The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

I am not sure, I think they have a shitty cast. Of course I am only going here by the looks. But Daenerys Targaryen? Terminator Queen or Mother of Machines just doesnt sound right. And the guy playing Kyle Reese? Urgh. I really like her performance in the TV show. But I just cant see her in the role of Sarah Connor. Because yeah, the original actor was already doing the perfect performance, and I am glad they decided to left her out in T3. It made the movie better.

What really hits me though, and I am serious about that, is this super clean look. They all dont look like resistance fighters or warriors, they look like super stylish models. Is Terminator 5 some (post-)apocalyptic movie about machines killing humanity? or is it actually an advertising campaign for which american actor can hit the gym the hardest?

Seriously. Does someone still remember this guy?

Or this one?

And now they have been all replaced by those ...


*May god have mercy with us.

I admit, the trailer doesnt look as bland like those photos and I am pretty sure some marketing guy might have lost his head because he chose them. But still, the trailer doesnt really feel that much better.

*I am a bit overly dramatic here. Dont take it too serious. But com on, the pictures look shit :p

Entertainment Weekly always has shit covers.
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Terminator GenSys looks hilariously shit.

Its ascended beyond "soulless calculated cash-in sequel" and reached "Oh God this is so bad it's funny" tier.

Also, Matt Smith should have stayed with a stable career in British Television like David Tennant did after Doctor Who, he isn't really cut for the big Hollywood scene.
So obviously my criticism of Chris Nolan is pretty harsh. I'll give him credit for this, though: at least Interstellar and Inception weren't franchise-milking garbage. That's one of the main reasons I was willing to see them in a theater.

I'm boycotting all franchise movies from now on. Just decided that while writing this post.
So obviously my criticism of Chris Nolan is pretty harsh. I'll give him credit for this, though: at least Interstellar and Inception weren't franchise-milking garbage. That's one of the main reasons I was willing to see them in a theater.

I'm boycotting all franchise movies from now on. Just decided that while writing this post.

You might have a problem finding movies to watch during the summer...
So I went to watch book of Life hearing a lot of good things about it, visuals aside (which were very very good) the movie was very annoying to watch, not only was it perdictable, but also corny as all shit.
Book of Life, the new animated movie from Guillermo del Toro, I am a big fan of his but this one was on the level of annoyance as a typical Dreamworks movie.
Loved Del Toro's image of Hell Boy and how he brought it to the theaters. It's a shame they don't plan on making any more, and an even bigger shame the second one received so little attention.
Even though I think the comics are far superior, the Hellboy movies have a nice charm of their own. I especially love the practical rubber monsters. Never enough of those.
That's what makes Hellboy so awesome. It doesnt feel like a CGI fest. It is sad that there is no real chance for Hellboy 3. It feels like it all simply died to soon, like there is no closure which would have been the third movie eventually. The end of Hellboy 2 simply looks like this is actually where everything awesome is just about to start.
So apparently the director of Book of Life is full on from Mexico, like born and raised there, so it really baffles me how much that movie feels like Mucha Lucha or any other cultural appropiation movie, maybe he thought he needed to make it that way to get American audiences?
You wanna talk about Del Toro's awesome works, how about El Orfanato (The Orphanage)? Like Pan's Labyrinth, it's got no shortage of spooky mysticism and supernatural mixed in with very grounded elements in a realistic setting, and it's left ambiguous as to whether it's all real or if it was just hallucination/imagination. Also like Labyrinth, depending on your interpretation, it's either a tragedy, EXTREMELY depressing, or ends on a kinda sweet note of some sort. =)

It's another one of those films that makes me wonder if I'm just out to punish myself sometimes. Cause it's bad enough my depression gets exacerbated here and there by events in my own life, but for some of the stories I thoroughly enjoy to also thrive on prodding emotional sensitivities, yet I keep coming back for more... it's almost as if I'm an emotional-masochist! *_* But uh, anyway, yeah, REALLY good movie! <.< >.> <.<
Reminds me of how utterly enenjoyable I found Pacific Rim to be. No neat story, none of the Del Toro charm. If only he could get 'At The Mountains of Madness' made. . .
You wanna talk about Del Toro's awesome works, how about El Orfanato (The Orphanage)? Like Pan's Labyrinth, it's got no shortage of spooky mysticism and supernatural mixed in with very grounded elements in a realistic setting, and it's left ambiguous as to whether it's all real or if it was just hallucination/imagination. Also like Labyrinth, depending on your interpretation, it's either a tragedy, EXTREMELY depressing, or ends on a kinda sweet note of some sort. =)

It's another one of those films that makes me wonder if I'm just out to punish myself sometimes. Cause it's bad enough my depression gets exacerbated here and there by events in my own life, but for some of the stories I thoroughly enjoy to also thrive on prodding emotional sensitivities, yet I keep coming back for more... it's almost as if I'm an emotional-masochist! *_* But uh, anyway, yeah, REALLY good movie! <.< >.> <.<

I randomly cought El Espinazo del Diablo by Del Toro, it was shown on tv.
I'm not sure if I've seen El Orfanato, it seems kindov familiar, but I might be remembering wrong. Seems like Hollywood liked it so much they're gonna de-associate the movie from Mexico, and re-associate it with Hollywood, and basically change what they liked into something they know will probably come under fire, as most of their "remakes" do. Such artistic responsability they take!
I'm boycotting all franchise movies from now on. Just decided that while writing this post.

You might have a problem finding movies to watch during the summer...
I'll have a hard time finding big budget action movies to watch, yes, but it's no real loss. There are heaps of good movies from the past 100 years I haven't seen at all yet, and quite a few I wouldn't mind seeing again over watching more formula franchise rubbish. Besides, there's often a Fincher movie or a Coen brothers movie or a Wes Anderson movie to see.

I've seen both the Hellboy movies, and I kind of liked them, or at least there are parts of them I enjoyed a lot. I like the second movie better overall, but I really dig the monsters at the end of the first one. In the second one there's a fight with a giant plant monster which I think is excellent, and I love the Angel of Death character, even though his (its?) role is quite small.

Del Toro does seem like a good match with Lovecraft's material. No one else has managed to do it justice as far as I know.
Don't get me wrong. But this trailer feels more like they made a movie about Rage, rather then Mad Max, let us hope it doesnt follow the same story approach like Rage (Rage story is shit, very shit). But I am sure, if anything, it will be visualy awesome.
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I wasn't too sold on a couple of the special effects, namely dust storm looked a little too cgi-ey to me, but the rest of it looked awesome stylistically. am hoping it's a solid popcorn flick.