So what lore has Bethesda done gone fucked up?

On the whole "Bethesda decides what's canon" vs "I decide what's canon" thing, I think it's important to note that Obsidian and Bethesda did something very deliberate with their games. They set them on different coasts.

Bethesda have pretty much come right out and said that they're sticking to their coast, and letting Interplay/Obsidian do what they want with the West Coast. If that doesn't seem like an official statement of "You can stick to whatever canon you prefer, or both" I don't know what is.
What about Tactics?
That was developed by a third developer; Micro Forte. It takes place on the center of the continent.
On the issue of Jet, didn't Fallout 2 get its own lore wrong regarding the drug, with Mrs. Bishop claiming it was Jet use that got her kicked out of Vault City, even though that happened long before Myron actually invented Jet?

And as I recall, in Fallout 2, you can bring up the fact that the whole reason Jet works in the first place is because pre-war companies made some cheap protein extract, only to discover it could easily get contaminated, thus turning shit into an amphetamine, so they just fed it to their cows instead of tossing it all becuase it was cheaper. I find it unlikely no one in the pre-war world would have tried to market such an easily producible drug.

Though I do think they should have renamed it on the terminal if they were going to exploit that possibility.
Fallout Bible was compiled by Chris himself to give a more info on Fallout universe to the fans and even shared more details about Fallouts development. All that was back in 2002 when Bethesda didn't owned the IP yet. Denying that it's canon from the person who was responsible for creating Myron and jet himself and admitted that was just a mistake on his part is just stupid. Now that Bethseda owns the IP, someone already asked Pete on twitter about that whole Jet debacle and if Bethesda wanted to say now that Jet officially existed before the war then they would've done that already and just be done with it, they didn't.
Fallout 4 even has terminals naming Jet by name before the war. Bethesda didn't even bother to check canon. If Pete Hines response is anything to go by, Bethesda has a "consistency has no place in fiction" attitude when writting it seems.

Also, why does Jet now suddenly have no effect on Ghouls? What's the logic behind that?
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To be frank, I don't think jet would do anything for a Romero zombie either, and if that's what they are going for, I'm hardly surprised.
Also, why does Jet now suddenly have no effect on Ghouls? What's the logic behind that?
It does, its just a very small effect.

As for the logic behind it, its stated that ghoulifcation causes certain transmitters to constantly supply oxygen to the ghouls brain, even long after one should have naturally died.

This constant regeneration and oxygen supply would likely cause a ghoul's brain to cycle out the endorphin rush Jet provides very quickly compared to humans, thus giving ghouls little effect from the drug.
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Consistency has never been Bethesda's forte. They believe that fun gameplay and humorous jokes are more important. That Tweet by Hines is one of the most damning comments they have made in recent memory. Even the rabid Bethesda fans who claim "The story isn't good but it is fun" have to admit that is some bullshit. When did story and lore become so unimportant? Some people write it off as him just being the PR guy but that is bullshit too. Their design philosophy permeates every facet of their company. They know how to make a somewhat amusing themepark and nothing else. The lore, which some of us scour every last bit of, is nonexistent in their games because they have no concept of "suspension of disbelief"

This is the first thing I brought up when typing that phrase:"Tolkien argues that suspension of disbelief is only necessary when the work has failed to create secondary belief. From that point the spell is broken, and the reader ceases to be immersed in the story and must make a conscious effort to suspend disbelief or else give up on it entirely."

This is what we have been talking about for years yet people simply cannot see our point of view, so NMA is hated across the internet and we get trolls who come here and think we are bitter assholes because we want RPG's that fucking make sense on some level. This is the result - two parts of a fanbase who want different things from a franchise bickering on the internet. A Ghoul living in a fridge for 200 years is far fetched with no explanation and handwaving questions about it. When one of the most important parts of Fallout lore involves Jet being made by Myron out of cowshit and the shrooms growing off of it, then Bethesda turns around and outright states it was Pre-war - we have a problem. The people that are okay with this can write it all off and say they don't care, but some people want a more believable/less retarded RPG more true to the roots of the series. It makes it all seem a bit pointless to follow the lore at all so what are you left with? Shooting shit with hardly any RPG mechanics?

