Faceless Stranger
Board Drifter
All the Brotherhood would have to do is hold the dam and Cottonwood Cove, that would creat chokepoints where the Legion's numbers would be meaningless and the ntech would allow victory.
Lexx said:Until the Legion will build bridges or boats to cross the river on other points.
Amazing, I think we need to call Deadliest WarriorThreepwood said:Let's just put a few scenarios together and compare results:
Paladin V Legonaire in open ground = BOS victory.
Paladin V 10 legionaries in open ground =BOS victory.
Paladin v 50 legionaries in open ground = BOS victory, power armor can resist missiles, how can a mob armed with machetes penetrate it, let alone make it's way through gatling laser fire?
Heck, id say, realistically a Paladin could take a hundred melee opponents before falling, if not more.
Paladin va ___ legionaries in chokepoint = limitless possibilities.
Now, assuming a guerilla warfare approach.
The Brotherhood would not assume a defensive stance in the Bunker, my guess is they'd migrate to a defensible position with chokepoints, i.ae NCR facility.
Now, if this were the outlying post, gunners in the towers could easily cover a supply route, to and from Hidden Valley, which could erect perimeter defences, sentries, and innumerable traps to prevent the destruction of the, as of yet, concealed entrance.
The facility could be used to spearhead assaults, wherein Brotherhood travel on open ground, are as such immune from unseen ambushes.
How would the Legion hold say, Hoover Dam from the BOS? They could try and cut them up in the corridors and lead them into ambushes, but all it takes is to have men hold the external chokepoints, and starve them out.
How would the Legion hold The Fort? It's impossible, again, despite the obvious success of a direct assault, a siege could easily be maintained, blocking the only exit, and having Paladins spread across the perimeter. Then, rain missile ordinance into the base, what can the Legion do? Counter attack with Power fist armed sunglass clad body guards?
Once the Fort is taken, the singular chokepoint would again work to the BOS advantage, wherein a small token force of 50 Paladins could hold it against thousands of legionnaires.
Stupid show on SPIKE. They use "science" and "data" to pit 2 historic fighters (knight vs. viking etc.) against eachother and see who wins.Threepwood said:Deadliest Warrior?
Faceless_Stranger said:Stupid show on SPIKE. They use "science" and "data" to pit 2 historic fighters (knight vs. viking etc.) against eachother and see who wins.Threepwood said:Deadliest Warrior?
Cromlech said:Regarding 50 Legionaries vs Paladin:
Is the Paladin armed with a MiniGun/Gatling Laser with plenty of ammo, or is he armed with something that requires more magazine/power cell changes?
It's possible that he could be overrun and brought down by a mass of bodies. At least when you have a bunch of fanatics attacking him.
Bad_Karma said:Well you shouldn't forget they lost while trying to hold Hoover Dam and Helios One, while seemingly not having lost really often in open confrontations before. But now they seem to be quite aware that they need to stay hidden against a bigger enemy.
But now they aren't exactly bound to some 'open' location. Sure they might want to hold the Bunker, but we don't know for sure if they would only stay there.
So you're premise is that they will use old strategies and choose the same tactic they did before or the NCR used.
But for me that seems to be unlikely as their current leader and quite some of their members seem to be in a transition on their outlook how to react and deal with the outside.
Even when following your premise the Legion would only be able to follow through your plan if the BoS didn't spot them first - and looking at the Quests you get from the BoS they seem to be well aware of what is happening around the Valley.
Also big factors we didn't count in yet, are Vulpes Inculta and Ceasar alive in our scenario of BoS against Legion or not. I guess that could make a big difference. As it seems that when this two are gone, the Legions become very unlikely to use Guerilla tactics any longer.
Faceless_Stranger said:All the Brotherhood would have to do is hold the dam and Cottonwood Cove, that would creat chokepoints where the Legion's numbers would be meaningless and the ntech would allow victory.
Stanislao Moulinsky said:They can't. That's lost tech held tightly by the BoS.![]()
Threepwood said:Let's just put a few scenarios together and compare results:
Paladin V Legonaire in open ground = BOS victory.
Paladin V 10 legionaries in open ground =BOS victory.
Paladin v 50 legionaries in open ground = BOS victory, power armor can resist missiles, how can a mob armed with machetes penetrate it, let alone make it's way through gatling laser fire?
Heck, id say, realistically a Paladin could take a hundred melee opponents before falling, if not more.
Paladin va ___ legionaries in chokepoint = limitless possibilities.
Now, assuming a guerilla warfare approach.
The Brotherhood would not assume a defensive stance in the Bunker, my guess is they'd migrate to a defensible position with chokepoints, i.ae NCR facility.
Now, if this were the outlying post, gunners in the towers could easily cover a supply route, to and from Hidden Valley, which could erect perimeter defences, sentries, and innumerable traps to prevent the destruction of the, as of yet, concealed entrance.
