reinforces their own. Those can sod off elsewhere."
- TB

That must be my personal favourite, really. It tells a lot about fan-boys in general. Not just Bethesdian ones. Some say, this is NMA, full of people that are opiniated and not open to Bethesdas Fallout. But I think NMA would be the absolute last place to complain about a really good Fallout game. Even if it was in First Person and Real Time, if it had AT LEAST a good story, interesting quests, quality writing and NPCs with depth, and no game breaking bugs of course. May I say, an quality RPG? Can't say if TB is the best critic out there, but at least this time, he is definetly spot on - and I have to say that I agree with him most of the time.

So, will you buy F4?
Not now, no. Maaaaaaybe when the prices drops and there are some really interesting mods out there, 1 year from now? We will see. But right now? The game's to much of a clusterfuck.

I just don't have the nerve anymore to be the betatester for AAA companies anymore. Seriously, I can deal with bugs and glitches, up to a certain point. But recently a few of those companies have really streched it, with realising garbage. I had so many issues with Games for Windows life in the years that avoid games that had it like the plaque, thx god at least that one died out, the recent rip-off that was called Aliens Colonial Marines, Batman Arkham Knight which saw a new version for the PC because it was so buggy, and a couple of more games that I don't remember. And all of this while those games contain intrusive DRM meassures, forcing you to own internet conections - even if you buy DVD copies, and dealing with other stuff.

I really DON'T want to be like that, games have been really one of my favourite hobbies once, but they really don't make it easy.
Not really a review to post: but to round up my first post in this thread concerning the marketing machine and the correlation with the reviews of major magazines and or websites, I was at 3 major German train stations this past weekend and all 3 of them had Fallout 4 advertisement all over them! Just to put the massive amount of money they put into the advertisement campaign in perspective (wish they would have invested it in a better roster but oh well). I just thought "oh good grief! Look at this. The Vault Boy from 15+ years ago is being held hostage and has to pose for this clusterfuck at gunpoint with Todd Howard standing behind him"
In case anyone is wondering the developers are not allowed to directly delete steam reviews, but this doesn't stop some of them from trying.

There is a mechanic that allows them to make them vanish, as they CAN hide them by flagging them as "abusive" until the Steam/Valve guys get around to checking them and clearing them out of the queue. This can take a long time to be resolved and in effect, hide your review from the public.

I saw this happen with reviews of the DayZ standalone game.

Afaik, there is no negative repercussion to them for doing this as much as they want to, and since both companies make money from the game sales (and review % does fool people into buying stuff) Valve is probably not going to do more than slap someone on the wrist who did this to positively affect their review numbers.
Yeah I've kept track on the number of reviews for the PC version on Metacritic for the past 2 days and I see all three (positive, negative, mixed) go up in numbers, none of them ever goes down or stays still.
It looks like Metacritic is also deleting trash positive reviews. Just saw "this is my fourth review, why was it deleted" from a pretty much content-free 9/10 review. :) I don't see a slow dritf upwards as inaccurate: obviously there are a good number of people who would enjoy a Fallout-themed FPS with some crafting, and would enjoy it more if it wasn't so crap on PC. :) I mean, I enjoy gratuitous mass murder sometimes myself.

I wouldn't be surprised to see the reviews eventualy settle in just above a 6. Lots of modern gamers don't know what an RPG is, and it looks like a reasonably inoffensive way to, you know, pass the time by killing people and collecting garbage. That said, the PC port is crap (like everything Bethesda does these days apparently, mouse acceleration SERIOUSLY?) and it's people with XBox controllers buoying up the PC rating, I assume.

Amazon demonstrated that you don't need to "fix" a popular-vote style review system by deleting reviews. Not if you want people to trust it anyway.
I've worked out how to make this game awesome.

Step 1: Buy 8 pint bottles of Staropramen.
Step 2: Put game on Normal only.
Step 3: Put on '70 Rock and Roll Songs' album with Fats Domino, Elvis Presley etc.

It's like fucking an uggie and having the best time of my life, not thinking nor caring.


My review by Sumsolus.

Gave it 4/10 on Meta :) \O\



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I can't wait for his video.

Or Razorfist's.
So, I just watched this one:
Oh and:

Now don't get me wrong, Razorfist could very well raise good points about Fallout 4 but considering his views in the past he may very well end up praising it for all we know. And even if he does condemn it what 'he' would have preferred it to be might not be the thing we here would agree with him on.
Yeah, he's kinda got a hate-boner for Obsidian. Most of his videos are good, but his NV video was crap("Fallout 3 made those"), and I'd like to think my opinion would be the same even if I didn't like the game.

For a more accurate view on how he might respond to Fallout 4, you should watch his Skyrim and Elder Scrolls Online videos.

Mainly I'm looking forward to it because it's bound to be funny no matter what he says.
I hate radiant quests

What exactly do they do with the time saved from having to write proper quests?
Do they sit around in their lunch room giggling?[/QUOTE]'go "Could go on for a while, but most critics come from people, who claim to be "Fallout Fans" till Fallout 1, and that's the prob: Nostalgia!"

Normally, when I say "I hate people", it is a sentence not to be taken literally, but I might just make the exception of this drivel...
From what I've been reading the most memorable things in Fallout 4 are minecraft building, immortal dogs and polygamy.

At this point the franchise is more of a brah game than COD. It's nothing but a hype machine fueling itself with people telling themselves "my life is over, fallout has arrived!" and then they toss it aside a week after.
I didn't know that TB had cancer.

I finally found some time to play FO4 (lazy day at work, heh) and I have to say that begginig is pretty nice, from story point. Dialogue wheel is bullshit, but you all know that. Graphics are... not bad, but i haven't hoped for much. Well, I'll give game a shot.
Normally, when I say "I hate people", it is a sentence not to be taken literally, but I might just make the exception of this drivel...

Oh, when I say I hate people I definitely mean it.

The empty-headed responses to that forum post certainly don't help dissuade me from my misanthropic tendencies.

If anything I feel vindicated.