Faceless Stranger
Board Drifter
lol at still no environmental shadows in the scans 
And there were you were able to become a wereboar in Daggerfall..

And there were you were able to become a wereboar in Daggerfall..
maximaz said:korindabar said:I've read through the entirety of the Skyrim article and it sounds friggin' sweet... I'm excited.
Which parts exactly?
Radiant story technology, for example, sounds horrible to me. The game seems to adapt the quests to you (instead of requiring the opposite), places quests in dungeons you haven't explored (all-purpose dungeons) and will populate them with appropriately powerful enemies (level scaling). Man that whole part was a downer for me.
Crni Vuk said:*I think it would be awesome if Bethesda would REALLY try for once to expand on that topic, I mean a realistic representation on vampires, verevoofs and such. Of course with specific quets, avoiding sunlight etc.
maximaz said:To cure vampirism you had to do a massive pain in the ass quest.
Yeah, I didn't say you couldn't, but they were just in Daggerfall. They kind of just disappeared, along with the other lyancanthropy lore (the rest were just mentioned in writings and such, never really seen in the games).Faceless Stranger said:And there were you were able to become a wereboar in Daggerfall..
On the other hand, the Dragonborn being retconned into dragon hunters sounds eerily like the Divinity series.
Little Robot said:They created a DLC which automatically fixed your vampirism.
-People still giving you quests after you killed their relatives. I could see this happening if no one knew you killed that person, and the idea of relatives taking over the dead person's business, but the (bad) magazine writing makes it sound like this person knew you kilked her brother, is angry at you, but is still giving you a quest. Come on, man, Choices and Consequences, get with them.
maximaz said:Little Robot said:They created a DLC which automatically fixed your vampirism.
Which one was that? I don't remember such DLC.
I know what you mean...rcorporon said:It's Beth... they lied too many times for me to believe their hype. I'll play the game when it ships, and evaluate it myself...
I dread the word "radiant" now...
Heh, I know what you mean. I cringe a little every time I hear/read it.rcorporon said:I dread the word "radiant" now...
korindabar said:Y'all are pretty pessimistic. Though of course, as someone who enjoyed both Fallout 3 and Oblivion immensely, I am looking forward to this release. It will be a collector's edition pre-order for me.
Oh I know, guess I wasn't clear, I meant that they just dropped wereboars (although, now that I think about it, I believe wereboars were pretty much only roaming High Rock).rcorporon said:Also, to voof, in MW the entire Bloodmoon expansion was about werewolves, so it wasn't that after Daggerall they dropped the lycanthropy... just for shitty Oblivion.
Mr Krepe said:I imagine being a wereboar being a boring existence, one minute you're walking through the streets of a town the next your eating mushrooms out in the woods, yup a very important existence.