The Ideal Woman

And what i say applies to some dudes who behave like incels.

Let's face it, I fucked 'em all. I mean, that's what I do. That's why I went to beauty school. I mean, they're always there and I-I just can't I-I, you know, I - I don't know what I'm apologizing for. So, sometimes I fuck 'em. I go into that shop and they're so great lookin', you know, and I - I doing their hair and they feel great and they smell great. Or, I could be out on the street, you know, and I could just stop at a stoplight or go into an elevator or - I - it's a beautiful girl - I - I don't know - I mean, that's it! It makes my day. I mean, it makes me feel like I'm gonna live forever
Ideal woman?

Well i say to start off i assume most of us are 3's through 6's in the looks department. If im being brutally honest i want to say, dont go after woman who are too hot. Theyre overrated as beyond fuck. i rather bang a woman who's little less than good looking because they at least makeup for lack of kinder looks with being a 10 in the personality department. Or being a 10 in the screwing department. Something that women in the upper tiers of the looks scale are far lesser scored than the others. By all means i prefer a woman who doesnt bore me and conservation feels next to endless and natural....and i dont feel like i have to compete with other men flooding her dm's because she is supermodel hot and she let that attitude get to her head. i rather her be ugly and own it and know that somebody finds her confidence attractive than for her to be the aforementioned and her be a bore and completely insecure.

And what i say applies to some dudes who behave like incels. Dude lower your standards cut the negative nancy shit out and just have confidence and be way less condescending and you will get women.
Agreed, but I belive that goes for both genders though.
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Agreed, but I belive thst goes for both genders though.
It does. Trust me, female incels are fucking disgusting. Same issues as the male incel, just with a vagina and their issues are men they want but know they dont want them at all and it tears em up inside. I say it from experience having dated a woman who was a lowkey incel
It's funny that the ideal man would not be posting in a thread like this.
Man you really hate this thread lol.

I hate that fun threads get no posts while this retarded thread gets 14 full pages. Oh boy tell us what makes your dick hard! Lets debate that for 14 pages guys!

Oh, and word of advise to any men looking for their ideal woman. Dont ever buy into pickup artistry or the concept of being alpha or sigma male bs. It's a good way to get a sexual harassment lawsuit and a lot of it is totally delusional and lacks greater understanding of the individual's taste. Your Andrew Tate characters are practically running pyramid schemes and are calling you sheeps and morons for buying into their bs to begin with.
This chick behind the counter at the supermarket was really something else. So the exact words I said was "I don't usually talk like this, but your freckles are so beautiful" and she lit up like a christmas tree and thanked me. I was just trying to brighten her day not be creepy.

I feel really weird complimenting women these days. Anyone else feel that way too? It sucks because all these people are on the sex apps and I can't even figure out how to share a video of my dog.
This chick behind the counter at the supermarket was really something else.

When I was an apprentice I used to get the men's orders in the local cake shop. I used to pride myself remembering the orders.
I would say things like " 2 steak and kidney, 2 Cornish pasties, a sausage roll, erm, 2 custard tarts, a blackcurrant and a soup of the day unless it's oxtail, then don't bother. The old girl would serve me then say her customary reply " Many thanks "

Then one day I am running the orders through my head adding, and a bag of sugar. (for the tea)

No old girl in the shop some gorgeous girl my age. I reeled off the order then trying to recall the last item, I blurted out.

and a shag of bugger. ( true story )

PS. If you see a woman wearing a leopard skin print top or dress, it's usually because they want shagging.
I usually compliment people on their hair or their shirt but that kinda goes for both sexes. That is fairly innocuous.

Is a trad a tranny guy girl I am so out of touch?