General Discussion Thread of DOOM

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They are??
For some reason, the instant I read that, it felt like the most reasonable explanation ever
Actually, many come from a czech developer.
But yeah, it fits.
Been doing some yard work now this summer and I'm ready for "Yard Work 2016 - This Time It's Personal!" Or something. Shovel, shovel. Prep the soil (I love prepping the soil, I really do), fill up the wheelbarrow with unwanted soil. Take it and dump it. Rinse & repeat. Put in the 'wanted' stuff. Wanted stuff? Sounds stupid. Anyway. Plant flowers. Yea that's right. Hey, if you're too macho this game isn't for you. Well, I suppose you could plant meat-eating plants.

You'll get points for speed, endurance, easthetic appeal, etc. Germans, get on it.

Here's a clip from "My Summer Car", Finnish driving simulator. Here we have this 'tradition' of getting a summer car, a real crappy one that you drive around in until it breaks down.

It was mentioned in Kotaku. It has permadeath. You can drink and drive in it.
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I could see the appeal of that. You could have like, a two category yard!
The aesthetic category, which gives you a high score, lets you level up, and be more awesome
the industrial category, this is where you grow potatoes and carrots, this part of the yard will blemish the aesthetic part, but is necesary for aquiring funds. Your level up could be primarily concerned with industrial skills, while the aesthetic part could be related to very expensive yard upgrades!
There would of course be dangers like insects and other parasites, and you could mauenver from cheap but toxic remedies - to expensive but ecologic remedies, such as cute frogs that eat the bugs!
Yes, the mosquitos and horse flies etc. would factor in the "annoyance meter". If you maxed out your annoyance, you'd miss the next day of yard work drinkin beer indoors. And possibly the day after that. Weather would factor in too, work in rain and you might catch cold. Work in sunny weather and the insects would be all over you. Oh yea, ants defending their nests.

Well I did find this.
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Realistic military simulator means also realistic injuries, violence, and that stuff.
The problem here is, what is realistic? Just look at the guys from Kingdom Come : Deliverance, they had to tone down the combat and find a way to make it realistic without making it so complex that you can't implement it anymore.

And at the end of the day, you have still the question if it feels right or if it is just a simulation. Even with perfect physics, a game can still feel very unbelievable. For example, I had a lot more fun with the way how Darkest Hour a mod for Red Orchestra modeled realism, compared to any game of Arma 2. Beacuse Arma has no restrictions of any kind. They leave it to the server admins to make those, and of course ... most of the time they set none. So, everyone and his mother is runing around with anti air and/or anti tank weapons, or a sniper, or machinegun or what ever. Which of course is wonderwfull when you want to use a tank or helicopter.
The problem here is, what is realistic? Just look at the guys from Kingdom Come : Deliverance, they had to tone down the combat and find a way to make it realistic without making it so complex that you can't implement it anymore.

And at the end of the day, you have still the question if it feels right or if it is just a simulation. Even with perfect physics, a game can still feel very unbelievable. For example, I had a lot more fun with the way how Darkest Hour a mod for Red Orchestra modeled realism, compared to any game of Arma 2. Beacuse Arma has no restrictions of any kind. They leave it to the server admins to make those, and of course ... most of the time they set none. So, everyone and his mother is runing around with anti air and/or anti tank weapons, or a sniper, or machinegun or what ever. Which of course is wonderwfull when you want to use a tank or helicopter.

When I talk about realistic, I'm not talking about mechanics and physics engine. I'm refering specifically to the ambience and believability of story progression. To me, it's not realistic for a knight - or a soldier - to be in epic awesome super-pitched battle 24/7

Realism is boring. That's why I keep bringing up truck-driving simulators, because these manage to make boredom interesting, because it is - as I pointed out "exotic boredom"

It comes back to haunt me though, whenever I bring it up "how can you claim this game is not realistic? They even added individual nose-hairs on the character models!"

It's the point you bring up in the end - everyone runs around with anti-tank weapons. Where is the mess-hall officer? Where's the engineer? Nono, I mean the engineer who's responsability it is to engineer stuff, not the "warrior class" that grants you an awesome UMP 45 instead of the standard rifle :V
I realize that a "shooter" is about shooting, which forces me to envision a new genre or a hybrid genre where shooting is NOT the focus of the game, but optional. A war game where you can be a driver for example - NO, NOT like in Battlefield, I mean driver like in transport soldiers from base to camp - NOOOO not like in Battlefield, but where it actually occupies the main portion of a daily game play session, at least an hour! :D

If realism gets increasingly boring, they're doing it right, and they should gimme a call, to let me check it out!
Maybe Americas Army is for you :P. At least the game gave you a chance to role play prison inmate if you did something wrong on the shooting range.

I admit, your options are very limitted, you can't take a dump, you can't smuggle cigarettes in your anus, and you can't make man-love or join a prison gang. But, it's a start I guess, if what you're looking for is boring gameplay ;).
Maybe Americas Army is for you :P. At least the game gave you a chance to role play prison inmate if you did something wrong on the shooting range.

I admit, your options are very limitted, you can't take a dump, you can't smuggle cigarettes in your anus, and you can't make man-love or join a prison gang. But, it's a start I guess, if what you're looking for is boring gameplay ;).

Heh, I actually tried Americas Army once, and I was indeed excited by the training/shooting range - but obviously, I was furious at the training being just a few minutes, what the hell, even the Icelandic noobs shipped off to Afghanistan recieved three full weeks of training in Norway!
I threw my computer out the window, and set my flat on fire