Help topic: Identifying books/comic books/movies/anything

I have a question about a video game controller... Me and my friend have been trying to find this controller for years. It is on the NES, and it has an analog Stick.a D-Pad, Start, Select, A, b, And two turbo buttons. It was a square controller. It is more than likely 3rd party and from what I have found, it is most likely rare... Please help

What you are describing is called the NES Max, released by Nintendo.


It's not that rare, you could easily find one online. Or check used game stores and garage sales/flea markets, if online shopping isn't your thing.
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I actually was not. I probably should have clarified, but i already know about the NES max. I have like 10. Its probably my favourite controller ever. And it may or may not have been NES, I just remember playing the original Legend of Zelda on it
As this may or may not be on the NES, perhaps just give me a list of consoles with square controllers... It should rule it down a bit.
I doubt this fits the bill, but all that comes to mind for me is Taz-Mania, which was about Warner Brothers' Tasmanian Devil and his family but did have a couple of episodes featuring a Willy The Wombat, including one that focused on Willy's family. I'm afraid I don't remember much more about it than that (at least, not about the Wombat or the presence or absence of a grandfather).
No, that's no the one. I remember Taz-Mania clearly like I watched it yesterday. This other Wombat Show I think looked older, like one of those Arthut type shows based on kids books.
I actually was not. I probably should have clarified, but i already know about the NES max. I have like 10. Its probably my favourite controller ever. And it may or may not have been NES, I just remember playing the original Legend of Zelda on it

Are you sure it isn't the NES Advantage? You say it is likely to be third-party, and rare so I'm inclined to not entertain that notion, but I don't know any other turbo controller that fits the description.
Yea, I know it's not NES advantage,for the NES advantage was more like an arcade cabinet control setup.(also based on what you quoted, you meant the NES Max.) Also I know it is(probably) a third party IF it is actually on the nintendo. And for some reason, I think it may be a white controller...
Yea, I know it's not NES advantage,for the NES advantage was more like an arcade cabinet control setup.(also based on what you quoted, you meant the NES Max.) Also I know it is(probably) a third party IF it is actually on the nintendo. And for some reason, I think it may be a white controller...

I didn't.

Afraid I can't help you since I'm unfamiliar with third party controllers, but I wanted to confirm that since it seemed obvious.
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My sister and I don't share many interests, but one "running joke" we do share a love for comes from one particular comedian's one particular skit... and neither of us can remember who it is who said it. >_<

The bit was about the comedian describing a "miracle diet", with the punchline that it, like all diets, is just torture, and it went SOMETHING like this:
"For one day, you drink water; as MUCH as you want! On the second day, you can eat a potato chip- but just one! The next day you can drink water; AS MUCH AS YOU WANT, just as long as it's water, you can have as much as you want! Then the next day you just cry; as MUCH as you want. You just ball your tears out, just cry and cry and cry... cause you're hungry. YOU NEED TO EAT!"

Anyone happen to also seen that particular sketch from that comedian and remember the name? It's been many years and my sister and I would just love to know who the HELL said that!
Alright... I've got one ~a crazy one... but I was honestly searching youtube for it for about 10 minutes before I saw this thread... I don't have high hopes... but it'd be answering a very old question for me. It's a radio tune; sounds like it's from the sixties... almost a country music rap after a fashion. The guy singing it is paranoid about his wife and sings the words [to the listener] as he and his wife are shopping for groceries. The guy and his wife then walk out towards their truck with another man... and it bugs the hell out of the husband ~who doesn't know him. All three get in the truck for the ride home, and the whole way (singing the words; in his head) he wonders who this feller is that his wife is bringing home for dinner.... By the end of the trip, the end of the song; the man can't take it anymore and confronts his wife to identify this man... and she responds with surprise, as she had assumed the man was a friend of her husband... and neither one of them knew him.

Does anyone of this eclectic crowd have the slightest recollection of this song? It's got to be rare as hens teeth, but no one can mistake the description of it if they've ever heard it.
I'm pretty sure that this is a comic by Moebius, except that I'm not.

It shows some space traveler who crash lands on an unknown planet or planetoid. The places seems deserted - however, after some time, he meets another person, a sort of wastelander, who tells the traveler that he has been stuck in that place for many years as a sort of punishment. He was a successful man once (presumably a scientist) who got screwed over by some colleague of his.
After a brief conversation both the traveler and wastelander realize that the aforementioned "colleague" is, in fact, the traveler himself, and the wastelander kills him for revenge.

