Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

Then we have the Trump administration caving to the Talibans demand that Kabul be excluded from the talks, absolutely humiliating the government and reducing Ghanis prestige and image and a leader.
About that ...

Trump really left a looot of problems that will take a while to be fixed if they can be fixed at all. He may have been the final nail in the coffin that will lead to the supremacy of China. It was so bad that the Chinese still joke that Trump was their ally. Ironically, it's Biden that's lumped with China as far as public reputation is concerned.
I think it's comforting to know that Trump can be blamed for all the problems the next two or three presidents will face, at least. Takes the pressure out of voting, y'know. It doesn't matter because things will be shit because of Trump for at least eight years, or the next republican president.
He's a part of the problem yeah. Just like Bush is that kicked it off. If anything Trump and the gop see their own involvment in the current disaster unfolding when they started removing website and social media support for the withdrawal as well as statments on how there was nothing that could stop or slow it. Original deadline was May 1st which I'm sure would have been ever better than this one we currently see.

All that being said Biden and his admin could have still done better than they did period. They are doing all tye things now that I would have thought would have been obvious, like commercial airlines being used to evac people. I mean, if I were president I would have been so nervous about this that it would have been all hands on deck and I probably would not hve gotten much done domestically because of it.

They all have their parts to take responsibility for. From Bush to Biden.
Good job America. You met everyones expectations :whatever:
I think it's comforting to know that Trump can be blamed for all the problems the next two or three presidents will face, at least. Takes the pressure out of voting, y'know. It doesn't matter because things will be shit because of Trump for at least eight years, or the next republican president.
I still would personaly put a lot of blame on someone like Obama though as he should be held to a higher standard here. I genuely beliefe that Trump - and Bush - made a lot of their mistakes also due to sher incompetence. Not knowing it better. Particularly when it comes to foreign policy. But Obama should have known better. In a lot of things ...
"Never underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up." As stated by Obama a man who probably knows Biden better then anyone.
Fun fact, Bin Laden thought the same thing too about Biden and tried to have Obama assassinated because he believed that Biden was so incompetent that he would put America in chaos. He wasn't wrong there.
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Well at least he's not Trump. Not a huge positive aspect ... but you have to take what you can get ...

*Edit Anyway. Just something that makes me think.

$2.26 trillion spend more or less in Afghanistan.

At the same time you have communities in the United States that loose everything because of the crumbling infrastructure.

Imagine just for a moment what great things could have been done for the American people with 2.26 Trillion $. Spend in education, research, modernisation, digital and pyhiscal infrastructure, social programms and many many more things.
Well at least he's not Trump. Not a huge positive aspect ... but you have to take what you can get ...

