The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

A Serbian Film is pretty shitty. The actual footage is, given its genre, pretty good, but the political background of the film makes it an achievement in artistic hypocrisy that it is a shame. Granted, we are all hypocrites in our own ways, but the director of this one is a winner.
A Serbian Film is pretty shitty. The actual footage is, given its genre, pretty good, but the political background of the film makes it an achievement in artistic hypocrisy that it is a shame. Granted, we are all hypocrites in our own ways, but the director of this one is a winner.


I may have missed out here, but I saw this movie purely as - just a movie, about a guy, his wife, his son, and then things got pretty fuckin dark... :D
A Serbian Film is pretty shitty. The actual footage is, given its genre, pretty good, but the political background of the film makes it an achievement in artistic hypocrisy that it is a shame. Granted, we are all hypocrites in our own ways, but the director of this one is a winner.


I may have missed out here, but I saw this movie purely as - just a movie, about a guy, his wife, his son, and then things got pretty fuckin dark... :D

It's supposedly an allegory for the plight of Serbian people - "fucked from birth to death". Granted, people from the Balkans have got it pretty bad but that's still a weak excuse to produce a shock flick just for the sake of generating controversy, but that's how the makers chose to spin it.
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A Serbian Film is pretty shitty. The actual footage is, given its genre, pretty good, but the political background of the film makes it an achievement in artistic hypocrisy that it is a shame. Granted, we are all hypocrites in our own ways, but the director of this one is a winner.


I may have missed out here, but I saw this movie purely as - just a movie, about a guy, his wife, his son, and then things got pretty fuckin dark... :D

It's supposedly an allegory for the plight of Serbian people - "fucked from birth to death". Granted, people from the Balkans have got it pretty bad but that's still a weak excuse to produce a shock flick just for the sake of generating controversy, but that's how the makers chose to spin it.

Actually, the point of "fucked from birth to death" was okay for me - it was fitting in a certain context, but it was an weak excuse. It's also supposed to be used as an metaphor for a Serbian cinematography in general - where under-appreciated, but talented people (represented by actor) are fucked over by those in power (director), a power which could be pure monetary, political or else - therefore the basic name of the film, it is an allegory for a typical Serbian film, as well as a typical sitation in this shithole of a country.

The issue here is that the director of A Serbian Film is a dude who, during the '90s, arguably the worst period to live in Balkans, was living and studying away - in England, I believe, though I could be wrong about the exact country. In any case, he wasn't in Serbia at the time. Now, people who are slightly better informed will know that regular people in Serbia, especially in '93, barely had money for water, soap and bread (I'm not exaggerating), so how did this dude have enough money to study in other country? Easily. His dear daddy was involved with the corrupted and fucked up regime of the period and had enough financial support to fund his son's studies and dreams. Nothing wrong with supporting your own kid's education, I applaud to that, but what you have here is basically blood money...
The actual issue here is that, 15 or so years later, this guy suddenly comes back as a prophetic messiah of cinematography enlightenment, giving us an allegorical horror flick that is supposed to open eyes of each and every one of us, portraying the country whose worst years he actually hadn't seen and who has enough audacity to take up a critical stance given his background - in essence, the director is right, but it is pure hypocrisy nonetheless.

What I'm basically giving here is an ad hominem argument, but irregardless, I find this film offensive because of that. If it were titled differently and had no "look how smart we are, look our metaphor" stance to it, it would've been a cool horror film. This way, fuck it. It got people offended, sure, but in a completely wrong way.
In reality though, most people in Serbia are unaware of this film's existence, and those who are don't give a fuck about it. There are much bigger and more pressing problems which surround us everyday for us to give a shit about something as ridiculous as this.
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That's some heavy shit Atomkilla.

The only movies my country produces are entirely focused on the Para militar conflict that we have had since forever, Mafia dramas (Because we can't get enough of those aparently, then people here get mad when foreigners think everyone in Colombia is a drug smuggler) and super regionalized comedies that just recycle the same jokes and internal stereotypes since forever.
And.... this....
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I knew "Serb Movie" was some kind of symbolism for something, but then again, a lot of movies are, and I've made a habit of not bothering so much with that.
I'm sure "Human Centipede" means something too... :D
That's one I still haven't watched btw.
I went to watch Insideout, it was a pretty good movie. A real return to form for Pixar, I hope they keep the quality up.
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My curiosity has gotten the better of me and I'm watching Jurassic World in the cinema tomorrow. I hope it ends up being worth my time.
My friends said they wanted to go. . . but so far no plans have materialized. I am planning on going to Ant-man, but I'm not expecting much. Also I kind of want to go to Mad Max again but . . eh. . .
Just watched Fury, and I liked pretty much all of it, except the very end - Spoiler Achtung:
not so much disliked, but confused - why did the SS soldier let him live? They had just wiped out like a 100 of his comrades, why would an SS soldier bestow mercy on some guy when he was clearly actively looking for survivors with a flash-light?

Wouldn't it had made more sense to simply skip this detail altogether, and have the character stay hidden untill the Americans arrive?
who knows, the whole movie was a train-wreck in my opinion. They tried way to hard to portray a situation that simply doesn't reflect the situation of 1945 in Germany. Band of Brothers did a much better job here as far as that goes. And it felt a lot more believable as a whole. Thep part where they show Germany and the US Soldiers after the Americans left Belgium.
Jurassic World was shit.

What a dissappointment.

I've been a serious dino-nerd since I can remember, got a website (abandoned by now) and all, I'm not touching that movie with a ten foot pole :D
I'll watch it for morbid curiousity when it comes on TV or something, but yeah, no... I guess "Indominus rex" works on some, but yeah, out of the stupid question... :D
This one was better. Even tho it used the 1998 movie design it was about Giant Monsters fighting each other and Godzilla even had it's atomic breath.

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I snuck out to see Inside Out this afternoon. It's pretty darned good. Definitely another winner for Pixar. I'm not sure where I'd rank it among all their movies, but I liked it.

Jurassic World was shit.
I'd rather watch this than yet another Jurassic movie:

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That thing is a classic though!

Thinking about it, I should watch one of those movies again, they had such awesome and silly stop-motion technology! Particularly those movies about greek heroes, honestly I prefer those to the modern Attack of the Titans. I mean they had at least good actors ...
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That thing is a classic though!
It doesn't hurt that Sophia Loren was really hot, too. But yes, I agree. The old Ray Harryhausen motion capture monsters are just fun. They were fun to see when I was a little kid, and they're still fun when I see them today.

On a different note, William Friedkin agrees with me about superhero movies:

It's a move that's sure to upset many of you!

I've never seen Sorcerer. I'm going to keep an eye out for that one.
What a crybaby. "Superhero movies are ruining cinema" yeah, because nothing else gets made right?

Superhero flicks are their own (billion dollar) niche. When I go to a superhero movie I expect cool fights, powers, jokes, and a good villain. Nothing more. I doubt others expect more.

But I bet Marvel will make a drama like "Aunt may battles cancer" if you protest enough and convince them to be more 'artistic'.