Th4if no more.

The original Fallout was a spritual successor for Wasteland. Why couldn't there be a Cloak & Dagger that's a Thief successor. I don't see how there's a need to reimagine EVERYTHING. What is this? Marvel? DC Comics? Bethesda? Stop doing that!

Gameinformer showing their understanding of the series. We should hope new Thief will be catered to dudes like these, right?
Does he not know you can crouch to avoid making noise?

This guy is not even lowest common denominator. I have nothing in common with him. o_O

EDIT: What is this? I don't even...
He doesn't know how to open doors!
Not to mention things like walking slowly or leaning forward to strike with blackjack. Now that would be rocket science for these morons. Can't even sneak up on a drunk guard. :lol: Why check out controls menu when you can just say it has bad controls. At least there seems to be not a single positive comment on youtube, and way more dislikes than likes.
Yes, the comments on the video are more informative than anything the so-called games journalists are saying in the video.

As someone in the comments said, this is why we can't have nice things.

I'd love to see the frustration on the guy's face playing the game if he played it on hard where you have to get through that level without killing anybody. He'd probably rage quit in less than 5 minutes.
Multidirectional said:
Why check out controls menu when you can just say it has bad controls.
What in the Heavens do you mean? ALL controls must be fully INTUITIVE!! That seems to be the credo nowadays
And by Fully intuitive most people mean 2 buttons and one of them is just for contextual actions.
FearMonkey said:
I'd love to see the frustration on the guy's face playing the game if he played it on hard where you have to get through that level without killing anybody. He'd probably rage quit in less than 5 minutes.

It's not like he would even be able to finish it on Normal with the way he plays. Only so much health items you can buy/find.
which is why you will probably "regenerate" health in the new game ...

Why dont they stop raping beloved franchises ...
All those cocks in the kitchen just keep having overly high expectations!

I would actually be completely fine if they cancelled this reboot - with their recent "success" with the other re-imaginings I'm sure they would miscalculate the players' expectations for this franchise and ship a real ninja simulator :x
Gaspard said:
I would actually be completely fine if they cancelled this reboot - with their recent "success" with the other re-imaginings I'm sure they would miscalculate the players' expectations for this franchise and ship a real ninja simulator :x

? Eidos Montreal only published another title (with another team working on it by the way), and it was Deus Ex: Human Revolution. And say what you want about its flaws, but it was pretty damn faithful to the Deus Ex premise.

Granted, I don't expect Thief to be great, but it also has to be said that plenty of titles have come out despite the team hitting snags along the way, both good and bad.
Not to mention even Deus Ex HR had a few very stupid flaws. Like the Boss fights, which simply don't fit in to the way how the game plays. Up to the point before you meet that "Boss", the game is pretty awesome. The worst of it though, is that the Bosses you fight, really seem only to be there to "fight you" and artifical road block, what I mean is I never got what real purpose they had in the story for example except for showing a dude that has an machine gun in his arm or something like that no real back ground story behind them nor anything that would show them as a character. I cant remember that the original Deus Ex was really about one dimensional characters. Not to mention that you had a chance to interact with many of them even if you had to fight them later. Like Walton Simons, Gunther and so on. They have not been simply the bad guys from the start of the game. And everyone had their own reason to hunt the character.

Dont get me wrong, DE HR is an awesome game. But I think the first Deus Ex had the better writing, its not the quality to say that. The Dialogues in HR are just as good. Its like the story as whole lacks a bit of "quality" compared to Deus Ex 1. But thats just me. I think part of it is, that many of the characters in the new DE game dont really have much to do with the first Deus Ex game. HR is supposed to be a Prequel. Yet I really missed a lot of the characters we saw in Deus Ex 1. Tracer Tong for example, Morgan Everett, Bob Page and so on. What about the artifical inteligences like Icarus and Daedalus?

If the new Thief game would have at least the quality of Deus Ex HR I would be still very pleased.
Crni Vuk said:
Not to mention even Deus Ex HR had a few very stupid flaws. Like the Boss fights, which simply don't fit in to the way how the game plays. Up to the point before you meet that "Boss", the game is pretty awesome. The worst of it though, is that the Bosses you fight, really seem only to be there to "fight you" and artifical road block, what I mean is I never got what real purpose they had in the story for example except for showing a dude that has an machine gun in his arm or something like that no real back ground story behind them nor anything that would show them as a character. I cant remember that the original Deus Ex was really about one dimensional characters. Not to mention that you had a chance to interact with many of them even if you had to fight them later. Like Walton Simons, Gunther and so on. They have not been simply the bad guys from the start of the game. And everyone had their own reason to hunt the character.

Dont get me wrong, DE HR is an awesome game. But I think the first Deus Ex had the better writing, its not the quality to say that. The Dialogues in HR are just as good. Its like the story as whole lacks a bit of "quality" compared to Deus Ex 1. But thats just me. I think part of it is, that many of the characters in the new DE game dont really have much to do with the first Deus Ex game. HR is supposed to be a Prequel. Yet I really missed a lot of the characters we saw in Deus Ex 1. Tracer Tong for example, Morgan Everett, Bob Page and so on. What about the artifical inteligences like Icarus and Daedalus?