Still not going to take the L with that. Tell me how Trump was worse. Please do so I can laugh my ass off like you did with the "Nazism isn't socialism" stick you did with @GM. Can't wait for when DeSantis is president and you have some bubble fuck preacher from the ass end of nowhere talk about how DeSantis is the Second Coming and you have it as a quote on your sig thinking it is a big own towards DeSantis and Christians with the belief that they all think this.
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Still not going to take the L with that. Tell me how Trump was worse.
Without any offense but why should I? There is absolutely zero argument that I could make here which wasn't already mentioned and explained in every detail like a thousand times already. I didn't say this with the intention to change anyones mind. This is my opinion and I believe if you don't look at the 4 years of Trump in utter disgust about his politics, non-existant policies, antics, speeches and whole behaviour. Then I really don't know what I can or should say. We both made up our minds. So there is that.
Without any offense but why should I? There is absolutely zero argument that I could make here which wasn't already mentioned and explained in every detail like a thousand times already. I didn't say this with the intention to change anyones mind. This is my opinion and I believe if you don't look at the 4 years of Trump in utter disgust about his politics, non-existant policies, antics, speeches and whole behaviour. Then I really don't know what I can or should say. We both made up our minds. So there is that.
LMAO! I can't believe you went with the "At least Biden doesn't make mean tweets" argument. Pathetic. At least Trump didn't support dropping 26,000 bombs in Iraq and at least he consulted with our NATO allies with what to do in the Middle East which Biden did not. You are such a fucking ideologue that you refuse to accept that Biden is worse because doing so will prove you wrong and you rather turn into a corn cob then be proven wrong.
But Ranger, Trump called Rosie O'Donnell fat a hundred years ago. can such a crime ever truly be forgiven?
There are many legitimate reason to not like Trump. Wally has done a good job of explaining the reasons why but to say that Trump is worse then Biden after what has happened in the past six months is so out of touch that it borders on delusional. Even the media that has done nothing but suck Biden off till now is saying he is worse then Trump. They know a sinking ship and that no amount of excuses from them is going to help him. Might as well wash your hands if it.
Regarding bombings we bombed Yemen and Afghanistan the most under Trump. In the case of Yemen it was more than all previous presidents combined. Civilian casualties from both Taliban and US intervention also increased under Trump.
I think the "who is worse" debate might not get the country anywhere. Because it always boils down to the "worse for who, though?" issue. On one hand, Biden's administration totally fucked up the exit from Afghanistan really REAAAAALLY badly. On the other hand, he did do what I've wanted from Obama and Trump: to just leave Afghanistan so no more Americans waste their lives in that desert hell.
For me, the issue with Trump was totally economical. He did a poor job handling China and we may pay for it. That doesn't mean Biden couldn't potentially screw things up with China more. We have a whole presidency to see if he sours things there. Fucking up Aghanistan has some implications, but they may not be THAT big.
It's not that I'm necessarily biased towards Biden. I think criticizing him is the responsibility of every voting American, ESPECIALLY the people who voted for him. It's just that I admittedly don't care much what happens with the middle east rn or Afghanistan. The Afghans are not the big players. They're tribal, small and incapable of running a nation state. Even if we pulled out well, much of the same would have inevitably occurred. They have to work shit out themselves.
The Afghans are not the big players. They're tribal, small and incapable of running a nation state. Even if we pulled out well, much of the same would have inevitably occurred. They have to work shit out themselves.
The only way for Afghanistan to be conquered is if you do a full LARP of Caesar from New Vegas. Wash away the tribal identities and force them to integrate to one great tribe. I honestly don't think you can do it any other way. I am against this as I don't believe you should force people against their will to change.
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I think the "who is worse" debate might not get the country anywhere. Because it always boils down to the "worse for who, though?" issue. On one hand, Biden's administration totally fucked up the exit from Afghanistan really REAAAAALLY badly. On the other hand, he did do what I've wanted from Obama and Trump: to just leave Afghanistan so no more Americans waste their lives in that desert hell.
Was there even a "good" or "right" way to do it I wonder? Which I am not saying Biden did everything right. But this thing has been going for 20 years ... and under Trump 5000 Taliban fighters have been released from Prisons in Pakistan. Hell the current leader of the Taliban who's pretty much ruling now the country was a prisoner which the Trump administration helped to get out of Prison in 2018. So there is that.
Was there even a "good" or "right" way to do it I wonder? Which I am not saying Biden did everything right. But this thing has been going for 20 years ... and under Trump 5000 Taliban fighters have been released from Prisons in Pakistan. Hell the current leader of the Taliban who's pretty much ruling now the country was a prisoner which the Trump administration helped to get out of Prison in 2018. So there is that.
Well, Trump is kind of irrelevant right now and that's kind of a whataboutism. At least when discussing Biden's pullout strategy. I know Trump screwed up. I don't like Trump still. Biden did exactly what I wanted him to with sloppy methods. But you'd think we'd have all the tech and weapons packing up, along with some of our allies there. But it was so abrupt. For PR purposes, you really don't want the Taliban riding around in tons of American vehicles and people getting grinded up in plane wheels n' shit. Just poor organization.
Again, this was sloppy but I also said I care waaaaaaay more about just not being in Afghanistan at all so I'm happy, overall.
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If you want to conquer Afghanistan you have to do basically this:

@KingArthur would appreciate this. The West would never do something like this as:
1. It is a war crime
2. It is a human rights violation
3. It is a crime against humanity
However it is probably the only way to make a nation out of Afghanistan.
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