The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

I agree. Deadpool has had a huge tonal shift over the years. Ryan Reynolds does seem to care though.
Well, if you haven't already read them, his appearances in Uncanny X-Force and Thunderbolts are some of his best showings, and Posehn did some great writing in The Good The Bad The Ugly mini-run in his 2014 series.

Also, looking forward to the Luke Cage series on Netflix, while we're on Marvel. Nice to see more 'neutral' characters, as he's been a real asshole in the comics at times.
I agree. Deadpool has had a huge tonal shift over the years. Ryan Reynolds does seem to care though.
Well, if you haven't already read them, his appearances in Uncanny X-Force and Thunderbolts are some of his best showings, and Posehn did some great writing in The Good The Bad The Ugly mini-run in his 2014 series.

Also, looking forward to the Luke Cage series on Netflix, while we're on Marvel. Nice to see more 'neutral' characters, as he's been a real asshole in the comics at times.

I have and I agree on all accounts. His short stint in Thunderbolts was what made me a big fan. I bought his first appearance not too long after.
I agree. Deadpool has had a huge tonal shift over the years. Ryan Reynolds does seem to care though.
Well, if you haven't already read them, his appearances in Uncanny X-Force and Thunderbolts are some of his best showings, and Posehn did some great writing in The Good The Bad The Ugly mini-run in his 2014 series.

Don't forget Cable & Deadpool, it's one of the more entertainment series I've read. Deadpool works best when he has someone to bounce off from and Cable is perfect for that role.
The Joe Kelly and C&D omnibuses are around £50 each IIRC. I've got the former and it's totally worth it. IDK, I've been getting into Doom recently because post-Apprentice to Marquis Of Death he could probably take out Thanos.

(and speaking of which, dear god I hope the new FF is good)
Watched Collateral, with crazy ol mr Cruise. I keep coming back to it, that all his insanity aside - he delivers within the expectations of his profession. He is a good actor, and South Park says it well: He is no Dicaprio, but he is okay! Apart from offending people's intelligence with his psychology rant, and maybe harming Oprah's wrists, I don't think he has been too evil either, just cooky - an artistic mind, who is cooky, what else is new. I'm tempted to start cutting Cruise a break, just like I decided to forgive Keanu's stale ":I"-faced acting out of him being a very cool guy (he gave a major chunk of his Matrix earnings to the special effects staff)

I also watched Harry Brown, which had appearances by Walder Frey, Ser Devos and Ser Jorah Mormont
He is no Dicaprio, but he is okay!

DiCaprio falls pretty flat. . . I like Cruise much better in stuff like Vanilla Sky and Minority Report, and as you mentioned, Collateral. He can pull off the crazy well, cuz he's kinda crazy what with scientology and all.
You cray cray Akratus, Di Caprio is an amazing actor.

The two trailers for Antman I have seen are light for two different movies, first one I saw was all solemn, with dronning music and an old dude giving a speech, the second one was more focused on the one liners and it painted it more like an action comedy. Guess the second one is more fitting?

Edit: As someone who is skeptical of the new DC movies this trailer actually sold me:
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He is no Dicaprio, but he is okay!

DiCaprio falls pretty flat. . . I like Cruise much better in stuff like Vanilla Sky and Minority Report, and as you mentioned, Collateral. He can pull off the crazy well, cuz he's kinda crazy what with scientology and all.

Oddly Cruz is a very believable action hero despite being a nut and not physically imposing. Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol was great for example.
I will now sum up this last page's conversation topics in a single image.
You cray cray Akratus, Di Caprio is an amazing actor.

The two trailers for Antman I have seen are light for two different movies, first one I saw was all solemn, with dronning music and an old dude giving a speech, the second one was more focused on the one liners and it painted it more like an action comedy. Guess the second one is more fitting?

Edit: As someone who is skeptical of the new DC movies this trailer actually sold me:

The tone of Ant-Man is more comedy than drama.
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You cray cray Akratus, Di Caprio is an amazing actor.

The two trailers for Antman I have seen are light for two different movies, first one I saw was all solemn, with dronning music and an old dude giving a speech, the second one was more focused on the one liners and it painted it more like an action comedy. Guess the second one is more fitting?

Edit: As someone who is skeptical of the new DC movies this trailer actually sold me:

Man, the more I see of this movie, the more it looks like it will be the most genuine comicbook film since Watchmen. And that's coming from someone who wasn't the biggest fan of Man of Steel.
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Except Lex Luthor looks like a miscast.

Considering I'm 100% sure he's going bald in the movie (he was bald in the first official image they released months ago), I'm actually excited for Eisenberg's Lex. His delivery is spot on and I'm definitely seeing Luthor there. I think people are too attached to the Hackman/Spacey version of Luthor when the comicbook version (which is my favorite fictional character) is very close to what Jesse seems to be playing.
Except Lex Luthor looks like a miscast.

