Funny. I think the same about you

Because when you get a post from him that says There are Gay People on this Forum, You know? for no reason you too can share in the befuddlement and wonder.Why would you encourage me like this
Best not be homosexual chemicals in that water.Alex Johnes is just a simple water merchant
What's it always with this "free speech" thing? With Jones everything seems to be an attack on Free Speech it seems.Crni
I thought the whole point of free speech was it was meant for everyone. The reason groups like the KKK and many neo nazi groups were broken was not taking away their free speech. Trying to silence voices only makes them stronger. Kind of like nobody wants a martyr.
Instead, they infiltrated these groups while encouraging the most crazy to speak out. This let them know who really needed to be arrested for violent acts and who are merely talking.
Bullshit. You do not combat Nazis by giving them a "public" platform to spread their message and propaganda to everyone. If we talk about the KKK in particular I am not saying that Jones is a nazi just to make that clear. You do not violate their free speech by deciding that they have no right to spread their information trough large media outlets or broad casting it trough television shows. This isn't about the state stepping in and forcing them with a gun in their hand to shut up. But large media outlets, corporations and other large organisations have a certain responsibility that comes with their position. We're not living in a sort of "free" market of ideas where always the best message with the most factual source wins and you know that. There are many gray areas here and decisions can not be taken always lightly, I see that. But shunning and ostracising radicals like the KKK or Neonazis is exactly the thing you should do in fighting them. You do not fight them by offering them a platform where you legitimise them and their opinion like as it would be a normal message. And yes, the same is true for any other radical idea, be it islamic fundamentalism or stalinism/leninism.Trying to silence voices only makes them stronger. Kind of like nobody wants a martyr.
You're missing the point here. The target is not make Jones "Go away". Again, the point is that he has no right to spread his message on every imaginable platform. Jones isn't a demagogue. He is a scam artist. He runs his channel with the intention of selling pills that don't work to gullible victims. And he's spreading misinformation and outright lies. Which some people took serious and lashed out at the victims of his lies. Why in hell should he be on Youtube or any other social media platform if the company feels that he isn't welcome anymore? Crni
And what happens when you silence them? They just go underground making it harder to catch them. Their.message doesn't go away.
Hitler had radio. He had newspapers too like the Volksturm Beobachter. But that wasn't what really gave the Nazis their power. Remember, their putsch FAILED. It was other circumstances that brought them to power. It was people like Hindenburg and Von Papen who thought they could control Hitler. It was the stock market crash and useless Weimar government that let the NSDAP rise from the ashes.
The single biggest reason why the KKK has been all but wrecked is because we actually LET them talk. This way, the masses actually got to see just how crazy they were. The FBI listened to who the craziest ones were, watched them, and then arrested them when they went to actually do bad shit.
Wow, different countries develop uniquely based on their disparate historical circumstances! Read a book about the US Revolution sometime, maybe you'll get why freedom of speech, assembly and bearing arms is baked into the entire genesis of the US. Without those it simply never happens how it did. It's not Canada, or Germany, lotsa shit went down that you should know about before you assume things that fit your narrow narrative. You want nuance when it suits you (Germany's unique history!) but then have huge blind spots when it comes to things you don't.The United States never had to deal with this kind of level of extremism and Germany has a special responsibility here regarding it's history...