
We used Vinyls, VHS cassettes and tapes, and just CD-Roms before such things like mp3 players or computers and bluerays.
I recently saw a TV spot for a music streaming service that advertised with the capability of listening to music offline.
Every day we stray further from God.
I recently saw a TV spot for a music streaming service that advertised with the capability of listening to music offline.
Every day we stray further from God.
I also saw few tweets like one woman digging a hole, reinforcing it with walls and shit and storing her food there so that it would stay fresh.
Congratulations, you invented cellar.
I also saw few tweets like one woman digging a hole, reinforcing it with walls and shit and storing her food there so that it would stay fresh.
Congratulations, you invented cellar.
At this point, we really deserve to go extinct.
I blame the early 2000s as the time when everything went to shit.
Starting in 2001. We had 9/11, leading to a recession and loads of shit. Windows XP was released, making computers much easier to use and accessible, while Internet connection uptime and traffic was increased with higher bandwidths.
In 2002 the XBox was released. 2003 saw the rise of Myspace. 2004, Facebook. After that, shit got down fast. 2006, Twitter. 2007, the fucking iPhone. That really marked the tipping point. We could have gone back, but that was the end. Instant gratification started to take over, easy access to the Internet led to increased exposure to opposing opinions while a cultural change led to kids not being able to handle that anymore. Politics got more extreme, the foundations for SJWs and subsequently the Alt Right is laid down at universities and politics. Politics tire out the masses, with more people pushed into the extremes. Mental capacity has been dropping since everything became available at our fingertips. Fearmongering is everywhere, combined with a hardcore neoliberal fiscal politics and an increased progressive social politics in the West it led to a constant stress that literally rots the brains. In some ways, Butler's Jihad might actually be good for us.
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Weird that the Year 2000 Apocalypse was more of a slow burn than going out with a bang.
Well, actually, humanity will survive. But it will pay a hefty price.
Also more about the racism, I checked out Wikipedia to find interesting article about Finnish racism, which is usually described as discrimination, fear of strangers or closed-mindnesness. Also lot of signs to folklore about against Russians and Saami in particular.

Oh, and we are apparently the Europe's most racist nation.
meh. black people be black and they got big lips.

how can it be racist if its true?

It created image for unlightened masses that those represent black people and because nobody has more than one braincell at work, decide to put it as racist cause they see it as racist.
It created image for unlightened masses that those represent black people and because nobody has more than one braincell at work, decide to put it as racist cause they see it as racist.
I see it more as racist because it’s purposefully exaggerated
Back at Halloween a couple years ago, people were saying it was racist for white parents to dress their white kids up as Moana. That's some next level dumbassery right there. What's next? I'm racist against mermaids because my daughter went trick-or-treating in a mermaid costume last year?
The universe is probably not infinite, although the capability of useless university students for feeling offended by minor shit probably is.
I had a girl tell me it was rape to fantasize about someone. I put my drink down and left the party.

Maybe that was the smart thing to do, because the police raided the sorority house immediately after I got back to the apartment, but the sentiment stands.
I'm wondering if the universe might indeed be litterally infinite, if not in expanse, then in terms of time

Boxing something in is very convenient, and the human mind keep envisioning enclosures, but these enclosures are always arbitrary. Systems never remain closed, afaik, and if there is no permanent enclosure in our existence around us, then there is no reason why the universe itself should be enclosed.

Even if our particular space, the matter hailing from our particular big bang, can be seen as a limited expanse, it might still be occuring inside a greater - and ultimately infinite - outter space, or "multiverse" or what have you
The universe is probably not infinite, although the capability of useless university students for feeling offended by minor shit probably is.
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.~ Albert Einstein

@AureliusofPhoenix Well, in that case, lock me up. That's at least 80% of what I think about.