Nerding out on internet purchases

I'm defragmenting right now ~as I type... A large drive might never have to be defragged.

*(My game drive has 1.17TB on it.)
here they are:

for my new GPU.

i panicked for a few when i realized it took both a 6 and 8 pin power connector until i realized that i did have an 8 pin but it was tucked out behind everything. plugged it in and now everything is working.

doing the full slow format on all my drives right now.
Hold on hold on hold on hold on. FOUR TERABYTES of hard disc space????? Do you really need that? o.O

well, no i dont. i have always run like 500 gig hard drives. 1-3 of those. but lately it seems i have slowly over the years accumilated a bunch of stuff i just dont want to get rid of but i want to keep.

and i figure they are cheap enough, why not buy those.

1 hard drive for steam

1 hard drive for non-steam

2 hard drives in a mirror to hold on to stuff long term that i want to hold onto and keep for posterity/etc

my OS drive is still my 240 gig SSD that now has a lot of free space on it.

On a more on topic note, I made another purchase. Got myself the Inception Special Edition Blu-Ray, and Watchmen Director's Cut Blu-ray. Also a Horus Heresy artbook if anyone knows what that is.

Edit: Ugh, wasn't paying attention. Ordered the regular watchmen blu-ray, wanted the director's cut. And what did I get? The regular 2 disc version. That would be amazing if it wasn't the theatrical cut.

Edit 2: I just spent 205 euros on hardcover hellboy library edition volumes 2 through 5. I regret nothing!!
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Holy shit Arkatus... you live upside down.
Also Sweet books. I just ordered an used PS3 (no reason in buying New Old Tech, now is there?) should be arriving in 2 weeks as I ordered it through Amazon, an USED PS3 here is costing me the same as a a new one through Amazon, one of the side effects of upping the prize of electronic devices here.

That price must suck. I'm still iffy on the amount I spent on the books, but after I read a single page I will forget it, I know.

The PS3 is the console I would consider if I were to betray the master race.

It seems to have the best exclusive games library. Metal Gear, Red Dead, Journey, Shadow of the Colossus, and some others.
here they are:

for my new GPU.

i panicked for a few when i realized it took both a 6 and 8 pin power connector until i realized that i did have an 8 pin but it was tucked out behind everything. plugged it in and now everything is working.

doing the full slow format on all my drives right now.
Hold on hold on hold on hold on. FOUR TERABYTES of hard disc space????? Do you really need that? o.O

well, no i dont. i have always run like 500 gig hard drives. 1-3 of those. but lately it seems i have slowly over the years accumilated a bunch of stuff i just dont want to get rid of but i want to keep.

and i figure they are cheap enough, why not buy those.

1 hard drive for steam

1 hard drive for non-steam

2 hard drives in a mirror to hold on to stuff long term that i want to hold onto and keep for posterity/etc

my OS drive is still my 240 gig SSD that now has a lot of free space on it.

Although I do suppose if multiple drives were used just sorta as an alternative to externals, that would be convenient for having redundant drives in one place should any one of them get corrupted. Format one, keep working. Not the safest thing, as far as protecting your information (since you can keep an external "away" from your desktop, so anything compromised isn't just grabbed in one go), but sure could be more convenient. Even still, I just don't see why more than 1 HDD and 1 SSD would be necessary. The latter for smooth loading of the OS, the former for accessing all your shit (does segregating them impact load speeds?) and you're good to go.

On an aside, which I was reminded of from Walpknut's "that's a lot of porn" comment... I was once conversing with some people on a Teamspeak channel, and mentioned my 300 gigs of porn, which I correct myself to be no more than 100 gigs, but either number made them laugh as though it was a ridiculous amount, and that I must have no life. I don't really think so, especially since a good deal of it has been collected over MANY years, so what sounds like a "healthy" amount of porn to you guys? 100 gigs? 500 gigs? 0 gigs? Those guys seemed to insist they had 0, which I find VERY hard to believe.....
100gb? well, at least I can take solace in that I haven't even reach half of that number yet....
I always wanted to buy the Akira Phonebooks, but the collection is 300 dollars here...
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I honestly have 0 gigs of porn. Not even a dvd or a magazine. And I am being completely serious. I usually jerk off to Facebook pictures nowadays. You know, pictures of colleagues or ex-colleagues, pictures of the girlfriends or the wives of my best friends, pictures of distant family members ... the normal stuff.
Why the hell would anyone have any amount of porn on the hard drive when you can stream full HD porn without any problems?
I'd say because of the incredible degree of optimism in your assessment of "without any problem". XD
Also I wonder if the "size" of porn is a result of certain tastes. For instance growing bored with seeing the same thing after a while. You find one video and you think "this is the hottest thing I have ever seen", but after a few good tugs to it- regardless of how frequent or infrequent you make use of it -you just need something else. Therefore, more videos, more gigs of space. If I could be satisfied with the same thing over and over again, then 500mb would be more than enough! XD
I'd wager that's the single greatest factor keeping the porn industry afloat (and by "afloat," I mean "probably more profitable than OPEC").

It probably also helps account for the sheer number of oddly specific fetishes and sub-fetishes cropping up. Once you're inured to the "normal" stuff and the "kinky stuff" and the "starting to get a little weird" stuff, what's left to give you a bit of that kinky old thrill but footage of amputee midgets farting into balloons during a port-a-potty threesome?
In less exciting purchases I finally replaced my multifunction Printer, the old one was barely working. Got it for 80 bucks.
You're a man of good taste, TVD.

In "purchases I didn't actually make myself," my girlfriend handed me a mildly belated birthday gift this morning that consisted of a folded slip of paper in a quickly improvised paperboard box. What I thought was going to be a cutesy IOU turned out to be a pre-order confirmation for the MST3k Turkey Day Collection special edition. So, yay for me.
my girlfriend handed me a mildly belated birthday gift this morning
Well a moderately-belated happy birthday to you! =D

Funnily enough, when I got my new keyboard and mouse last week, I found myself rather disappointed. Sure, they weren't those over-the-top expensive and pointlessly pimped-out "gamer" models, but I quickly found problems with that that "getting used to them" wouldn't resolve. I could get used to the rather odd spacing of the letter keys, but the equal spacing of the f keys? The fuck? How am I supposed to quickly know which key is F4 or F3 or F5 or F9 without the feel of each 12 f key being separated into groups of 4 like EVERY KEYBOARD that everyone's used to? So that keyboard's going to be inherited by my PS3, and I'm going to look for a new one. But the mouse? The weight of the mouse and its shape was disorienting me, but I figured that was something I could get accustomed to. And that's where the funny comes in! I found a trashed mouse that hardly ever got used which was almost IDENTICAL to my previous mouse which I just got replaced, sitting on a desk hooked up to a PC that hadn't been booted up in many years! I swiped that bastard and hooked it up, and felt overjoyed almost immediately! It was like I got my old mouse back, fresh and new! Oh, so awesome!!! ^^

Sure, I know that kind of scrounging doesn't count as "internet purchases" to nerd out over, but I was just extremely pleased with the results of my expedient appropriation of someone else's stuff as opposed to the fruits of my carefully selected internet purchases, for a change.