Anyway. Fully funded! CELEBRATE

2.0 million, Player House!
Get your own house in the game that you can customize, store equipment in, and where your companions hang out, or, as the elves say, "chillax".
Walpknut said:Why all the hate for player houses? I mean I don't care much about them, but some of you just seem hell bent on hating them.
Crni Vuk said:Dragon age looks shit.
Thing is, 3D is one of the things that can be done fast (relatively) but if done wrong it is not aging well. Look at Oblivion, Fallout 3. New Vegas is really a worse game in my eyes exactly because of that. Despite the good writing and good quests it has to deal with a stupid 3D engine. Or Dragon Age for that matter.
Baldurs Gate and similar games, like Planescape Torment, Arcanum and many more age much better. Simply because the world has an artistic feel compared to 3D which feels rather artificial.
That doesn't mean things cant be done as well or even better in 3D. But to many times people simply are either not willingly or lack the time/resources to make it look like a classic.
maximaz said:Anyone else kinda meh about the stretch goals?
A new class and companion? How would I know if I want a new class and companion at this point anyway? What if there are 50 of them already?
And does it really cost 200k to make that happen or to make a player house for that matter? Wasteland 2 handled that part better, if you ask me. I hope they change that stuff to something important feature or production values related.
I'm sorry but the latest Kickstarter update made me cancel my $280 pledge. It sounds like you're planning a 3-4 player party and spending huge amounts on LARP features with no gameplay relevance. Might repledge if you can offer a good explanation.
Player house? C'mon Josh you can't just throw that out there without elaborating. Now everyone thinks you're making this an "immersive" LARP-fest with gimmicky stuff that have no gameplay consequences.
OP: To answer your question, we believe player houses serve a basic utilitarian purpose in RPGs. We like using them and would like to have them in PE. They require work to implement, but the $ of the goal is not meant to indicate $ spent on that feature.
I am writing up some basics on party size/composition that will hopefully answer some of your other questions.
SuAside said:I'm still not really sure about a developer that already has made a name for itself using Kickstarter though. I can see the pros, but it still feels weird.
Lexx said:I would bet they didn't pledged at all before. I mean, if I am going to pledge 200+ money, I don't do it because the game won't have player housing and stuff like that.