The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

Anyone watched the last (2013) Hard to Be a God adaptation, guys? How it turned out?
I've read the original Russian novel from brothers Strugacki and watched French/German/Russian movie Es ist nicht leicht ein Gott zu sein (1989); both great.

Anyone watched the last (2013) Hard to Be a God adaptation, guys? How it turned out?
Never heard of that before, but I'll keep an eye out for it. Thanks.


I re-watched Prometheus the other night (well, as much of it as I could stand). It's worse the second time. Actually I think my original impressions of it were correct, but I'm more strident now about what I liked and what I disliked.

I hate all the so-called "scientists" and the whole setup of the mission with layer upon layer of double crosses and hidden agendas. Obviously the double cross is an integral part of the plot of the first two movies, but then why do we have to see it again in the third? Doesn't anyone ever go on a mission where nobody gets double crossed? And of course the scientists all behave like petulant teenagers without a speck of professionalism or even common sense.

If you think of Prometheus in relation to At the Mountains of Madness, you'll notice that nobody gets double-crossed in Lovecraft's story, and nobody panics or acts like an spoiled child, and the story is better and more frightening for it.

Although the movie looks great, I was also struck by how bad the old guy at the end looks. He doesn't look like an old sick guy. He looks like a much younger guy with an "old guy" mask on his head. When everything else looks so good, the poor quality really stands out.

There's more I could say (Why are there holograms inside the facility? Why do the guys depicted in the holograms run into the room where they keep all the toxic alien stuff?) but it's really not worth the time.


I don't know whether any of you took my advice from the books thread and read the novel Ready Player One by Ernest Cline, but it's being made into a movie. Unfortunately Peter Jackson's being mentioned as a potential director and I won't go see it if he does it. Apparently Nolan might do it. Not my first choice obviously, but not nearly as bad as Jackson. It's a story Nolan could do well with, actually. The potential is there:
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I absolutely hated the first 15 minutes or so of prometheus. It starts out with an ancient aliens creating the human race implication, and that whole concept/show is the most mind numbing trite ever. Then the female scientist starts talking in the most unscientific way possible, i.e. "why do you believe that?" "because it's what I choose to believe." Really lady? No scientific method there? No evidence-based belief system? Well let's all follow you across the galaxy then, ok.

Anywho after the first face-palming 15 minutes I found the rest of the movie quite enjoyable, maybe because I had lowered expectations. People like to criticize the ending where the spaceship is falling and theron runs away from it instead of to the side, but I think that's a pretty natural reaction.
I absolutely hated the first 15 minutes or so of prometheus. It starts out with an ancient aliens creating the human race implication, and that whole concept/show is the most mind numbing trite ever. Then the female scientist starts talking in the most unscientific way possible, i.e. "why do you believe that?" "because it's what I choose to believe." Really lady? No scientific method there? No evidence-based belief system? Well let's all follow you across the galaxy then, ok.

Anywho after the first face-palming 15 minutes I found the rest of the movie quite enjoyable, maybe because I had lowered expectations. People like to criticize the ending where the spaceship is falling and theron runs away from it instead of to the side, but I think that's a pretty natural reaction.

The problem with that introduction is they basically just revealed the entire mystery at the beginning of the movie. All you'd have to do is watch the first twenty and you've pretty much watched the entire film.
I'm actually pretty stoked for the sequel. Ridley says its about her travels to the alien engineer planet to ask them why they did whatever, which is actually a much more interesting concept to me than the first film's.
All the characters in Prometheus were either flat as cardboard cut outs or complete imbeciles (sometimes both) Except Theron's character, and that one was the designated "bitch" character that you were supposed to hate. The whole "Jesus was an alien" thing made me face palm so hard, I mean if you are trying to be pretentious at least try to do something interesting.... In the end it was nothing more than a pretty trite slasher flick with a shiny coat of paint and a completely unneeded "twist" linking it to a much better movie.
Except Theron's character, and that one was the designated "bitch" character that you were supposed to hate.



Honestly though there is something about futuristic movies and flat acting performances. I'm not sure what it is, the actors or directors think that everyone in the future lacks emotion or something.
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Theron's character should've been the protagonist, a smart person that takes their job as scientists and space foragers seriously that ends up double crossed by her father, and having to lead an expedition with a bunch of scientists acting like dumb teenagers and a robot doing random shit for the lulz, while the creepy pilot hits on you and makes inappropriate comments, man I wanted to see her succeed, but she is crushed by a space ship.
All the characters in Prometheus were either flat as cardboard cut outs or complete imbeciles (sometimes both) ..
That's my biggest complaint too, considering that the Prometheus is supposed to be a scientific vessel carrying team of carefuly chosen experts from various science fields. There's a lot of funny or illogical shit in this movie anyway. For instance, I was wondering how could that alien octopussy trapped in autodoc grow so fast without any food; in a span of few hours there's huge organism grown up from a thin air.
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Yeah but come on, that's what the original chestburster does too.

You could always assume that the Chestburster found some food on the Nostromo. I mean, after it has grown inside of Kane, it escaped in to the ship. And it took them probably a few hours to prepare before they started their search for the creature, the Squid inside the autodoc? Well can't say that I liked the design/idea of it anyway, prometheus is a pretty stupid movie in my opinion.

It is interesting that one of the books based on the movie Alien script mentions a scene I think (can't remember it anymore) where they find a chamber on the Nostromo with looted boxes where they keep dry food or something. The Xenomorph in Alien seems to have a very fast metabolism, which would explain the growth. Scott mentioned in some interview I think that the Xenomorph was already dieing because it was near the end of its life cycle or something when it entered the rescuepod. I guess the idea is that they have very short lives.
So what do you guys think about this review of the film?

You gotta hand it to her, she tried to like the film based on ideas that never ever made it INTO the film. That's dedication. Misguided maybe? But she certainly went above and beyond to be "fair" to a shitty movie.

Personally, all it takes for me to not really like a film is crap acting, and as mentioned above, they just seemed to assume that a few hundred years into the future, human being biology has treated emotion like a vestigial element.
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Because it's not long... I don't understand people complaining of "tldr" and bitching about "walls of text" and I likewise don't understand people complaining about stuff under and hour being "long". It just isn't, to me. I didn't understand if you were accusing me of posting a video I didn't bother to watch, at first, because it never occurred to me that the video could be long was your reason for asking that question. It just doesn't. Thus, quotes.