eaten by a grue.
If you guys like Nicholson you can't go wrong watching Five Easy Pieces from 1970. It's a straight-up drama, but it's damn good. Early on there's a scene in a diner that's legendary.
TorontRayne said:So I watched Ted and the Totall Recall remake. Both were pretty entertaining. Ted basically felt like a live action Family Guy episode, which can be good or bad depending on the person. Total Recall was one of the better remakes in recent memory, but I'm not sure if it topped the original. I kinda expected to see a certain mutant psychic, but I was disappointed a little. Both movies are worth watching I suppose.
TorontRayne said:So I watched Ted and the Totall Recall remake. Both were pretty entertaining. Ted basically felt like a live action Family Guy episode, which can be good or bad depending on the person. Total Recall was one of the better remakes in recent memory, but I'm not sure if it topped the original. I kinda expected to see a certain mutant psychic, but I was disappointed a little. Both movies are worth watching I suppose.
zegh8578 said:TorontRayne said:BFox17 said:Last movie I watched was Tim Burton's Batman from 1989. Except I've already seen that a while ago though (I bought it on DVD). Last new movie I watched was The Matrix Revolutions. It was well, sorta' average. Quite anti-climatic. And I still don't understand the ending of it.
You are telling me the last new movie you watched was that piece of shit? Do you dislike movies or something? Cmon dude. Don't treat yourself like that. You deserve better.
I never liked the "realistic" approach of the new Batman movies. He's "Batman", he can't be "realistic" :I
Plus, it's Jack Nicholson! Jack Nicholson!
He's the Joker without even trying!
Jack Nicholson!
Stanislao Moulinsky said:Pffft. The 1966 movie is superior to both.
I agree. And Adam West is kind of flabby and out of shape, at least by today's standards.zegh8578 said:I haven't seen that movie, but the series was awesome.
maximaz said:As far as animation, Under the Red Hood is my favorite by far. I was blown the fuck away. It's close to Batman Begins in tone but a little more fun.
Walpknut said:Hi spambot.
I went to watch the last Twilight movie to vent off some steam after that excruciating finals week. The movie is hillariously incompetent on every aspect, the cgi has no weight, the special effects are laughable, and the last action scene, while good turns out into a cop out.
I expected Michael Sheen to be a lot more in the movie after I watched Spoony's Vlog, but he was barely on it. Still he seemed to be having a blast making fun of the movie he was in.
BFox17 said:I liked Nolan's Batman movies (I've seen Batman Begins, The Dark Knight but not The Dark Knight Rises), but I never felt that they deserved all the hype and huge acclaim they received. Especially The Dark Knight, which was highly publicized after Ledger's death.
Many critics loved Nolan's Batman's because of how they put a more serious spin on the story. But to be honest, at the end of the day it's still just a man who dresses up as a bat and punches bad guys in the face.