Gun Control

"The massacre was called an act of terrorism by the German minister of Internal Affairs.[4]"

I think I'll go with the official view on this matter.
What part of "it just explains a part of it" didn't you understand? Of course it was terrorism, and the guy was a terrorist. Part of why he became a terrorist was because he was (apparently) not mentally healthy, likely a paranoid schizophrenic. Doesn't make him less of a terrorist, just explains part of how he got there.
Again: It was terrorism, and he was a terrorist.
And to be really sure that you got this: It was terrorism and he was a terrorist.
And since all good things come in three, just to make sure you really read this and not just whatever you imagine reading: It. Was. Terrorism. And. He. Was. A. Terrorist.

/edit: I'd also probably turn into a terrorist if my father was a green politician.
(Yes, that's mostly an unconfirmed rumour)
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Whatever happened to being crazy AND a terrorist?

These things are not mutually exclusive. If anything, they can be symbiotic.

The German guy sounds like he was not only crazy but his craziness made him much more susceptible to racism.

I tend to think of it this way.

Craziness leads to two choices.

One choice is to have open borders while the other is a choice for completely closed borders scenario.
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A lot of the people who end up doing terrorist stuff were criminals before, so yea. Maybe there is a link between terrorism and mental problems and criminality.

Just that the "Trump/AfD"-crew don't seem to bring up the mental problem -aspect with Muslim terrorists.
Forgive me as I am not German but I have a theory.

While Germanys Nazi past should rightly not be forgotten, is it really right to constantly beat Germans with the guilt stick though?

I mean, haven't most of the Nazis keeled over from old age already?

It seems like the more you beat the Germans with the guilt stick, the more AFD they become. Maybe try limiting immigration a little? In this instance, why can't Merkel compromise with immigration limits. Also, is the German government actively trying to push a pro migrant agenda? If so, it doesn't seem like such draconian measures would actually work.

Look at America and how Trump got elected because our liberals were so poisonous and so against compromise. So many Americans were tired of disagreement with the left being equated with bigotry and neo nazism.
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While Germanys Nazi past should rightly not be forgotten, is it really right to constantly beat Germans with the guilt stick though

(not sure if I should be allowed to answer because I'm not german either)
Honestly, no. Germany has a very interesting history, but WW2 is all people will ever remember.
It's too late for compromises. The AfD and every single one of their positions is now defined as inhumane, disgusting, and irredeemably evil. Not that most of them aren't, but the intensity at which the "old" parties now work against the AfD basically turned the political landscape into two blocks, AfD and non-AfD. Any slight movement toward the AfD is immediately seen as a concession to the AfD by the far left hardliners, and is met with the same reactions as hardcore Neonazis would be.
It's too late for compromises. The AfD and every single one of their positions is now defined as inhumane, disgusting, and irredeemably evil. Not that most of them aren't, but the intensity at which the "old" parties now work against the AfD basically turned the political landscape into two blocks, AfD and non-AfD. Any slight movement toward the AfD is immediately seen as a concession to the AfD by the far left hardliners, and is met with the same reactions as hardcore Neonazis would be.
Seriously now? - see image.

Or let us see what some of their popular politicians think about democratic values where they throw out one of their "own" supporters because Weidel thought he made a wrong gesture - in fact he wasn't. Some in the crowd shouted to "dispose of him" because of his hair style.

I love you Hass, but you're woefully ignorant about what's happening right now in the AfD. Which has been happening for the last 2-3 years which is a radicalisation.


