Dayglow Drifter
Mildly Dipped

Objectively the best color combination
Border between Millenial and Gen Z here. Dang, I feel called out by this post, this explains me perfectly lmao.I'm left with the singular impression that people born after a certain period, at least here - no longer know how to write by hand. They have no muscle-memory associated with writing their names or phone numbers, and will struggle reproducing even letters or numbers properly, including typoing up their own names regularily :I
I also have what I think might be a Gen Z "issue" of not knowing my phone number off by heart.
Interesting detail. I've had the same mobile phone number forever, never changed it. Always made that point when changing phones, to keep the sim (which I kept untill the physical card was no longer compatible with new phones) and then insisting to keep my number. So - my phone number is deeply imbedded in muscle memory, as well as phone-number-rythm (ill struggle to remember it if I have to translate, or read it in a different rythm)
My home address is a different matter, and just now, my dentist asked me to update it, and I had to tell him I simply do not know where the hell I live - and rather come back to him the next time with my address noted down. I've moved so many times, and whenever I have to pay bills etc, it's usually an automatic, after having filled my address into various digital services the first few days after moving in. From that point on, I really don't need to know my own address. Whenever I need it, I'll check some recent envelope, which sort of serves to enable myself to keep forgetting it.
Yeah I almost never write by hand if I don't have to. My handwriting was always pretty bad. I have the muscle memory to do it but that muscle memory is shit handwriting because I have chicken scratch handwriting. The last time I wrote by hand extensively was an American History class in college where the professor had 3 grades for us. Attendance, midterm exam, final exam. And those two exams were literally questions of answering what he said in class and the classes were like 2.5 hours long. I wrote every word he said and by the end I had essentially hand written a book. I had to go back through after each class and write over where I was going too fast to make the letters more neat.How much do any of you write by hand from day to day?
I grew up hand-writing everything, but in my early adulthood I quickly lost most reasons to hand-write, as everything of relevance became typed. I'll sign my name places, and whenever hand-writing for other purposes, I'll opt for a... recently-adopted all-caps script, just to avoid any problem (my natural hand-writing growing up was less than ideal)
Now, gf works in a restaurant, shes going through regulars and their names + phone numbers. She doesn't speak fluent Norwegian, so she hands me these notes where the customers have written their own names down, for me to interpret - and it's fucking impossible half the time. These are mostly Gen Z, and their hand-writing is atrocious almost without exception! The top of the note will say "Capital letters please" and so far *everyone* ignores this, and rambles their name down in incomprehensible letters -
these aren't "stylistic", like fashionable signatures or anything, but they really look like illiterate people trying their best to make sense of a pen. The lines are uneven, the letters look amateurish, like small children struggling, and in most cases - both the names AND the phone numbers are only partially deciphrable. Several of them show several typos (hand-typos!) with marks of having had to re-start their names.
I'm left with the singular impression that people born after a certain period, at least here - no longer know how to write by hand. They have no muscle-memory associated with writing their names or phone numbers, and will struggle reproducing even letters or numbers properly, including typoing up their own names regularily :I
My handwriting has always been shit, so I decided to learn old german script/Sütterlin for fun so now it's worse.