NCR, Enclave, FEV Curling-13 (and mutants)

And the NCR does value technology, why do you think they want places like Hoover Dam and HELIOS One?

They just don't have loads of the advance stuff as most of it has been destroyed and the BOS refuses to trade in the best stuff even though they barely use anything that is not weapon related.

And using beasts for burden to plow fields and trade?
There are barely any working engines and fuel is rare, so what the NCR does have in that area they use for other things, relying on cheaper and more common solutions for daily matters.

The NCR has Vertibirds including even one for the president.

Its the Caesar's Legion who want to do things without technology, in part because Caesar doesn't want his forces to rely on it and because he fears he might loose control of them if they start learning things.

Also, what does the BOS or the Enclave exactly do with their technology?
Both seem to mostly hoard it and the Enclave uses it to attack those they consider mutants, not rebuilding anything.
There are barely any working engines and fuel is rare

One could argue, that they could simply use energy cells. After all, the Fallout universe has energy weapons strong enough to form big balls of plasma and all that. And ammo for these weapons isn't really rare and even gets recharged.
Probably fixing old engines that use ECs isn't something that you can do without the proper hi-tech equipment otherwise you'd think that people would patch together parts from all the abandoned cars lying around.
Well, but various folks such as the Van Graffs are dealing with energy weapons and these weapons have to be build somewhere. Now I'd say if someone is able to build high tech energy weapons, they should be able to build some normal engine as well.
Lexx said:
Well, but various folks such as the Van Graffs are dealing with energy weapons and these weapons have to be build somewhere. Now I'd say if someone is able to build high tech energy weapons, they should be able to build some normal engine as well.

This is one thing that bothered me since FO2: why people didn't build or rebuild some form of transportation?
Trains for example.

We have Vertibirds but not trains? Ok, you have to build the railroads, but common, NCR and Enclave can refurbish spare parts or build valves, but not steel ingots?

[ ]'s
brfritos said:
Lexx said:
Well, but various folks such as the Van Graffs are dealing with energy weapons and these weapons have to be build somewhere. Now I'd say if someone is able to build high tech energy weapons, they should be able to build some normal engine as well.

This is one thing that bothered me since FO2: why people didn't build or rebuild some form of transportation?
Trains for example.

We have Vertibirds but not trains? Ok, you have to build the railroads, but common, NCR and Enclave can refurbish spare parts or build valves, but not steel ingots?

[ ]'s

Do you know how expensive diesel and petrol was in the 2070s? There was so little it was about $1500 a litre. Any that managed to survived the war wouldn't be enough for a car, let alone a train. And you need a steel mill to build ingots, and last time I checked, NCR dosen't have any steel mills. One of the few mills(if any others did survive) that survived is in the Pitt.
We have trains- Van Buren got to feature at least one (from Prespers and his ex-NCR goons) and the NCR in FNV must have some as well, else it makes no sense for them to rebuild the rail lines.

I've actually asked Sawyer about this in early 2010, because I wanted my train in FOnline: 2238 to make sens in the game world. It came to the conclusion that nothing speaks against engines that run on MFCs, considering how many energy weapons are floating around in the world. As alternative to MFCs (if the area isn't that much advanced technological), depending on how much vegetable you can grow, it might also be possible to make your own diesel substitute. Of course, another solution is a simple steam engine, as long as you have something to burn...
Coal is also still around Lexx, remember Burnham Springs?

I am pretty sure that the NCR have established new coal mines, perhaps even using convicts as miners.

BTW, where was it said that there are no other steel mills other than the Pitt.
Pittsburg/The Pitt is suddenly the last place on Earth with working ones?

They were around long before we had computers you know.
White Knight said:
And you need a steel mill to build ingots, and last time I checked, NCR dosen't have any steel mills. One of the few mills(if any others did survive) that survived is in the Pitt.

There's a steel mill in New Vegas...
The Dutch Ghost said:
Coal is also still around Lexx, remember Burnham Springs?

I am pretty sure that the NCR have established new coal mines, perhaps even using convicts as miners.

