The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

Yes, yes, I realize, but I didn't wanna grave-dig, the TV-series thread is in the Order subforum, so, this seemed as good a place as any.

but yes, she's actually beginning to remind me of Neo, and his constant disbelief at what was happening, come on, just accept it, you're neck deep in surreal shit - stop being so shocked! "No! It can't be!" *confused-keanu*
The new Terminator comes out soon.

Not going to even bother. It looks fucking horrible and Jurassic World killed whatever sense of curiosity I had about dumb Hollywood movies that are supposed to give adrenaline shots to the buried corpses of beloved franchises.
The new Terminator comes out soon.

Not going to even bother. It looks fucking horrible and Jurassic World killed whatever sense of curiosity I had about dumb Hollywood movies that are supposed to give adrenaline shots to the buried corpses of beloved franchises.

Y U No Like Soulless Sequels/Remakes?

Fun fact: The director hand waved criticism of the plot away on Terminator: Genisys.
The new Terminator comes out soon.

Not going to even bother. It looks fucking horrible and Jurassic World killed whatever sense of curiosity I had about dumb Hollywood movies that are supposed to give adrenaline shots to the buried corpses of beloved franchises.

I saw it this week, and really it was exactly the same as Jurassic World: a story that starts off good but quickly loses all structure, with action that is pretty good in itself but has zero suspense. Sure, it was much better than T3 and Salvation (and better than I expected), but it missed what made the originals great - smart plotlines and suspense. You don't need Grade-A storytelling for a good action flick but you need people to care about what's going on, otherwise what's the point?

The thing reboots like Genisys and Jurassic World miss the most is capturing the feel of the movies they're based on. It's not just about making a film with the same theme, or based on the same story: it's identifying what made them good in the first place and following that. I enjoyed both movies for what they're worth, but I wouldn't rewatch them like I'd do with well-made movies such as Jurassic Park and T2.
The new Terminator comes out soon.

Not going to even bother. It looks fucking horrible and Jurassic World killed whatever sense of curiosity I had about dumb Hollywood movies that are supposed to give adrenaline shots to the buried corpses of beloved franchises.

Y U No Like Soulless Sequels/Remakes?

Fun fact: The director hand waved criticism of the plot away on Terminator: Genisys.

"Regarding the film's premise, Ben Affleck asked director Michael Bay, "Wouldn't it be easier for NASA to train astronauts how to drill rather than training drillers to be astronauts?" Bay told Affleck to shut up."
But I bet Marvel will make a drama like "Aunt may battles cancer" if you protest enough and convince them to be more 'artistic'.
Yeah right, because that's exactly what The French Connection and The Exorcist are like, right?

It doesn't have anything to do with "artistic" or "drama." It has to do with real people doing real things instead of shallow comic book characters doing purely fantastical things. And he never said that was bad, BTW, he just said it was something he couldn't care less about.

The pulp used to be on television and the good writing was in movies; that has completely reversed. I don't think that's even arguable, obvious exceptions aside.
Are you seriously suggesting the next marvel movie can be about real people doing real things, in this or any conceivable universe?

Marvel is about spectacle, jokes, and vicarious entertainment. They couldn't art their way out of a paper bag.

And if you think tv has surpassed movies, you're watching the wrong movies.
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And if you think tv has surpassed movies, you're watching the wrong movies.

Shows like Game of Thrones and Daredevil are better due to their high budget and long form storytelling. Not necessarily better than movies, but they benefit more from numerous hours of character development as opposed to villains having 15 lines or so in an entire movie.
Well most of the Dorne plot didn't make any sense to be honest. And there was no character arch. No development really.
Well most of the Dorne plot didn't make any sense to be honest. And there was no character arch. No development really.

Because it hasn't ended yet. Dorne just started a war at the end of the last episode. I will admit some of the characters acting, the Sand Snakes in particular, was less than adequate. I think the Marcella plot line was the primary focus for that.
So I (finally) watched the first Mad Max. Nice to see some perspective relative to Fury Road. I got that feeling of a world starting to fall apart but authority and reason having not quite cracked yet, which I find a better 'break in' to the movies leading up to insane jumpy pole dancing motorbikes and worshipping the V8, shiny and chrome, assuming it does go progressively more wacky.

Otherwise... looking forward to Deadpool, and hoping they stay true to the early comics. Waiting on the next Daredevil as it's the most interesting thing Marvel's done in a while bar GOTG.
Otherwise... looking forward to Deadpool, and hoping they stay true to the early comics. Waiting on the next Daredevil as it's the most interesting thing Marvel's done in a while bar GOTG.

I wouldn't count on them staying too close to the comics, but it looks like Deadpool is in better hands now. The costume is probably the best one I have ever seen.
I'm a huge fan of the Joe Kelly run, etc, where the humour is obviously a defense mechanism rather than the abortions of Daniel Way (bar one or two godly issues). From what I understand Reynolds is a hardcore DP fan, and apparently it's going to involve Ajax, so not all is lost just yet.
I'm a huge fan of the Joe Kelly run, etc, where the humour is obviously a defense mechanism rather than the abortions of Daniel Way (bar one or two godly issues). From what I understand Reynolds is a hardcore DP fan, and apparently it's going to involve Ajax, so not all is lost just yet.

I agree. Deadpool has had a huge tonal shift over the years. Ryan Reynolds does seem to care though.
I don't know if I am looking forward to Ant Man, I never really read much about him and he seems kind of lame (even his name is lame), but knowing really nothing about him I have to ask what you guys think of it? What interesting things could be implemented into the movie from the comics and such? Other than the Avengers Assemble gif, I doubt Hawkeye will appear in this one.
I don't know if I am looking forward to Ant Man, I never really read much about him and he seems kind of lame (even his name is lame), but knowing really nothing about him I have to ask what you guys think of it? What interesting things could be implemented into the movie from the comics and such? Other than the Avengers Assemble gif, I doubt Hawkeye will appear in this one.

You came to the right place! ;)

Ant-Man might surprise a lot of people. So far it has gotten about the same reviews as other movies in Marvel Studios lineup. Critics are growing somewhat tired of the formula I fear. Fortunately Black Panther, Doctor Strange, and Captain Marvel will all be vastly different. Ant-Man has the potential to visit other sub-atomic worlds much different than our own. In the comics Hank Pym designs an Avengers Mansion using quantum physics.

"The mansion became headquarters to his team, and it seemed to go on forever. The most concerned was the Avengers' butler, Jarvis, until he found out it was self-cleaning. In addition, Pym installed an infinite number of doorways that could lead anywhere – from familiar places on Earth to the home of the Inhumans in deep space. If the mansion didn't have a door for every occasion, Pym could always create more. If anyone became lost within its confines, there was a replica of Jocasta at every mile marker to assist with directions. Once outside the mansion, the only way to get back in was with a subatomic key implanted into the palm of whichever individual Pym allowed access to his creation."

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Ant-Man can shrink much smaller than he is shown in the movie. He retains all of his strength though, so if someone was to step on him, he could throw them on their ass. He controls ants to a certain extent which may sound dumb, but it opens up a world of possibilities for the films. He is the ultimate spy really.

I'm willing to bet we will get a Wasp appearance. Falcon is in a bit role according to the trailer. Ant-Man may be taking the role of Goliath in Civil War. It should be a fun movie much like GotG was, except without the rocking soundtrack I guess. It's basically a heist movie.

I can answer any questions you have as well. The key to enjoying Ant-Man will be to expect a superhero version of Honey I Shrunk the Kids combined with Mission Impossible. I guess. Haven't seen it yet. Haha.
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