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"Compromise" doesn't mean "concession", and the vilification of the AfD had begun way before they were even this radicalised. I'd argue that it was what caused the radicalisation in the first place. Of course, the AfD has some absolutely indisputably shitty politicians at the top. But here's the thing, they're not going away for now. We fucked up almost seven years ago, not two or three years ago. The AfD is not going to be a party in power, and they're not suddenly going to become dictators. Last I checked, we have democratic means against that.
The least helpful thing is now openly making the AfD an actual alternative by forming a block party of all other parties. Which has lowkey happening for years now where every state election with a >10% of votes for AfD was commented with "Well, 90% were for democracy", as if no vote matters beyond "it wasn't for AfD". Thüringen made it clear that this is now the case. And suddenly they ARE the alternative, because there's nothing else left. I maintain that a large segment of the votes for AfD do not come from hardcore Neonazis, but people who don't like the direction any of the "old" parties have taken. Now you're gonna say "well, protest-vote for the Left or the Greens", but what if THEY are the reason why people stopped voting for SPD or CDU? We've had more than a decade of political stagnation, with CDU and SPD forming a murky slosh, and more and more influence from the Left and Green seeps into their program. There's no alternative for many people, and you're gonna say "BUT THEY'RE NAAAAAAZIIIIIIIIIIS", well, who gives a shit? It's been over seven years of constant screeching of "NAAAAAAZIIIIIIIIIIIS", the word has no meaning. Nobody gives a shit anymore. Shit like proposing laws that any law that comes into place with the help of AfD should be turned over is petulant and stupid. The Left party outright threatening CDU and FDP that if they even glance in the direction of the AfD the antifa marchers will come and (totally metaphorically) set the city on fire is absolutely ridiculous. It won't help anyone. AfD votes don't come from a thinly veiled racism in >20% of the population, just waiting to strap on the jackboots again to beat on brown people. It comes from a frustration with stagnant politics that feels that literally everyone is appreciated more by the government than them. It's wrong, of course it's wrong, but that's how they feel. It's stupid. But those who feel that way won't go vote for the Left, despite their politics probably being better for them, because they're the biggest offenders in that.
I'm not defending the AfD here, you don't need to post quotes or videos by them. I'm well aware of what kind of people they have, and don't mistake me for someone ignorant. I'm trying to explain why people vote for them, not because, but DESPITE of these supreme shitheads, and why this utter implosion of autism surrounding them will only make matters worse.
It won't help anyone. AfD votes don't come from a thinly veiled racism in >20% of the population, just waiting to strap on the jackboots again to beat on brown people. It comes from a frustration with stagnant politics that feels that literally everyone is appreciated more by the government than them.
I don't understand how politicians believe browbeating people will get them to vote for them, if they even tried to assuage these people just a bit they'd find it infinitely more beneficial to their plans than just attempting to alienate them for voicing their grievances, but I'm just a layman so who am I to question the galaxy-brained politicians at work.
It was like Alex Jones here in the states.

Alex Jones has ALWAYS been saying shadow conspiracies want to shut him up. When Facebook or Youtube censored him, they literally played into his hands.

Now we have Germans who arn't racist, like Trump supporters in the states. These people, like our people who voted Trump, were sick of crazy Greens like Jill Stein. They didn't agree with whacky libertarian Gary Johnson. They hated Hillary and didn't like trust pie in the sky Bernie.

Obviously if many germans were racist fascists, then the AfD should always have been bigger. But no, the gains the far right parties in many countries have made were only recent. Then we must question why people, who ordinarily would never support parties like AfD, are all of a sudden helping them.

Just because people are anti-illegal immigration or not for total open borders doesn't mean they are fascists. When these people are ignored or brow beaten into policies they do not like, is it any wonder they start to see the AfD as a good thing? When the only alternative is making fascism look good, can we not agree the left has fucked up really bad?
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The official view from the U.N. council is that all of you are gay butt pirates and will be added to the terror list next to winnie the pooh and memes.
"Compromise" doesn't mean "concession"
No, I am sorry. You lost me there. I've shown you the quotes. They are not the exception in this party. They are the norm. There can be no compromise with a party that openly calls someone like the fascist Höcke the "center" of the Party. Which downplays and sometimes denies the Holocaust. Which is openly racist and xenophobic. What would compromise with the AfD look like in parliaments? Ask your self this. Hass, I urge you to look deeper in to the AfD, their rhetoric, their members and what their actual target is. They are not aiming at doing politics they are not looking at compromises and being an actual part of politics. Yes not 100% of the AfD politicians are neonazis and fascists or even extreme right wingers. But they are ALL(!) complicit. They tolerate the neonazis and extreme right wingers in their party. And this is not good. This is not the same kind of party like in 2015. We have to force those people to make a decision and a stand to say, I can not stay in a party that acts like that anymore. You can be either a democrat or for the AfD. But not both. Many AfDlers who left their party have done this. And many of them said they did it because the extreme right wing has taken over the AfD and they saw no way in fight it.

At some point you have to take a stand Hass. Voters or not.

It was like Alex Jones here in the states.

Alex Jones has ALWAYS been saying shadow conspiracies want to shut him up. When Facebook or Youtube censored him, they literally played into his hands.
I say bullshit. The point is that you do not have to give everyone a platform to spread their lies and missinformation. Johnes openly attacked victims of school shootings, calling them crisis actors and even getting them in to trouble because people attacked them and harrassed them.

We're living in an age where social media and other forms of comunication can reach a very large group of people. This means that it also comes with a certain responsibility in what you do and what you say. That you should at the very least not agitate peopole or spread outright lies. Johnes was in curt for it. And what was his defences? That he's an "actor" a "comedian".

No, this is not a situation where it's about the middle ground. If some people think Johnes was axed because of some conspiracy? So be it. You can not reach those people. And this wasn't done to reach them. This is to prevent someone from the likes of Johnes to use large platforms to spread his lies and thus causing issues for people.
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At least spell his name right you lazy retard. JONES. Not JOHNES. This isn't fucking Germany.
@Crni Vuk Dunno what it is about the AfD that shuts off your brain and lets you ignore everything I write, but fine. It's too late anyway.