The Wardrobe, the Wiccan, and the Vault Dweller
Long ago...well about a year actually, I had an online buddy I met from an anime forum. Soon we were chatting and I was really starting to get along well with him. As it turned out we had more than anime in common. We were both around the same age and had the same intentions in life. He would often talk about problems making friends and I would concur. He would tell me how grand it was to get straight A's and I agreed. (though Im not that good) All in all we met eye-to-eye on every subject and not once did we ever disagree. We quickly went from online friends to practically brothers separated only by distance. We often exchanged advice and very personal storys. I was happy to have such a close friend and he felt the same way.
I eventually found out his name was Madison.
One day I after we had been talking for a few months and summer was nearing he told me he was going to a convention and not only that, but cosplaying as well! I was impressed since not many are brave (or foolish) enough to go to such things in such a fashion. Madison's perfectionist nature also led him to fill me in on every part of the design and he had his costume made down to the detail and out of somewhat well-priced materials. He left on a thursday telling me he wouldnt be back until monday and that he would have lots to say when he would be back. So I waited and anticipated his tale of fun and nerdity...
He didnt show up back online until a week later when I finally found him on and basted him with questions. It turned out that he had lots of fun. Bought stuff, saw anime, but most (or least) surprisingly he got groped and groped lots of girls. ~See bottom for explanation if you havent watched the anime Inuyasha~ It also turns out he had met a girl who became his first girlfriend. This girl was apparently serving as a nurse at the convention (they have first-aid stations at all major public gatherings) and they met in an eating area where they just happened to sit together.
I later learned she called herself "Calantha" online and also had many online friends as well as having a bad temper that I should care to avoid. I learned this and lots of other things by taking part in chats together with her, Madison, and their friends. I of course kept talking to Madison in single chats too. However Calantha became very friendly...a little too friendly too fast in my opinion.
Once after seeing a picture of her she sent to everyone I noted how she had long, vibrant red hair. Beautiful I thought. I told her this and she wanted to know more about me so I gave her a link to my "Me + Girl = Comedy" thread on an old forum. In the next chat she talked to me by myself and gave me her phone number. She said she would like to talk to me, the mysterious man who seemed to want to be called "Venereal Disease". I was shocked into submission. For one thing I had been talking to people online for multiple years and in my whole life no one had ever given me their phone number. Also most of the people I had known who did share very important personal information I had known for years...Calantha I had only known a few weeks and chatted with total only a few hours. I really was in doubt. I decided that my cheap ass couldnt afford the toll charge...besides I was too nervous to talk to her this way. I said this and she commented "Oh my family talks a lot on the phone so we get unlimited long about I call you?" I was fucked. I was scared to talk to her and I had the perfect explanation. Now what was I gonna say. I just said "Im sorry, but this is kind of bothering me. I dont know you at all...could we wait?" She immediately acted put down. She kept asking for deeper explanations and I just kept saying it was too soon.
Well not long later in a different chat she got pissed at me. I did irk her a little when she asked what I watched on TV (she watches plenty) and I told her I dont watch at all. She said I was acting "condescending" and "duplicitive". She also said it wasnt smart to treat a wiccan in such a she'd cures me or something. Then she said other things...she accused me of being gay and of being jealous of her and Madison. I told her were great friends, but I'm not gay and wouldnt certainly try to break-up a relationship. She flew off the handle and said lots of things ending with "IM GOING TO GO TALK TO MY BOYFRIEND!".
I never saw her or Madison online for almost six months...she of course must have blocked me, but he just disappeared...
I day he reappeared on AIM and immediately messaged me. He said life had been hell for him since we last talked and he never intended to stop talking to me. Apparently school became very busy plus he lost what little free time he had spending it with her...I eventually asked him about her. He said that while she was nice to begin with she became more and more controlling as time passed to the point of where he couldnt talk to anyone without being accused of trying to cheat on her or not care enough. He was losing money quick and his grades started to suffer. It was hard breaking up (he's the shy type) mainly, because he was afraid to stand up to her. It turned out she convinced him to move out (he's only 17 and loves his parents) then she asked to marry him. He declined and thats how things became bad. He also said that I have no reason to feel bad for what happened between me and her. Apparently its happened before with others and she was paranoid to the point of where she would call me gay just to tell me to leave them alone. Really what happened was one day he wanted to talk to me very bad and chose to neglect talking to immediately infuriated her and she took it out on me...
I asked him about her offering me her phone number. It turned out she thought I was extremely caring and sincere...enough to want to talk. He said I should be glad we never did...she sounded to him as though she loved me. In fact he said that was the first time anyone got between her and him even before his friends and parents who worried for him with her.
-Miroku: "So you thinking about going to a convention and cosplaying?"
-TVD: "Im sure it would be fun and interesting, but I have enough wardrobe problems without dressing up as fictional characters. What with ripped, faded, and otherwise old clothing and all."
-Miroku: "You'll meet lots of infinitely interested females."
-TVD: "Dont remind me..."
The Vault Dweller
~In the anime his character is a severe lecher who's sole purpose other than defeating an enemy that cursed his family is to spawn more children so they can carry on the fight should he die. He often grope's women as though they dont mind and litereally ask's them to "bear my child".