Obsidian's Project Eternity

The question is, if the tree is fixed in the enviroment or an extra object. In this case, you can simply walk behind it to the left to exit the scene.
I had to laugh at someone mentioning a "jump button" in this game. :)

E: People willingly calling themselves "true gamer"... :lol:
SnapSlav said:
mobucks said:
Are you guys being sarcastic or retarded?
Not very considerate if you think those are the ONLY options. I was being absolutely serious. Somewhat whimsical, but serious.

I don't know how Eternity's engine will function, but I already described a very rushed assessment of how I felt that screen would be "explored" several posts up. It looked like a fixed-perspective single-screen (meaning not scrolling camera) map. I've played games like these, and I described how I approached those games: There's GOT to be a way across. It's not the retarded logic of thinking it's a fully-rendered 3D landscape that can be crossed by rubbing up against every surface while mashing the jump button. It's also not sarcastically joking about a feature that OBVIOUSLY cannot be done, because CLEARLY no other game has done it, therefor Eternity wouldn't, either. It's sincerity, because that's how it is. Any real gamer who's played so many titles that they know only "I must uncover every secret" and wish to explore any game to its fullest would respond to the "challenge" of a broken bridge with the firm resolution of finding a way across it.

You were the only person who seemed to leap to the conclusion that Oblivion/Skyrim was the context of "gaming", no one else. At least, I know I certainly wasn't.
Someone who cavalierly refers to themself as a "true gamer" would NEVER use lackluster games as their measuring stick.

What's with this "True Gamer" malarky? Sounds like a bunch of condescending poppycock. You're not a true gamer if you don't like what I like. Who said Mobucks was using those games as a measuring stick anyway? He just said you won't be able to walk everywhere you see like in some open world games. Did that bother you that much? I mean, you are arguing whether or not you will be able to cross the bridge in a fucking screenshot for crying out loud.
I would chop off that tree make a boat out of it and traverse the river, I mean, I don't know how the engine works, but I just described my plan.
What's all this bridge nonsense about? A few dozen feet to the right sits the entrance to a godly temple with dual 300 ft tall statues and 100% chance of loot and asskicking and maybe even a titty or two. Worrying about that bridge is worrying how the kneecaps are doing when you got vagina in your face.
Don't worry, it's a fantasy game. Such a broken bridges and rivers can be crossed easily, using your trusty Dimensional Portal spell. :P
Just use a teleport spell and explore beyond the broken bridge, fuck that glorious entrance, it's an obvious ruse.
TorontRayne said:
mobucks said:
Are you guys being sarcastic or retarded?
PE is not Oblivion or Skyrim. You can't go anywhere you please in a pre-rendered 2d environment.

Why not both? It's obvious Project Eternity won't be as good as Skyrim since you can't walk everywhere.

yeah it probably will not feature invisible walls :P

But I have to say, Beth is doing invisible walls at least pretty well. They are ... invisible ... and walls.
I don't get why people do a PE <-> Skyrim comparision at all.
Lexx said:
I don't get why people do a PE <-> Skyrim comparision at all.

Maybe because many folks thought skyrim=epic and brand new RPG.
I don't think skyrim is good rpg though. maybe good sandbox?

skyrim move freely any where I see not because it is rpg but because it is sandbox.

If you guys want freedom of moving, just play morrowind.
in morrowind there's no invisible walls and you can fly every where :lol: .
Good point of PE for me is Non-Combat Abilities.
It was one of good point of fallout but without fallout, I haven't seen many rpgs that Non-Combat Abilities are important. and I don't think it's impossible for them. . For instance, in storm of zehir, lots of Non-Combat Abilities plays good role and useful. although many people said it was awful.:lol: but I enjoying it. and in NV it is possible to clear game without violence. but since DLCs are design to make more fight, so it is hard to clear DLC without violence though. and sometimes violence makes things good . :lol:
Lexx said:
I don't get why people do a PE <-> Skyrim comparision at all.
this, just proves again what kind of back ward NMA-die-hard-hardcore-RPG mentality you have as its obvious that Skyrim (and of course Oblivion and all other open world RPGs) are the PEAK of RPG development and EVERY(!) other kind of RPG regardless if it is the same kind of RPG or not has to be measured with the quality of sandbox-open-world RPGs. One must be a real sheep not to see that.

Of course I am not serious.
TorontRayne said:
What's with this "True Gamer" malarky? Sounds like a bunch of condescending poppycock.
Quite frankly, it's the continuation of a running gag, which I guess no one got so... eh, wrong audience? It's actually the opposite of condescension, because it's self-effacing criticism. I wasn't old enough to be around when video games were "invented" (a very vague point in time, depending on your definition of "video games"), but I've been a gamer for well over 2 decades, enough time to notice trends changing. While I enjoy harkening back to what they were like "back in the day", I'm well aware that what makes games "good" is all a matter of taste, so saying any one way is THE way is all just silly.

All the same, I initially brought it up in reference to the Dishonored play tester shenanigans topic, which was just so absurd it makes you REFLEXIVELY face palm, even if you rarely ever do it. There's a growing notion that games have gotten "too soft" and that they're either a result of gamers overall becoming less capable virtual problem solvers, or that they're the cause of it. Whether or not any of that's true, that Dishonored topic made just about everyone here who read it assume that easy games ARE breeding crap gamers. Hence, "this is how a true gamer would approach this..." yadda yadda.

Surf Solar said:
I had to laugh at someone mentioning a "jump button" in this game. :)
Then it was worth the mention! But don't forget the "rubbing up against every surface while spamming it" part! That's THE pinnacle of interactive entertainment! XD
(Seriously, I think there are enough titles being ruined with the mindset of, "It's great now, so let's add a jump button for no apparent reason. Jump buttons make EVERYTHING better!")

Lexx said:
I don't get why people do a PE <-> Skyrim comparision at all.
Walpknut said:
Some people just like to bring Bethesda to everything here. That's just trying too hard.
Might as well compare Eternity to Mass Effect, since that has just as much relevance to it (i.e. none) as Bethesda's work does. The developers themselves have said the game will be LIKE some of their previous creations. They already set the standard for drawing comparisons, so why can't further comparisons stay within that ballpark? =/
Well, if you meant it as a gag then that's much easier to understand. I do agree with the crap gamer comment and the changing trends. It's actually pretty hilarious, when people mention Bethesda everyone gets all butt hurt. :lol:
Loving that George Ziets got into development with reaching the 2,8 million goal.

I still think he looks a lot like the 11th doctor. At least on his formspring photo. :>