I can go with a Super Mutant getting cured through Institute technology. They did some crazy shit with the Synths so I can believe that even though it is stupid. I think of the Hulk turning back into Bruce Banner and roll with it. It is getting annoying to see them butcher Lovecraft though. Now something like crashed space saucers is canon. Ancient aliens is now lore because of the History channel I am 100% certain. These retards are too stupid to have read books
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A Ghoul living in a fridge for 200 years is far fetched with no explanation
It was explained as far back as Fallout 3 actually.

Ghouls are healed, and can be kept alive by, radiation. So long as he got exposed to radiation on a semi regular basis, he could have lived forever in that fridge due to the radiation healing his body. We see this in feral ghouls all the time, with glowing ones healing wounded ferals with their radiation bursts, and ghouls in places that have been locked for 200+ years still being alive, despite no food being in the area, yet there being constant low level radiation.

We even saw similar examples in The Divide in Lonesome Road, the regeneration offered to ghouls by radiation is so strong it can even keep some alive despite winds so harsh it literally tore all of their skin off. Any sort of bodily decay, be it from lack of nutrients, or physical trauma, can be quickly healed by radiation.
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A Ghoul living in a fridge for 200 years is far fetched with no explanation
It was explained as far back as Fallout 3 actually.

Ghouls are healed, and can be kept alive by, radiation. So long as he got exposed to radiation on a semi regular basis, he could have lived forever in that fridge due to the radiation healing his body. We see this in feral ghouls all the time, with glowing ones healing wounded ferals with their radiation bursts, and ghouls in places that have been locked for 200+ years still being alive, despite no food being in the area, yet there being constant low level radiation.

We even saw similar examples in The Divide in Lonesome Road, the regeneration offered to ghouls by radiation is so strong it can even keep some alive despite winds so harsh it literally tore all of their skin off. Any sort of bodily decay, be it from lack of nutrients, or physical trauma, can be quickly healed by radiation.

Then why do they even bother to eat? It seems pointless to see them eating and drinking if they can survive indefinitely by going outside and rolling in radiated water, or going to hang out with one of the Glowing Ones. Wasn't a main quest in one of the old Fallout games to fix their water or some shit? They needed water I believe. I would assume he would go Feral being in that confined a space with no food for that long at the very least. I know for sure he would go insane. The Ghouls being healed by radiation is stupid shit to begin with. I don't recall that area being that radiated. I'll need to go look again.
I may be mis-remembering, but, ghouls arn't healed by radiation in FO1/FO2, and, every ghoul I remember is thise games has access to food and water. Heck, in FO1, you will kill them all in Necropolis if you don't fix the water pump, but steal their water chip. They arn't bleeding 'immortal', they are 'incredibly long lived', which is a very different thing. And they are not zombies, they are another mutation, where their skin sloughs off, and they are extremely fugly. They still breath, eat, drink, and sleep.
Forget food and water, being trapped in a fridge for 200 year and not running out of FUCKING AIR? How does he even walk if he has been in the same position for 200 years? How does his eyes adapt to light after basically not being used for 200 years? Why even make the Ghoul kid a Pre war ghoul? He could've been a recently ghouled kid. would make more sense, would make for a more interesting story, provide the quest with some actual drama, just anything. Bethesda has this weird obssesion with making everything Prewar while moving further and further forward on the timeline. The result is a world that makes zero sense.
Bethesda also reused a lot of assets from fallout 3. Even the start up music sounds like a modified tune of the original in fallout 3. The voice actors, The music stations.

Bethesda, You're so fucking lazy.
Forget food and water, being trapped in a fridge for 200 year and not running out of FUCKING AIR? How does he even walk if he has been in the same position for 200 years? How does his eyes adapt to light after basically not being used for 200 years? Why even make the Ghoul kid a Pre war ghoul? He could've been a recently ghouled kid. would make more sense, would make for a more interesting story, provide the quest with some actual drama, just anything. Bethesda has this weird obssesion with making everything Prewar while moving further and further forward on the timeline. The result is a world that makes zero sense.

Why are you sooo stooopid Walp? If they don't need WATER(!) it is pretty obvious that they don't have any need for AIR(!) too! Serouisly. Even Pete figured that one out!