Considering I'm 100% sure he's going bald in the movie (he was bald in the first official image they released months ago), I'm actually excited for Eisenberg's Lex. His delivery is spot on and I'm definitely seeing Luthor there. I think people are too attached to the Hackman/Spacey version of Luthor when the comicbook version (which is my favorite fictional character) is very close to what Jesse seems to be playing.

Lex having hair isn't a problem. His personality doesn't fit the character in the least bit. Not from what I saw anyway, or how he acts in general.
DiCaprio is better at yelling than he is at acting in my opinion. He has some great roles, but doesn't act that well in them.

I actually Liked Man of Steel, purely as a popcorn action romp. Great action. Really liked General Zod. Looking forward to this film, but like Man of Steel, wont't see it in theaters.
Lex having hair isn't a problem. His personality doesn't fit the character in the least bit. Not from what I saw anyway, or how he acts in general.

How exactly? Maybe it doesn't fit any movie version of Lex we've seen, but it fits the Byrne/Morrison Lex Luthor perfectly. The thing is that we have to understand what exactly makes the character of Lex Luthor. I'm going to paste part of a post I've made about him somewhere else, partly because it's relevant and partly because I really love the character:

Look at him: the prime human being, a true genius with a massive appreciation for science, self-made billionaire, top physical shape. The pinnacle of everything manking can achieve. The moral and ethical superman who will not be chained by anything other than his will and his ambition.

Then comes this benevolent alien who comes to act as humanity's babysitter, taking the title that should be rightfully his. And then Lex starts to obssess over him. He believes Superman is hindering humanity's real potential. He's also jealous at Superman for being far more successful and recognized with much less effort. He dedicates his life to defeating him, not realizing how much good he could do if he put his intellect towards something else. And that is Luthor's downfall. By all rights, he could propel humanity to immeasurable lengths, but instead he's a megalomaniac. He projects his own personality on Superman and thinks that Superman views himself as superior to others because of his powers just like Luthor does.

This is why he hates Superman. Kal-El's presence makes Luthor simply a normal man. Luthor's propaganda that Superman's presence spells the end to human ingenuity and attainment is really his own insecurity that he is no longer the best person on earth because Superman exists.


I find one of the most defining moments of the character is, appropriately, in the best Superman story told so far: Grant Morrison's All-Star Superman, specifically, issue five: The Gospel According To Lex Luthor. This issue is notable for not featuring Superman at all, which turns him into more of an idea than an individual. More importantly, it focuses on Lex’s point of view, an entirely different notion of the Man of Tomorrow and the entire motivation of Luthor as an antagonist.

Luthor raises the question of what the world would be like without Superman. We’ve already seen how Superman has inspired people to be better, in all aspects of life. For them, Superman is a model to aspire to. In Luthor, we see the opposite of that: what would happen if a man could dedicate his entire life to be the best, both physically and mentally, but still be unable to match up to Superman. That would be incredibly frustrating, and this issue does a good job of conveying that. He uses Clark Kent himself as an example, saying he would never have Lois as long as Supes is around. How would the rest of humanity even begin to compete with Superman?


This is a short, but fantastic speech, because it summarizes the entire conflict between the two characters. Lex can’t handle the competition. It’s a distinctly human motivation, this inability to accept that someone better than you is out there. This is why Luthor is the greatest Superman villain, despite being a lesser threat in comparison to the likes of Darkseid and Brainiac: he is the perfect foil to the hero. He exists only to defeat him. He's completely capable of being the greatest man to have ever lived, if he stopped focusing so much on being the hero that never was.

Lex Luthor doesn't need to be strong, or talk tough, or look like your traditional definition of a powerful villain. What makes him is his intellect, his intentions, his ideology. Jesse Eisenberg, from the little we've seen, has managed to capture the elegance and superiority that Lex requires. Not only that but he is a talented actor who will, without a doubt, bring us the serious Luthor portrayal we have been waiting for.


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You cray cray Akratus, Di Caprio is an amazing actor.

The two trailers for Antman I have seen are light for two different movies, first one I saw was all solemn, with dronning music and an old dude giving a speech, the second one was more focused on the one liners and it painted it more like an action comedy. Guess the second one is more fitting?

Edit: As someone who is skeptical of the new DC movies this trailer actually sold me:

The tone of Ant-Man is more comedy than drama.

I mean, c'mon. The guy's mostly known for spousal abuse, obviously it's going to be comedy gold.
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Let's be honest, if CIS wasn't involved, Superman would punch Batman so hard he would shit his brains out through his eyes.