Vault Fossil
Crni Vuk said:Hey, I love the game. No need to argue with me. I am well aware about the stuff you mentioned. And I have not placed the blame here on anyone, be it Square Enix or Ubisoft.
Doesnt change the fact that the boss fights have been garbage.
Or that that I refuse to see content from "DLC"s as part of the game to say that. Wow! I saw Tracer Tong for 5 sec. in the main game jumping on a boat! Everett is in the DLC! Another wow! So I just have to buy that DLC to get him in my game ...
On the other side maybe Bob page was in the game, but it sure was not really important, because I dont remember it really. It was just the intro I think - checked it, yeah pretty much. So you see him for a couple of seconds and that was it ...
After all, Deus Ex HR, has very little to do with Deus Ex 1 as far as the story goes, it has a lot of great qualities which makes it an great game for it self and a game where I think even keeps some of the spirt from Deus Ex, but its not a good prequel, because it yeah, does not really connect with the story of Deus Ex 1 in any way. Except that they throw names like Versa Life around to remind you that this is supposed to play in the World of Deus Ex. As said it is an great game, without any doubts, but there have been cases where I had to remind my self that this was supposed to play before Deus Ex 1. I mean it would have been nice to actually explore the history of characters like J.C. and Paul Denton, the most important characters of Deus Ex 1. I mean imagine the character of DE:HR would had to actually protect them in some mission, but losing them in the end to MJ12, how awesome would that have been. Not just reading about it those characters but actually being directly inside the story and taking part here! A lot of missed potential and oportunities here.
Meh, a game must be able to stand on its own. I much prefer that they made HR it own story, with its own characters, than just endless fanservice to set Deus Ex up (Lord knows there already was lots of this if you knew where to look). And frankly, I prefered Malik, Pritchard and Sarif to pretty much any character in Deus Ex.
Bob Page was actually pretty damn important, as he's the bloke who sets the whole plot in motion. He's also in the all-important post-credit sequence, the one that ties together HR and Deus Ex 1 very neatly. I think HR was what prequels should be; setup the story of the ''main'' installment, but not depend on it. As I said, it must absolutely stand on its own.