I have read the article, seen the scans and read all 16 pages of this very long thread 8)
My impression is that the overall feel in FO3 is that of STALKER, I can't quite say why I have this feeling or hunch, but I have I don't mind Bethesda doing a game like STALKER as long as they don't claim it to be a Fallout game. Sadly

- they do

I would have been happy

if Bethsoft just decided to make the game RT combat instead of this odd

VATS combat

: which seems like a hybrid between RT and TB combat (and now we know the real reason behind socrates post on this as well as behind the official gameplay thread....maybe...) which really wasn't that good a deal in Arcanum, imo....
I know I have been one of the optimistic ones, but this info really have disappointed me a little. I agree pretty much with everything being said here by the skeptic posters, so no need to repeat this.
However, I like the new PIPBOY 3000, it looks more 1960's than 1950's, but still, too me, it looks retro-sci-fi. As for adults playing a 19-year old kid, you should be able to roleplay this part, if any

The screenshots haven't got the cartoony comic book like 1950's theme to them, but look more like stalker or gears of war, I agreee.
The main story, well.... the missing father, and the young boy who is looking for his father is, imo, a trivial and overdone thing. (can you say gorion and bg1?? or star wars and qui gong??)
I'm still somewhat cautiously optimistic, but my faith in Bethsoft as a gaming company has just gotten another shot of mistrust. I will read reviews from NMA and the Codex (rpgcodex) very carefully before I decide whether or not to buy this game.