Of course there is. Hence why I am arguing. I wish Vegas (or any future shootliker-Fallout game for that matter ...) would try to go a bit more for a authentic representation of combat. Not just all the people storming at you like mindeless zealots. What about people with guns using sandbags ? ruble or what ever as cover.Ausdoerrt said:You make it seem like there's no "third choice" between cover and crappy FO3 AI. There's a plenty of shooter games with good AI without a cover system. STALKER series is one of them.
Also in Stalker the AI did not really used cover either. I found Stalkers AI pretty dump. Either they see and smell you from half a mile away or they just charge at you.
I dont say a cover system as shown with Mass Effect 2 is the holy grail of combat. But there at least the AI IS using cover at all! Something I can not say from most other shooters. Of couse it is scripted. Sometimes looks even silly. It is overused in some games. But that doesnt mean the direction in general is bad. Depends how you deploy it and what the developers make out of it in the end.
Ilosar said:I get where what you want to say, Crni Vuk, the problem is cover-based shooters are (captain obvious incoming, sorry) based around it. The levels are specificaly designed with it in mind. The Red Orchestra videos make a big deal of designing the level with cover; as I said, it works for linear single-player or multiplayer maps where the field of battle is clearly defined and limited, but putting objects that can be used for cover (because they have to be specifically marked so, I imagine) all over the wasteland is quite a task, not to mention that conveniently placed rocks everywhere in a desert where firefights happen would be a little silly.
Yes right. Because neither Fallout 3 nor Vegas offer enough levels or areas with cover. What about Fallout 3s "city" landescape where you fight inside of DC with countless of ruins and buildings. Same with Vegas, either in vaults, bunkers, caves, some camps or ruins. There are also many mountains with rocks, streets moving trough valeys of some sorts. Its not like the world in Vegas is completely without cover. The trick is to make it feel natural. But thats what level designers are for. Thats their job at some point. Most of the time I would fight in open space with Radscorpions and raiders. Which some are armed with clevers, knifes or something like that. Vegas features particularly around the strip a lot of locations with ruins and buildings like some farms which can be used as cover. Heh I mean hey even the quest of the boomers some NPC tells you that you should use the landscape moving from "cover" to "cover" avoiding the boomers artillery!
Thing is just that the enemy is never doing it. When watching for examle the NCR fighting the raiders (Feens ?) attacking each other I always have to lough at how pathetic it looks. Not just from the visuals that could be somewhat excused as the animations already sucked in Fallout 3 but they just stand around or run in circles shooting each other while there seem to be sandbags and other parts of "natural" cover around which simply no one is using. Maybe I am looking to many war movies no clue, but to me particularly this feels just overal pathetic and unatural - I dont want to say un-realistic but it just doesnt feel or look plausible most humans know that a rock will give them more chance to survive compared to standing around in the open. Think about it like those old indian vs cowboy movies.
To say that as well, that is one part of Red Orchestras maps (also remember they try to create some battlefiels how they really looked like in WW2). It is based on the Unreal engine 3 which will also alow to render and show very huge maps with lots of space between it (they will use that a lot for combined arms battles where you have infantry and tanks fighting next to each other) not to mention the map they show Red-Square (winter map) has when you look at it a lot of "open space" but craters, and ruble, ruins etc. give as well chance to use cover. But it is not like you will always just face urban settings.
I agree when you say that Mass Effect and more important Mass Effect 2 have been specificaly designed for "cover based gameplay", it is noticable. But thats where I say, it depends a lot on how the level designer make it. Good designers might do it in a way where you dont notice it. For example camps with sandbags, fortified positions. No one will just have his army standing around in the open field somewhere in the desert. That doesnt make any sense in the first place so to say. And most of the positions where you have either NCR or Legion around you will see some small camp of some sort. Except for those times when you see 2 or 3 characters on patrol. But even then there are many times rocks or other obstacles around. Not to mention the places like Nipton for example. I dont know why you might think all places of Vegas are comletely made only from open space.