There is something more to that brief comic, except that I cannot remember what. Some animal appears, I think.
Natually, I'm not 100% sure that this is exactly how the comic goes, but I hope it's enough for identification.
A thousand blessings upon you, voof.

Edit: Is that blog yours?

Edit2: It is. And holy shit, it's a treasure chest. Didn't know you ran something like this.
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Damn it, you should have self promoted earlier. Your blog has some stuff I've been looking for a very, very long time.
Thanks a bunch.
Microchips in blackjack cards?

This is an awesome thread. Don't know why I didn't discover it sooner; probably because I'm always off in the modding forum I guess.

A (TV?) movie from the 80's (or thereabouts) about a guy who's trying to take down a casino; he has it in for the owner for some reason. (A mission? Personal vendetta?) His plan is to bankrupt the casino by beating them playing blackjack at increasingly higher stakes. Seems like he was working with one or two other people, indirectly (they provided support but weren't in the casino, as I recall).

Midway through the film, he infiltrates the casino card manufacturer and has small microchips inserted into the playing cards. Then back at the casino, when the cards are in circulation, he's able to look at the card, and his glasses receive the chip signal, then signal his earpiece, reading aloud to him the rank and suit of the card. Soon after he starts winning a lot, two casino thugs grab him and beat him up in the bathroom, smashing his glasses. So he switches to a back-up pair of contact lenses and continues his efforts. Near the end of the movie, he's placing huge bets, and the owner (remotely) approves the bets. The final bet will either ruin the casino or break him. He knows the cards; he can win. He makes the wrong call on purpose and loses; in the end, he just wanted to prove that he could best his adversary, not actually destroy him.

There were intertitles between segments, just before each advertisement as I recall. One of them read "Crossed Swords" and had two swords swinging together and clashing, with an appropriate swords-smacking noise. That was just one of many intertitles, though, not the name of the show.

I saw this in a hotel room ages ago, and then stumbled across it again somewhere in the 2000's as a re-run, probably on late-night TV. But for the life of me, I can't recall the title.


SnapSlav, the way you described that stand-up comedy diet bit made me think first of Sam Kinnison, but I'm just guessing based on the shouting style and punctuated words that your description conveyed; I'm sure that's no help, though. Can you recall any other distinctive details, like what the comedian looked like, clothes, hair, whatever; what the set looked like, was it even on stage, etc.?

SnapSlav, the way you described that stand-up comedy diet bit made me think first of Sam Kinnison, but I'm just guessing based on the shouting style and punctuated words that your description conveyed; I'm sure that's no help, though. Can you recall any other distinctive details, like what the comedian looked like, clothes, hair, whatever; what the set looked like, was it even on stage, etc.?
No, it wasn't Sam Kinnison, I can recall that much. The delivery wasn't shouted so much as stressed, because it begins sounding almost sincere, despite his sickeningly sweet manner of addressing the agony of starving yourself, but makes it sound cheerful while saying "as much as you want". Then when he gets to the part about how you're hungry and you need to eat, he moderately slows his delivery and stresses the words, delivering the punchline. I don't at all remember what he looks like, but I believe he was a tall and skinny white guy (thus how I know it's not Kinnison).
This is a very vague one, so bear with me; if you happen to know the title of this video game that I've tried years to track down online, please enlighten me.

It was a first person click and point adventure game, set in a science fiction world in which you were a man trapped within a prison complex run entirely by female robots. From what I remember of the plot, your main goal was to escape, and you encountered puzzles and obstacles typical of the adventure game genre.

You started out in some manner of very luxurious prison suite, and you had to find a way out; your first obstacle was a female robot warden, who would kick you in the face (to which your character would shout, "Not the face!") if you tried to open the exit. To get by her, all you needed to do was kiss her, which (for some reason) disabled her; I presume that these female robots had a weakness to being kissed, I suppose. And so began your quest to get the hell out of the complex.

To tell you the gospel truth, that's pretty much all I can remember of the game. I remember playing it when I was still very young (perhaps in 1999 or 2000). I have a penchant for old obscure games such as these, and again, if you happen to know what game I'm trying to describe, please guide me to the light.
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Alright, I'm gonna give this one another try this year:

I'm still looking for the title of a B&W Christmas movie that was regularly played on English channels during the Christmas period. It's not It's a Wonderful Life, but it might be a James Stewart movie. All I know for sure is that there is a kid in the movie, a boy, who plays detective. He also gets a pocket knife at some point in the movie.

I know that's very little information, but it's all I can remember.