BTW, where was it said that there are no other steel mills other than the Pitt.
Pittsburg/The Pitt is suddenly the last place on Earth with working ones?

They were around long before we had computers you know.

I never said the pitt was the only place on the planet with steel mill. I said that the Pitt was one of the few places with a working steel mill left that we know of. The vault says the NCR has manurfacturing capability, so I am probably wrong when I say they don't have a steel mill, but where would they get the materials to make the steel, and if they could get the materials, how would they extract the Iron from its ore, seeing as there is no mention of smelting facilities on the west coast in previous games. This can be said for the pitt, especially as they only have the steel mill.

(Forgive me if my use of the word smelting is wrong)
seeing as there is no mention of smelting facilities on the west coast in previous games.

This is the problem- you asume that just because it wasn't mentioned, it doesn't exist. ;)
Crni Vuk said:
people forget that the choosen one has a highwayman working on fusioncells (or such) ;)

Nope, not have forgotten that.
With fuel being rare I meant both gasoline and alternatives,

There are enough energy cells around for weaponry but how much would an entire republic's infrastructure require when you decide to switch over to fuel cell powered engines.

Also has it ever been mentioned how to recharge the cells?

Would be better to save the cells and engines they have for more important purposes while having more regular and mundane tasks being done by beasts of burden.
Lexx said:
seeing as there is no mention of smelting facilities on the west coast in previous games.

This is the problem- you asume that just because it wasn't mentioned, it doesn't exist. ;)

Sorry, I do that sometimes.

And the only time I've seen recharging cells is the recharger rifle and pistol. Other than that you can recycle cells, but you lose a lot to make a few.
So the better question might then be, how do you manufacture complete new cells?

If that technology is lost, perhaps forever it would make fuel cells even more precious.
Well I am sure the BOS or the Enclave have the technical knowledge somewhere but neither side would ever sell that stuff.
well the NCR has vertibirds. And they use them for "some" transportation. We know that from Vegas at least. So we can assume that the knowledge about SOME kind of energy source regardless if it is by cells or something similar is known. We also known from past games that certain groups/communities know as well some form of energy source. Gecko with the nuclear reactor. And Vault City has to satisfy somehow its demand for energy as well. We know as well that some vaults use geothermal energy or have reactors (eventually with fusion or nuclear). Considering the power you can get out of fusion or nuclear energy it would not be that far away as well to assume that some form of transportation could rely on it. Even if just either local or only for a certain route if it is rare. It all depends on the use and benefit. Like a direct route between the NCR and Vegas (with more time and better economical stability in the future).

What I want to say is that it has not to be an exclusively either or scenario. If a route has a very high benefit they might use any resource they have to use some fast transportation be it vertibirds or trains maybe even cars. It could be an exception where other routes rely on more traditional transportation like caravans and Brahmin's.
I think that automobile transportation has never been implemented because of engine limitations.
There's no reason for cars not to be working.
Yeah, most cars are wrecks, but some are still rescueable. The knowledge about high tech is still there, in the Brotherhood, the Vault people, the NCR, the Enclave. Even Vic is more than capable of fixing advanced technology and some backyard scientist can improve Power Armor and the guy next to him can improve the Plasma Rifle.
In New Vegas, recharging them seems to be easy, although actually building them might be a very daunting task.
Still, there is a shitload of MFC's and SEC's around that might or might not be easily recharged. Finding some other power source isn't that hard if those aren't available.
I guess cars and trucks and busses just got lost in Fallout's development. In the beginning, they couldn't be done, and now they're just forgotten.
There are lots of trucks in Camp McCarran and the gun seller on the bridge at the 188 trading post got a truck as well. Of course you never see them driving around, but I don't think these are junk trucks that are standing around there since pre-war.

So as long as nobody can contradict this, I'd say these folks came with trucks and stuff to the Mojave / New Vegas area. And this doesn't even sound silly, imo.
not to mention there is a railway conection between Vegas and McCarran (NCR airport base) which they use for their troops.