Obsidian's Project Eternity

Some of the tier rewards are so turn-off or downright disgusting I still haven't made a pledge, but I guess I have to in the end ($25).
zamppe said:
Some of the tier rewards are so turn-off or downright disgusting I still haven't made a pledge, but I guess I have to in the end ($25).

What do you mean by that?
Yeah, seriously, what rewards are disgusting? Cooking with Tim Cain? I don't know, he may know some good recipes.
All the tiers where pledgers get to design content that I have to experience. Sure it doesn't go exactly like that, but it's still a bit disturbing.
zamppe said:
All the tiers where pledgers get to design content that I have to experience. Sure it doesn't go exactly like that, but it's still a bit disturbing.
Don't get all bent out of shape about that. They aren't designing any real content. The "designing" of an NPC just means the name, class, and race. The item is just giving the look and lore of the item, and they specify that is has to be "within reason", meaning they can veto or modify the look and/or lore if they don't feel it fits the game world. Custom portrait is just an in-game portrait based on a photograph of the backer (and there's a whole 7 of them). The same for everything else... there's nothing "disgusting" about any of it.

Everything gets filtered through the team first, and it's all just superficial. Nothing game altering.
Huh, really didn't think the $3.5m stretch goal was gonna happen. Looks within reach now though.
This not having money during this Kickstarter is really killing me. I can't even afford to add $20 to my $20 pledge for the expansion. :(
Kyuu said:
Huh, really didn't think the $3.5m stretch goal was gonna happen. Looks within reach now though.
It's actually been passed now, since there's a little over 100k in the paypal funds.
Wonder if they're gonna put out an extra stretch goal. Hopefully somewhere reachable, and not something like 4mil.
Yeah, at this point I don't think it'd do much to increase the incoming moneys. Better to just let it ride. They beat every record, anyway, haha.
Jebus said:
No, that Android game console had more than $8 million.

So not every record.

There are several other multi million dollar projects that went above that mark, I guess Brother None was implying that it is a record for a videogame Kickstarter.
8 milion for an android game? Looks like there is lots of money that can be made there.

Maybe Obsidian should chagne their goals when they finished half of their game :D
From the reddit AMA:

We haven't discussed reactions to criminal acts, but we'd like there to be good reactivity to those events. For reputation, we will be using a modified version of the system found in F:NV, which allowed for a broad spectrum of reactions that could shift over time. Not having to worry about full voice acting means we can have even more reactions to player actions from NPCs throughout the world. Overall, this is pretty important to us so we will support it as much as we can.

Josh is right (I almost wrote "write" there). It's often the VO budget, not the will of the designers that limits the amount of reactivity text between NPCs in an area. As an example, the reactivity text in Fallout 2 I felt was far more true to an RPG than other games I've worked on because it was much easier pipeline-wise to implement it and while it wasn't free, it was definitely FAR less expensive than if someone had had to voice it. Also, it was easier to edit.

JESawyer: Scaled content will be used minimally, and almost entirely on the critical path. We don't want to push players to grind to make their way through the game's central plot. Side content will probably not be scaled at all. This includes wandering off in a random direction in the wilderness. It should feel dangerous and risky, IMO.

And I guess Avellone has never played Arcanum:
Stretch goal for 3.6 mil: Chris Avellone completes Arcanum.

Chris Avellone nods at this very good idea. And he's not joking.
Wow, been a while since I've been around here.
Came back to report on this game since I just heard about it and drum up some support from folks that would understand it, and completely unsurprisingly you guys have been murmuring about this game for a bit. Good on you :3

I guess I'll go back to playing Minecraft and ToME.
Nice to see you all again <3