Luke in Return of the Jedi: THere is still light inside you father!

Luke in the Last jedi: Ben, I hear you have been talking to Snoke, so I am just gonna quickly cut your throat in your sleep, kay?
Iit doesn't matter if the subverted expectation results in a shitty or less interesting story as long as you subverted expectations!
Eh, as I realized from a conversation with a TLJ-Fan, I must be simply sexist. Yeup. That's the best possible explanation.
Isn't the very notion of turning the goal of the main female lead from finding her parents and train in the force to changing a bad boy that she fell in love with actually pretty sexist?
But is post-deconstruction anti-sexism sexist?
You can't spell "sexist" without "exist". And "existing" is equal to "imagining".
Just like how being "colourblind" is still racist if you're the wrong race yourself, not caring about gender is still sexist if you're the wrong gender.
The asian girl and black man park poorly and get arrested, then they are broke out by a space latino criminal who then proceed to sell them out while the white people deal with the actual plot.
The asian girl and black man park poorly and get arrested, then they are broke out by a space latino criminal who then proceed to sell them out while the white people deal with the actual plot.
There was a plot? The whole movie just feels like filler. I think there's maybe three instances where elements from the last movie are actually continued or expanded on.
The movie is about nothing really, stuff happens but in service to no story or theme. The story spins it's wheels for 2:20 hours and then it ends with a crappy version of the Battle of Hoth, it ends with absolutely nothing to build up from either for the next movie.

What the characters learn by the end:

Poe: Every Rebel leader needs to learn to not question authority and not take any risks.
Fin: Never sacrifice anything.
Rey: Don't even bother with people, they are lost.
Luke: LOL KYS.
Yeah, large parts of the movie were filler, and all the subplots kinda turn out to be pointless for now.
Rey an Kylo's interactions were the most important parts of the movie, really, and they will have the most effect on the next movie. Rose and Finn's plot was pointless, and what was it that Poe did, again?
Yeah, like Leia, oh wait ... she's a woman, so it was strong willed leadership. Man, I am so stoopid.
Keeping the details of the plan a secret from the crew until the last second when said plan needing coordination as all evacuations do? Is that my shitty boss who undrmines our efforts and makes us end up cleaning the mess? No, it's a female character so it's strong leadership, see being petty is strenght of character.