If the new Thief game would have at least the quality of Deus Ex HR I would be still very pleased.

They had to outsource the boss fights due to time constraints, just like they had to axe the Upper Hengsha and Montréal quest hubs. If you wanna blame someone, blame Square Enix for being a fucking awful publisher. Hell, the WII U version completely revamps the boss fights to be much more in-line with the rest of the game.

In that studio's case, I definitely see it as the hurdles being largely the publisher's fault.

Also, Bob Page was in HR, Tracer Tong was in the day 1 DLC and got a cameo in the main game, and Everett is in the Missing Link DLC. Or was it Gary Savage? Can never remember.
Ilosar said:
They had to outsource the boss fights due to time constraints, just like they had to axe the Upper Hengsha and Montréal quest hubs. If you wanna blame someone, blame Square Enix for being a fucking awful publisher. Hell, the WII U version completely revamps the boss fights to be much more in-line with the rest of the game.

In that studio's case, I definitely see it as the hurdles being largely the publisher's fault.

Quoting from memory, but I seem to remember that the team didn't know exactly what to do with the game and wasted a lot of time, spending 4+ years just to make what we got in the end (missing two quest hubs, all the accompanying quests and with boss battles outsourced). I can't fault the producer for not extending yet again the development time. If there's truth to the Tiehf rumors it's the team that has serious problems with management.
Ilosar said:
Crni Vuk said:
Not to mention even Deus Ex HR had a few very stupid flaws. Like the Boss fights, which simply don't fit in to the way how the game plays. Up to the point before you meet that "Boss", the game is pretty awesome. The worst of it though, is that the Bosses you fight, really seem only to be there to "fight you" and artifical road block, what I mean is I never got what real purpose they had in the story for example except for showing a dude that has an machine gun in his arm or something like that no real back ground story behind them nor anything that would show them as a character. I cant remember that the original Deus Ex was really about one dimensional characters. Not to mention that you had a chance to interact with many of them even if you had to fight them later. Like Walton Simons, Gunther and so on. They have not been simply the bad guys from the start of the game. And everyone had their own reason to hunt the character.

Dont get me wrong, DE HR is an awesome game. But I think the first Deus Ex had the better writing, its not the quality to say that. The Dialogues in HR are just as good. Its like the story as whole lacks a bit of "quality" compared to Deus Ex 1. But thats just me. I think part of it is, that many of the characters in the new DE game dont really have much to do with the first Deus Ex game. HR is supposed to be a Prequel. Yet I really missed a lot of the characters we saw in Deus Ex 1. Tracer Tong for example, Morgan Everett, Bob Page and so on. What about the artifical inteligences like Icarus and Daedalus?

If the new Thief game would have at least the quality of Deus Ex HR I would be still very pleased.

They had to outsource the boss fights due to time constraints, just like they had to axe the Upper Hengsha and Montréal quest hubs. If you wanna blame someone, blame Square Enix for being a fucking awful publisher. Hell, the WII U version completely revamps the boss fights to be much more in-line with the rest of the game.

In that studio's case, I definitely see it as the hurdles being largely the publisher's fault.

Also, Bob Page was in HR, Tracer Tong was in the day 1 DLC and got a cameo in the main game, and Everett is in the Missing Link DLC. Or was it Gary Savage? Can never remember.
Hey, I love the game. No need to argue with me. I am well aware about the stuff you mentioned. And I have not placed the blame here on anyone, be it Square Enix or Ubisoft.

Doesnt change the fact that the boss fights have been garbage.

Or that that I refuse to see content from "DLC"s as part of the game to say that. Wow! I saw Tracer Tong for 5 sec. in the main game jumping on a boat! Everett is in the DLC! Another wow! So I just have to buy that DLC to get him in my game ...

On the other side maybe Bob page was in the game, but it sure was not really important, because I dont remember it really. It was just the intro I think - checked it, yeah pretty much. So you see him for a couple of seconds and that was it ...

After all, Deus Ex HR, has very little to do with Deus Ex 1 as far as the story goes, it has a lot of great qualities which makes it an great game for it self and a game where I think even keeps some of the spirt from Deus Ex, but its not a good prequel, because it yeah, does not really connect with the story of Deus Ex 1 in any way. Except that they throw names like Versa Life around to remind you that this is supposed to play in the World of Deus Ex. As said it is an great game, without any doubts, but there have been cases where I had to remind my self that this was supposed to play before Deus Ex 1. I mean it would have been nice to actually explore the history of characters like J.C. and Paul Denton, the most important characters of Deus Ex 1. I mean imagine the character of DE:HR would had to actually protect them in some mission, but losing them in the end to MJ12, how awesome would that have been. Not just reading about it those characters but actually being directly inside the story and taking part here! A lot of missed potential and oportunities here.
WorstUsernameEver said:
? Eidos Montreal only published another title (with another team working on it by the way), and it was Deus Ex: Human Revolution. And say what you want about its flaws, but it was pretty damn faithful to the Deus Ex premise.

Deus Ex wasn't a reboot, though. I kind of liked it, but I could only do the one play through - the different choices weren't too rewarding and I always had to make sure to have my trigger finger warmed up and well stocked with EMP weapons for the boss fights :S