sorrow said:
Maybe standing between life and death of hundreds or thousands or maybe even tens of thousands of people was a life-changing experience?
So we are talking hundreds of thousands or thousands of people which have no way of defending or taking care of themselves. I think that itself is a stretch.
Also, the mutants were proven sterile so after such a long time, most, if not all of them must have died off. Current humans to super mutie ratio is far from fair.
Lastly, they are limited in resources. An elders primary duty is to his men and they to him. This isn't the US army anymore. They do not have orders from the remnants of the US government to clear america of hostiles, clean the land, and otherwise help restart the nation. And what takes the cake is the elder is going to sacrifice pretty much everything (including his men who have all been similarily indoctrinated to BOS ideology for years) just to help people who are too busy squabbling with each other to mount a suitable defense?
The BOS for that precise reason is indifferent (as long as their business doesn't affect BOS business) to the outside world. If the outsiders were to cause problems or potentially cause an unauthorized loss of valuable BOS resources, I am sure that indifference would turn to hate.
This below is taken from Fallout WIKI:
"While they're generally not hostile to others without a good reason, unlike the chivalrous knights of old, members of the Brotherhood are not interested in justice for the obviously weaker and less fortunate around them. They largely focus on keeping their secrecy and preserving and developing technology, which, in many cases, they put above human life. Their motives are often unclear, and Brotherhood members are not people to be trifled with. It is safe to say, however, that if a group of Brotherhood knights appears to be helping some less fortunate people, their motives are not altruistic."
If they had found something worth all that sacrifice, the elders would have aknowledged their discovery instead of treating them like seperatist lunatics.
"The Enclave gathered samples to be sent back to the Oil Rig for further analysis."
I am assuming they didn't take huge amounts, or would even risk storing huge amounts at the poseidon oil rig.
Above link so far explains that the only source of FEV originated from West Tek. As the tests neared 100%, the military wanted quicker results so they moved the entire operation to a different and much better facility "Mariposa Military Base".
Judging by the above info. I don't know how beth is gonna explain why more and more muties are showing up on the east coast. Or try to explain why the muties apparently have the numbers to be a serious threat again.