Same for you with "Americans" I guess.
How else you would you know that the Black Israelites are the real jews and that chemically castrating 8 year olds is perfectly reasonable? Right Crni.Only the right kind of propaganda, I'm sorry, educational content should be allowed.
Che? See. This is the stuff where you loose me. It's a clear black and white situation I am talking about here (Neonazis, KKK, Alex Jones). As far as I cna remember one can still go on Youtube and have all the fun with PragerU, Ben Shapiro, Sargon of Akkad, Molyneux and watch their content. So I am really not sure what you're complaining about. And I kinda have a feeling that you're spinning this in to a whataboutism thing, where "leftist" SJWERs, PC/libtard/whatdoIknow are still allowed to spread "their" propaganda. Like how there would be some kind of equivalency going on here.Only the right kind of propaganda, I'm sorry, educational content should be allowed.
In the case of Jones? No. Again the guy was caught lying and sued for it. If companies like Youtube decide not to want someone like him around anymore, that's well not "silencing" someone. It's like throwing out a guy in your store for throwing poop around.Removal of content from your site is a right, yes, but it should still be considered bad form to silence someone on a public platform.
On the basis that it's a public platform. The least they could do is hold their favorite mouthbreathers in the same regard
Well, you're applying double standards. Neonazis and KKK and Alex Jones (murder, arson, jaywalking?) are fully ok to be banned, but anyone else calling for the death of wrongthinkers? That appears to be fine, or otherwise you might mention them from time to time.
Also same to you, everyone has a right to report the "other" side if you feel they violated the Userterms of Youtube or any other platform.
Twitter has a leftist agenda and constantly LOSES money.So no. Corporations have no hidden "leftist" agenda here. They just don't want to loose money.
Twitter has a leftist agenda and constantly LOSES money.