The facility could be used to spearhead assaults, wherein Brotherhood travel on open ground, are as such immune from unseen ambushes.
How would the Legion hold say, Hoover Dam from the BOS? They could try and cut them up in the corridors and lead them into ambushes, but all it takes is to have men hold the external chokepoints, and starve them out.
How would the Legion hold The Fort? It's impossible, again, despite the obvious success of a direct assault, a siege could easily be maintained, blocking the only exit, and having Paladins spread across the perimeter. Then, rain missile ordinance into the base, what can the Legion do? Counter attack with Power fist armed sunglass clad body guards?
Once the Fort is taken, the singular chokepoint would again work to the BOS advantage, wherein a small token force of 50 Paladins could hold it against thousands of legionnaires.
Tagaziel said:Stanislao Moulinsky said:They can't. That's lost tech held tightly by the BoS.![]()
Benny made it to The Fort in a boat.
Not to forget that different to the Legion the Brotherhood doesnt really accept any new blood in their ranks so any dead BS member weights more then maybe 10 or even 50 of the Legion seeing as how they threat many of their soldiers as canonfoder anyway.Tagaziel said:That's the entire point. With all its power armour and advanced weapons, the Brotherhood simply lacks the manpower and resources to win a war with any of the major factions, as they'd get killed, even if they managed to take a lot of opponents with them.
The Soviets thought the same of their Hinds in Afghanistan. Mujahadeen proved them wrong.
Besides, why on earth do you assume that the Legion would challenge them on open ground in melee instead of engaging them from a distance with elite units, while experienced troops flank them and raw recruits provide a distraction for the enemy to shoot?
Then the Legion would lay siege and simply starve them to death.
In a perfect world, sure. However, if you haven't noticed, the Brotherhood has very finite supplies and they simply wouldn't be able to afford more than just the most basic of defenses. You're also assuming that the Legion is incapable of covert surveillance, which is simply not true. Its scouts would quite easily locate the Hidden Valley bunker if a supply line from it is estabilished and then they'd simply attack and destroy it.
Tell me, on what basis do you assume that the Brotherhood whose might was BROKEN by the NCR and which choked for several years in total isolation outside of the most essential supply runs by covert operatives such as Veronica would be able to manufacture completely new defences, sentries and traps when they do not have any industrial capability? Hell, the power armour you get as a reward comes from scrapped powered armour suits put together to working condition.
No, they aren't. Are American troops in Iraq and Afghanistan immune to unseen ambushes and IEDs? Same situation in New Vegas basically.
The Brotherhood does not have the manpower to block every exit from the facility AND the Legion has vast reserves of men and equipment with which to wear them down by constant attacks from all directions should the BoS be stupid enough to besiege a DAM with their insignificant numbers
Paladins and what army? Again, you apparently haven't noticed that the Brotherhood is a very small organization which doesn't have many soldiers at its disposal, certainly not enough to control large areas of land, which would be ESSENTIAL to maintain a siege on a well fortified and well defended location. People holding the siege would have to have a large supply of food, weapons, ammunition and spare parts, which is just not going to happen - the Brotherhood is ill equipped to fight a prolonged war with an enemy that controls an entire-fucking-state of Arizona and more.
Also, where did you pull "missile ordnance" from? The Brotherhood has no artillery at their disposal, hell, the entire point of securing the Boomers' loyalty is to GAIN artillery support for whatever faction you decide to side with. All the Brotherhood could do is try and create makeshift mortars and even that's unlikely, as they'd have to contend with wave upon wave of veterans swarming in from Arizona.
That's the entire point. With all its power armour and advanced weapons, the Brotherhood simply lacks the manpower and resources to win a war with any of the major factions, as they'd get killed, even if they managed to take a lot of opponents with them.
In the capital wasteland of Bethesda maybe.Threepwood said:The BOS have limited rescources, yes, but they have more than enough power armor and energy weapons to equip every member. .
Your assuming the BoS will ALWAYS have the chance to fight under the best conditions. With assuming this we could say that 1 roman legion could win against the whole US army today. If the conditions are right.Threepwood said:It lacks a degree of manpower, but with adaquete terrain and other dominos falling into place, this can easily be accounted for.
Crni Vuk said:In the capital wasteland of Bethesda maybe.Threepwood said:The BOS have limited rescources, yes, but they have more than enough power armor and energy weapons to equip every member. .
But tradionaly no, the BS has not that much Power armors to give every of their soldiers one.
Stanislao Moulinsky said:Tagaziel said:Stanislao Moulinsky said:They can't. That's lost tech held tightly by the BoS.![]()
Benny made it to The Fort in a boat.
Erm...I wasn't serious.