General Discussion Thread of DOOM

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So guyse, I found this collection from Turkish illustrator Murat Palta. Ottoman-style miniatures inspired by western movies such as Star Wars, Alien, and many others:



And this is incredible, 5/5 in my book:
Published on Apr 14, 2016
At assembly this morning we bid farewell to Mr. John Adams, the school Guidance Counsellor, who is retiring from teaching. Mr. Adams is moving to Nelson to be closer to his family so that he can dedicate more of his time to them.
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Ah, just 5 days until I retreat into my cave and spend 3 days doing nothing productive. I have earned it.

Ah, just 5 days until I retreat into my cave and spend 3 days doing nothing productive. I have earned it.

That game comes out on my buddy's birthday. He's getting sun. Personally I'm gonna get moon just because the legendary looks waaaay cooler to me. But whatever. Whih do you plan to get?
Sun because I am starting the game with my Nephew and he gets to choose the version this time around and he like the bat more.
Watch Westworld people. Do it. Before it becomes a thing and people get annoying about it.
A wild west "theme park" in the future where rich people can go do whatever they want. They aren't allowed to hurt other guests, but the "hosts" are androids who don't know they are androids. When they get killed or reassigned they are memory wiped, but they are slowly somehow regaining their memories. It's based on an old Crichton movie, but it's much better than that. Anthony Hopkins makes the show for me. It has a mysterious vibe going on and the androids remind me of synths in some ways. In a good way though. Haha.
It's not about the end anyway, but the journey! I thought the end was ok, if a bit of a let down.

I liked it, but I understand the sentiment.
The problem is that the series had such climaxes, season endigs and such, it poses for a serious dilemma for the series end - how do you "outdo" all the previous climactic endings, and go for a TREMENDOUS BANG at the cost of all the realism the series has flaunted in the past? In my opinion, they had worked themselves into a corner, but in the end, I liked what they did. Hell, it was even a little bit over the top, for my taste, with the showdown with the nazis, especially the effectiveness of the automated machinegun. A bit of a deus ex machina in the precision of those bullets, if you ask me.
But! I liked the very ending, the "completely converted" Heisenberg, finally true to his myth, finally no longer a show or a fake alter ego. As the cops surround him, he IS truly Heisenberg, and dies as Heisenberg
I just really didn't liked that white-supremacy-nazi group or what every it was. Their acting felt a bit out of place and not as good like the others. But at that point in the series, everyone but Jessy was pretty much gone. It was not so much the plot or idea for it self, which was alright. I really loved that part when Walter turned up with all that money to his former ... friends, heh. And the machinegun? Splendid. But after Gustavo, the Cartel, Mike, I mean I don't even remember the name of the Nazis anymore.
I am so moving to America.

I want to live in one of the rural states on a ranch with nobody around, maybe Oregon or Georgia, with loads of nice land for dogs and some guns.
I also want guns.

I had a collection of air soft guns before, 5 in total, but after I moved out, my mother cleared away a lot of my stuff, and she motherly considered my air-soft collection "toy guns", and just tossed them in the garbage. She got all weird when I casually asked about them a few years back :(