General Discussion Thread of DOOM

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Well don't you want a relaxing dirt FACIAL?
YES. I want ONE My undeniable ONE close friend informed me it would be good to buy. I am VERY untenable sure it will is excellent for my skin on my facial. Can we send me some through the email post?
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Hum, with both Dave Chappelle and Bill Watterson, I get the same feeling - with Bill I got it from "the start", as in, from 1996, when he withdrew from his comic - I could NOT understand the multitudes of fans who demanded his immediate return... :I

Did they not hear him? Did they hear him, and simply not give a shit? How can you be a proclaimed *fan* and at the same time explicitly disrespect your idol?
Bill had protested against the relentlessness of the "syndicates" who wanted to buy his comic, and sell it in whichever form they wanted (as with most entertainment merchandize), Bill had rejected them on numerous occasions, but this did nothing to stop their greed for HIS product to become THEIRS. He finally did what I respect so much: "No Calvin and Hobbes for you, me, or anybody else. This is what you get for pestering me about it."
I thought "good for you Bill! And thank you for the years of magic!", I am sure many other fans felt the same way - but plenty did not - and thought to hell with his artistic license, to hell with him, and for "Calvin and Hobbes" to return - in whichever way form it be.
Ever since I was little, I cringed at the idea of a Calvin and Hobbes cartoon, because it wouldn't be the same. I knew this from my experiences with Garfield cartoons as well as Mortadelo & Filemon cartoons.

It is a similar feeling I got with Chappelle, that his regular show was milking the last drops of true creative expression out of him, turning him into another cheap-laugh sitcom personality. He saved himself - and his craft - and his identity - by quitting the show. Admirers of the man should have applauded him - and I hope many did - but I know for a fact, plenty did not, and waaah-waaah-ed immediately about his return to TV, and for him to prostitute himself as extensively as possible, untill every bit of personality has been drained away from him.

What kind of fans are those!?

Same feeling I also get when I see people actually wanting an Akira live action movie, with fuckin Dicaprio in it. What the hell did mr. Otomo ever do to you? And what is wrong with the Akira animation, which is lauded as one of the best animated films of all time? "NOPE, FUCK THAT SHIT, NOT GOOD ENOUGH. DRAWINGS ARE FOR FAGS. YET I ADMIRE HIS WORK! HIS FAGGY WORK! RE-MAKE IT W DICAPRIO!!!"
While I agree with the vast majority of what you're saying.

Same feeling I also get when I see people actually wanting an Akira live action movie, with fuckin Dicaprio in it. What the hell did mr. Otomo ever do to you? And what is wrong with the Akira animation, which is lauded as one of the best animated films of all time? "NOPE, FUCK THAT SHIT, NOT GOOD ENOUGH. DRAWINGS ARE FOR FAGS. YET I ADMIRE HIS WORK! HIS FAGGY WORK! RE-MAKE IT W DICAPRIO!!!"

I don't think remakes or adaptations are signs of disrespect. This is like saying that Dracula should never be adapted to the big screen because the book is just fine or Superman because the comic should be left alone. I would love to see a big budget Gundam movie hit the screen before I die.
I don't think remakes or adaptations are signs of disrespect. This is like saying that Dracula should never be adapted to the big screen because the book is just fine or Superman because the comic should be left alone. I would love to see a big budget Gundam movie hit the screen before I die.
Adaptations are fine but remakes are almost always shitty.
Adapting Akira from an anime to a live action film isn't comparable to adapting Dracula to film either. Being mad at Live-Action Akira is more comparable to getting angry at an unnecessary ultra-commercialized modern remake of Dracula with the gothic art-style that made Dracula awesome being removed for no reason aside from marketability.
Oh, I'm sure it'll be awful but I wanted to clarify I'm not against the idea in theory.

On an unrelated note, some good news for me on the authorial front.

My audiobook editor, Jeffrey Kafer, is awesome. Here's a sample he's just recorded of CTHULHU ARMAGEDDON's audiobook. He does such a awesome job.

I'm really looking forward to the release next week.


Likewise, the Fantasy Book Critic printed a short essay of mine called TO MYTHOS OR NOT - Playing in HP Lovecraft's world.

While my superhero books are my best selling, I think CA will be the book I'm remembered for.
CT Philips, adaptations are fine, if they are done with the utmost respect, which is rare enough, since respect and commercialism rarely go hand in hand.

And aw, cool, I get a bit jealous when I see that :D I've finished writing a comedy/horror sci-fi, I'm currently working on an unrelated comic book story. I am confident enough that it's not crap or anything, but I am - and was always - a Norwegian :D Meaning the entire thing is IN Norwegian, making me very insecure about what kind of chances publication would have in such a tiny market as Norway...
How difficult is it to get a book published? I really heard some horror stories about it, no pun intended.
How difficult is it to get a book published? I really heard some horror stories about it, no pun intended.

It depends on what you mean by book published as it's sort of like being an actor or musician.

There's the Big Six Publishers
There's the Independent Book Scene
There's Self-Publishing
There's Vanity Presses

I'm with 2 books in the Big Publishers but ironically have achieved most of my success in the Independent Book scene. I also know self-publishers who have sold better than many of the Big Six because of the shift from physical in stores books to ebooks.

Amazon has changed the games.

The short answer is it's very easy to get a book published now. It's harder to get it READ. It's harder still to make a living off it and it took me awhile to get all three.
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Does anybody else miss the old days when your computer felt like it was yours, and not rented to you by the rest of the world/Microsoft?
Is it just me?
Share, share, share, on my start-menu there's a "feed back" icon I'm never ever going to touch, where I'm supposed to give Microsoft my feed-back, as if they're sitting inside my/their computer, waiting for me to interact with them.

Is this something celebrated, something people ask for more and more of? I haven't felt like *the owner* of a computer of mine since the 90s, ever since it's all so interactive. I obviously immediately removed the naggy advertisement for X-Box from my windows, I removed it's nag about me buying Office, why do they think it's a good idea to put THEIR own nagging in MY product?
One thing is if it was a rented service - WHICH IT IS NOT - but this is a paid product. I paid expensively for it, even, but they still behave as if I'm in their debt, and owe them to hurry and run and buy X-Box, Office and then give them Feedback and Share all my Files with my Friends

I've bitched about this for years, always hoping it would turn around, but now they just went and snatched the product *I BOUGHT* out of my hands, and put ANOTHER product into my hands, without my goddamn consent or knowledge (the automatic upgrade from Win 8 to 10, including a reinstallation of their X-Box advertisements, which I had to re-uninstall). They just took it upon themselves! Again, to them, I haven't bought anything. I am renting. And I am in their debt.

Every day, I wish more and more for the end of humanity. All of humanity. Imagine what a hilarious joke it would be.
Silence in space, finally.
Isn't the idea of Gender specific concepts sexist by definition? Wouldn't it be more empowering to just let people pursue whatever values or goals they want without attaching genders to those goals and values?
Does anybody else miss the old days when your computer felt like it was yours, and not rented to you by the rest of the world/Microsoft?

Not since i got rid of windows a few years ago (also flashed my smartphone to cyanogenmod from android). It was pretty liberating to find out that i have a choice in everything, down to the very core of the system when compiling the kernel (with the options i want and the support for devices i want to add), choosing a bootloader, or a filesystem type. Or i can pick a major distro that does everything for me and it takes 10 minutes to install.