Well Shit!
The ankle monitoring devices obviously don't stop one from getting and using a shotgun. Australia still has low gun violence figures, having said that it's not a perfect place.
But will this be used as a reason to implement new gun control laws? The Aussies have been talking about banning lever and pump actions already. It just seems to me for every opportunity they find a reason to try and implement new laws that would never have stopped the crime in question and they already had the ability to do something about it.
In Canada right now they are talking a lot about straw purchases, where a person who can obtains a legal license and purchases and re-sells to individuals who cannot obtain them. These are almost always handguns, which are restricted and registered. Our police service tracks and approves all transfers of restricted and has full authority to question anybody about the amount they purchase and prove they still have them. The police service does a bad job tracking these and now they are calling for more laws because they cant currently do there job. Its bullshit like most gun control. But those who know nothing lap it up and go yeah we are helping when reality is they are doing nothing but making legal owners jump through more hoops as the cops cannot do there job and wont admit they fail to do it.