The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

I'm actually pretty stoked for the sequel. Ridley says its about her travels to the alien engineer planet to ask them why they did whatever, which is actually a much more interesting concept to me than the first film's.

But when you think about it, just as stupid. You have discovered a race of space aliens which created humanity (apparently), just to discover that they also decided at some point to kill every human beeing, let's say because we offended them, I guess if you would ask them they might tell you, because we can or something like that, would not surprise me. They re also technologically a lot more advanced and somewhat malintent for what ever reason. And it seems they forgot about humanity at least for a very long time, as far as our definition of time goes. And now you want to fly to their home planet, knock on their door and ask "whhhhyyyyyy?" - puppie face included, instead of using their ship, flying back home, warning everyone? And THEN you could still fly to their home planet, to ask them and bomb them with the technology you discovered on their ship or what ever.

Though if that is really more or less the plot than It's already pretty clear that she will either not find them, or something else is bound happen. Otherwise, the Alien films could not exist in that universe if she's finding the Engineers/Space Jockes and they decide to continue with their plan of destroying humanity - now I understand why Alec loves them so much. And they also get never mentioned again after Prometheus, no one has any informations about them or knows about them in any of the Alien movies. So they must have either dissapeared or decided to remain silent.
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maybe, still, I am curious how Scott will solve that issue. Like I said, something has to happen with the engineers. I just hope it will not be some kind of "I sacrifice my self for humanity and it changes their opinions about us" plot. That fitts to a movie like the Abyss, which is a pretty good movie in my opinion. But the Alien universe? I don't know. Looking at the Alien movies, sure Ripley and the others wanted to protect earth from the Xenomorphs, no doubts about that, but they didn't just throw their lives away. It was really more about just surviving!
All the characters in Prometheus were either flat as cardboard cut outs or complete imbeciles (sometimes both) Except Theron's character, and that one was the designated "bitch" character that you were supposed to hate.
Yeah, Theron's character is really wasted, as is Idris Elba's character. If I were rewriting the story of Prometheus I'd marginalize everyone else and make those two the focus.

Saw a great Hitchcock movie yesterday afternoon called Marnie from 1964. Really blew me away actually because it seems so far ahead of its time.
I watched Interstellar yesterday, now that is a good movie. The part with the tesseract was specially cool.
So first Sony pulled the theatrical release of "the interview" after several movie chains pulled out on showing the film, despite the US govt. saying there was no credible terrorist threat. Now they are saying they aren't even planning a VOD release. At first I could sort of understand where sony was coming from, but now this is making me want to boycott their products. Fuck this cowtowing to terrorists.

Bums me out even more thinking how happy this must make ol' Chubs in NK.
Most pirated movie of 2014 confirmed.

Anyway, I saw 'the maze runner' recently. What a waste of time.
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Watched Starsky & Hutch with Wilson and Stiller. It was okay, good for a couple of laughs. The first car scene was hilarious. Will Ferrell has a cameo in it, which is pretty funny. I also watched The Heartbreak Kid with Stiller, a romantic comedy. It was better than S&H, but there was less opportunity to laugh. That is, until the very ending, 'cause that was just brilliant.

Is that a giggity or did you genuinely not wish to relive that moment from the film she was poking fun at? XD

I would say both. Is that okay with you? :grin:
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Just watched Knights of Badassdom. Fucking amazing movie, especially near the end. It's mostly nerd humor, but it worked pretty well. Not a lot of laugh-out-loud moments, but it flowed nicely, kept my interest, and threw in some really nice twists. I'd give it a look-see if y'all haven't yet.
What does everyone here think to be the ultimate (Or at least your favorite) Christmas film?

For me, I've got to say The Snowman (1982) is the essential winter film that really gets me into the nostalgic, Christmas mood.

I'm not even sure if it's a good film or not, I'm too blinded by tidal waves of Nostalgia and Christmas spirit to ever look at it in a critical light.

Edit: Just discovered the entire film is on YouTube! Wondeful!

It's much shorter than I remember.
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What does everyone here think to be the ultimate (Or at least your favorite) Christmas film?

A Christmas Story is probably my favourite:


But It's a Wonderful Life is pretty much perfect as well:

Can't tell if you're joking about it's a wonderful life. Christmas story was at least tolerable but that film...
Christmas movies have much to do with nostalgia. I might just as well recommend Flåklypa Grand Prix, or "Pinchcliffe Grand Prix" as it is known in English, but I don't know how the English dub is like. Norwegian movies, especially animations, have a tendency of being poorly dubbed, mostly due to a bunch of in-jokes that don't really translate.

However, the movie has amazing animation, some of which has been of inspiration for Star Wars special effects even.