The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

Damn, hadn't really considered Luthor all that compelling of a villain until I read this. That makes me like him MUCH more, now! As far as DC goes, I always liked Batman's rogues gallery, but never really cared for Superman's because..... well, because of Superman. Didn't care for the hero as much as others, so I didn't pay his setting nearly as much attention as others.

Really cool character synopsis. Now I, too, am looking forward to his depiction in the upcoming movie. =D
You cray cray Akratus, Di Caprio is an amazing actor.

The two trailers for Antman I have seen are light for two different movies, first one I saw was all solemn, with dronning music and an old dude giving a speech, the second one was more focused on the one liners and it painted it more like an action comedy. Guess the second one is more fitting?

Edit: As someone who is skeptical of the new DC movies this trailer actually sold me:

The tone of Ant-Man is more comedy than drama.

I mean, c'mon. The guy's mostly known for spousal abuse, obviously it's going to be comedy gold.

Well, Scott Lang rather than Pym is going to be Ant-Man, aside from the possible flashbacks, but true enough anyway.
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The trailer for Bats vs Supes looks like a superhero story that is taking itself seriously, not a superhero story that is trying waaaaaay too hard to not be one for some shallow sense of being "deep" like Nolan's Swatman movies were. I am actuqally kind of hyped for this one. Batman even looks like he is crazy and obssesed, the Joker has already killed Jason Todd so it's also not gonna go through the motions of an origin story, this looks like it could blow Marvel's movies out of the water.

Suicide Squad still looks like crap, tho.
The trailer for Bats vs Supes looks like a superhero story that is taking itself seriously, not a superhero story that is trying waaaaaay too hard to not be one for some shallow sense of being "deep" like Nolan's Swatman movies were. I am actuqally kind of hyped for this one. Batman even looks like he is crazy and obssesed, the Joker has already killed Jason Todd so it's also not gonna go through the motions of an origin story, this looks like it could blow Marvel's movies out of the water.

Suicide Squad still looks like crap, tho.

Suicide Squad has potential, but it didn't blow me away or anything. Batman might make it more interesting depending on how much he is in it.
Will Smith will be there. Of course it looks like shit. I am surprised his son hasn't a role as well. Like as a henchman of the Joker.
Will Smith will be there. Of course it looks like shit. I am surprised his son hasn't a role as well. Like as a henchman of the Joker.

*shrug* Will Smith can do good movies. He just doesn't do them consistently. He will bring butts to sit in the seats.
Man that Justice League Gods and Monsters movie was terrible.... Pretty bland story, mostly focused on showing how "edgy" they were by breakign necks and putting nipples on everything.... They couldn't even get an actor who knows how to speak spanish for their Mexican Superman dude..... How hard can it be to get a bilingual Mexican voice actor? Aren't people always complaining about them stealing jobs?
can someone explain to me what the buggering fuck is going on in Beyond Thunderdome jfc this film i feel slightly depressed now
I think he was making a joke. I know he is always so damn serious, but that seemed like a joke. :lol:
Still racist!

In any case, I think Bruce Timm doesn't benefit from beng let go wild, that movie felt like a teenager's fanfic. Batman is even a Vampire with long hair, and Wonder Woman is always horny.
There's like 5 million American Norwegians, I bet we could muster up at least 5 of them with the prowess to learn a new language (take THAT Americans! In your FACE!) and still they keep casting Americans for Norwegian roles, in eeeeevery siiiiiingle roooooole where the character was supposed to be Norwegian - in all of American movie history! 3 or so. Take THAT Norwegians! HAHAHA


You know, the only ones who bully us or are racist towards us, in any way, are the Swedes, and it kindov feels a bit stale by now, like "okay, cool it Sven, it's been like 500 years now, and you guys owned us as your bitch, all we did was make "swedish blonde" jokes, and you bring shit up like "we should rule you guys again lol" its not funny >:'I"

sometimes I wish a Canadian or Mexican or Botswanan would make a joke about Norwegians

but it's almost like we don't even exist :'(
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sometimes I wish a Canadian or Mexican or Botswanan would make a joke about Norwegians

but it's almost like we don't even exist :'(
That's because Norwegians are some of the most boring people on earth. They sit around on their North Sea oil money eating waffles and sardines and drinkinng aquavit. Norway hasn't been the same since Christianity cut its testicles off and put a stop to all the raiding and pillaging.

I don't know whether you're aware of this or not:

Most of the Norwegians who come to the U.S. don't understand it, and have to have it explained. Even then they often don't understand it.
I think he was making a joke. I know he is always so damn serious, but that seemed like a joke. :lol:
Yes, I THOUGHT the fact that it was an in-your-face-obvious joke was... well, obvious! XD

But I like making "racist" jokes from time to time. Oh no, NOT "Mexicans are landscapers" racist. I mean "you can't say that, that's racist!" racist.

For example:
Someone talking to me about their day, they say they sprained their ankle. I ask them how that happened. They tell me about how they did this or that, and they tripped when their shoe broke. I say, "That's racist!"

I delight in poking fun at how people completely misconstrue the meaning of the term all the time by taking it to its extreme such that you can't even REMOTELY recognize the association anymore. That's hilarity gold, to me. =)
I am not even Mexican. So I was mostly just playing it up. With a friend we were actually making more offensive jokes about Superhombre (specially his badly pronounced spanish).
sometimes I wish a Canadian or Mexican or Botswanan would make a joke about Norwegians

but it's almost like we don't even exist :'(
That's because Norwegians are some of the most boring people on earth. They sit around on their North Sea oil money eating waffles and sardines and drinkinng aquavit. Norway hasn't been the same since Christianity cut its testicles off and put a stop to all the raiding and pillaging.

I don't know whether you're aware of this or not:

Most of the Norwegians who come to the U.S. don't understand it, and have to have it explained. Even then they often don't understand it.

I asked on my FB for people to please throw insults at Norway, and obviously, little-to-no participation, best one so far was that our service industry sucks because we suck at being social and open. Us being boring, that is another very good one! We are boring!

And we love winning gold medals in skiing, we're like "in your face, everyone else who tried to compete! What's wrong, you got no snow where you live?" 87% of the world goes "no, we actually don't. Why don't you try winning something that doesn't involve snow?"
"or sailing."