botia said:
It doesn't seem all that bad, they've seemingly tried a lot to introduce a certain kind of feeling to the game, but it all seems a little horror-ish to me, wouldn't you agree?
botia said:
What concearns me is weather Bethseda will introduce the mature themes in the game.
Oh yeah, the mature themes. The core of the Fallout heritage. Let's not forget about those. Sheesh, I sure hope I can fuck hookers in Washington DC. Sheesh, I sure hope I can steal condoms from some Jet addict, 'cause that'll totally make my gaming experience complete. Pfff... Get a life. And a girlfriend.
botia said:
Yeah, I liked having sex in F2, even if it only lasted for 2 seconds of blank screen...
Go you! The FO sexxorz is teh bestest, ain't it?
botia said:
the combat system seemed OK. A combination of pseudo-turn basedness for better tactical desicions sounds good to me.
Yeah. RTwP is totally Falloutish, ain't it? It's like RT with an extra something undefinable, ain't it? FO with an extra 60 seconds to use your brain. Wow! That'll be innovative on the FPS market. Imagine all those kids, who never played FO or FO2, totally getting their kicks whilst pumping lead into an Orc's dumbfumbled head. "Will I aim for his left or his right arm?" Then watch the shot in slo-mo. Wowee-zowee! That's what we have been waiting for, for 10 years, ain't it? We're so lucky, aren't we?
botia said:
It doesn't seem all that bad, they've seemingly tried a lot to introduce a certain kind of feeling to the game, but it all seems a little horror-ish to me, wouldn't you agree?
Aw no, it doesn't seem all that bad. It remembers me a little of Resident Evil and Doom 3 and I'm sure it'll play as fluently as Call Of Duty. But get this: it doesn't remember me at all of those two superb games I played in the nineties, FO and FO2, and isn't that what a sequel should try to achieve? Or should we introduce some sort of Jar Jar Binks and fuck up everything we believed in? Let's ridicule ourselves, it's so frikkin' pomo, ain't it?
I've had it up to here with those "Well, it ain't that bad" posters. Have these guys actually played FO and FO2? Have they experienced that sort of classic gameplay? Travelling through the wasteland and running into a pack of geckos with only a 9mm and less ammo than you'd hoped for? Contemplating whether you should use your shotgun or your H&K G11 or your FN FAL? Wondering whether you should use three Stimpaks or two Super Stimpaks whilst taking another hit in your groin from some Raider? It's like most of these posters don't grasp the essence of the Fallout franchise. And it's like they don't even try. Or care.
45 hours without sleep. I should so go to bed and leave you guys alone.
I am truly disappointed. Truly, truly, truly. I don't think a lot of these new posters know how true fans have waited for this. It's been 10 years, dawgunnit. Do you have a clue of how long that is? I played Fallout when it hit the shelves and I fell in love with it immediately, and now you've got all these youngsters going "Well, it ain't that bad, at least it looks good and I hope you'll get to fuck some radiated whores."
Sheesh. Sure, if you were fed Counterstrike at birth, this ain't all too bad. But this contraption that's being made by Bethesda is not only a clear sign of how the games industry has changed, it's also a sign of how older gamers are completely ignored. And don't you forget: we made this shit possible. We saved pennies to buy a Commodore 64 and play crappy games, we saved more pennies to upgrade and play sweeter games, we tasted Fallout before you kids knew how to properly suck your momma's nipple. Do not tell me how a worthy Fallout sequel should look and play like. All of you are looking at the make-up, the cosmetics and you fail to see how they fucked up the contents, the inside, the mechanics that made it all work.
You get a teaser trailer that makes you sorta hopeful. Sorta nostalgic and sorta positive. Then you get an article with screenshots that makes you remember how shitty the games industry has become.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: Arcanum was the last RPG that was able to make an old-school gamer like me a happy man. I'm 31 now. I was 21 when I played Fallout. I finished it in one long session, sipping lemonade and smoking pot. It was the first game I ever finished without cheats, the first game I played without feeling cheated by some obscure developer. It felt awesome. The minute I finished it, I couldn't believe I had achieved such a goal. It was a moment of magic. A sort of magic I've only re-experienced when finishing Fallout 2, Arcanum and Commandos 2. Open your eyes: most games are utter crap. Most games don't give you that sort of sensation. I can't stress this enough. It's a memory worth cherishing. Not unlike your first fuck or the first time you finished writing a novel and mumbled: "Sheesh, I actually did this!"
You think this Bethesda contraption will let you experience such a feeling? Bwahahaha. Think again, young padawan. This is console crap that you won't remember on your death bed. This will seem like a waste of time once you hit thirty. It's cosmetics without any contents. A bitch you meet at the discotheque with the right clothes but the wrong personality. Good for a 15-minute fuck but not an option to get married to.
I've seen the trailer, heard the tunes, saw the concept art (and retched), and now I've read the article and saw the screenshots (and retched yet again). We'll be discussing this crappy sequel for months to come. We'll see screenshots of ghouls and be sad. We'll analyze game mechanics and get sad. We'll hear rumors, we'll post scans and be persona non grata on the Bethesda fora. We'll be busy. We'll scream and we'll comply. We'll loathe stuff and we'll love things. All in all, though, we'll be handed a major disappointment Fall 2008. I know it and the more intelligent members of this forum know it.
This time it's not "The best is yet to come", but "The worst is yet to come". We've seen two excerpts from Bethesda's project and most of us are desillusioned already. The meteor shower is yet to come. I only have one advice for my brethren: "Duck and cover!"
Duck and cover. Peh-lease.