The Ideal Woman

Or you find out one of them has a dick or something that resembles a dick or they cut off your dick or they don't like dick or...
Why is it tranny dicks are always so red? It's like they can't stop rubbing one out or something. I've seen pictures.
Oh I was not talking to you. You see I did not quote you so it was a general comment directed at this shitty thread.
I gotta click off 9 times out of 10. Just looks like dudes with no body hair and tits.
@BigBudha I know if those body builder type of women use testosterone they go flat chested and their clits are nearly as big as my dick.
Well flaccid I mean. When I bone up it's like a donkeys'

@Morgan_ This is outrageous. This must stop now. I thought this thread was about ideal women not the thing women think about up to 300 times per day.

Cock, cock , cock cock, cock. Oh I must remember to pick up teabags, cock, cock , cock, cock
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The bisexual thinks about genitals, yes.

I'm quite the opposite; I declared myself asexual ages ago. Some people would fuck anything with a pulse ( I have no problem with that).
Asexuality is the way to go. The libido is a dangerous beast that can warp rational thought.

I protest at the LGBTQ marches with my Ⓐ T shirt that has the slogan " I don't give a fuck, nor do I take one "

This led to me being attacked by a gang of transvestites but I outran them as they were slow as fuck, mincing after me in high heels.

The running left me having a coughing fit. I coughed up a good one with bits of lung and spat it out, it hit a policeman's helmet.*1

There was absolutely no need for him to have his knob out anyway as it was at least 1 mile away from the main march.

I do admit supressing libido can cause anxiety . When having the occasional wank thinking of the beauty of the planet I suffer performance anxiety this makes me abstain for an hour or 2.

*1 Bobbie's helmet is slang for bell end.
Ideal woman?

Well i say to start off i assume most of us are 3's through 6's in the looks department. If im being brutally honest i want to say, dont go after woman who are too hot. Theyre overrated as beyond fuck. i rather bang a woman who's little less than good looking because they at least makeup for lack of kinder looks with being a 10 in the personality department. Or being a 10 in the screwing department. Something that women in the upper tiers of the looks scale are far lesser scored than the others. By all means i prefer a woman who doesnt bore me and conservation feels next to endless and natural....and i dont feel like i have to compete with other men flooding her dm's because she is supermodel hot and she let that attitude get to her head. i rather her be ugly and own it and know that somebody finds her confidence attractive than for her to be the aforementioned and her be a bore and completely insecure.

And what i say applies to some dudes who behave like incels. Dude lower your standards cut the negative nancy shit out and just have confidence and be way less condescending and you will get women.