It's good to know I'm not the only one then. It appears it's a rather common problem even.
Kahgan said:
Really, quite a lot of people who have problem finding motivation to do stuff can also be creative.
I do consider myself creative, I do stand-up, and I can really losing myself in writing comedy. IF I can get myself to go and start writing, which I can't recently.
AskWazzup said:
I have the same problem. When something isn't interesting to me i just can't seem to force myself to do it.
This is part of the problem, when something does not interest me it is bloody impossible for me to do it. I just keep postponing it until I no longer have to do it, or, like you said, until it becomes a problem on its own.
But it goes beyond that, even things that I like, or things that I know would be beneficial to me are becoming chores, I actually can't put myself to do anything. Even though I know that it would improve my situation entirely.
It's frustrating. I know I'm capable of doing so much more, but I just... don't.
The Dutch Ghost said:
I have been going through this cycle for years now and I really want to break with it.
So do I, although I've had it in some extend for some time, now it's starting to get pretty bad.
The Dutch Ghost said:
There are people who want to support me, and they do, but when this still happens I feel that I am abusing their support and willingness to help, being a worthless useless human being who has no right for being jealous of people who can do such wonderful things like making great drawings, writing stories, etc, because I never undertook the effort to do those things myself.
Sure, I start with them but always seem to find some convenient way to take a break.
I want this to end, and sometimes wonder if there is deep down inside some flaw I simply can not fix.
I know, I've received support and understanding as well, but I just keep making excuses for my consistent failure, both to myself and to them, and it I'm getting sick of it, to be honest. It's not only my lack of motivation but my complete lack of self-discipline to put myself to work that's driving me insane.
alec said:
You need motivation?
What's the policy on amphetamines in your country?
You know I'm Dutch alec, you greasy Flemish bastard.
Anyhow, it's not at all difficult for me to go for amphetamines. But I'm still convinced that I can fix it
without drugs. Not that I have a problem with drugs, not at all, but I'd consider it a "weak" solution somehow.
Treesnogger said:
The thing which helped me alot were coffee (I overdone it, my heart gets angry everytime I drink one cup of coffee now) or St. Johns Wort.
It's just a plant, which ingredients do something, some people also use it as some kind of anti-depressiva. For me it's more working as a kick in the ass to finally finish that thing.
Gotta love the caffeine, because of my habit of postponing everything, I more then often keep myself awake at 5 in the morning with a deadline 3 hours away. Took a look at that St. Johns Wort, seems promising, wouldn't hurt to try I suppose. It seems they sell it as a tea as well.
I'll give it a shot, and update if there's any progress.
No, really, I will.